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    Whoopi & Joy Walk Out on O'Reilly

    October 14th, 2010

    O'Reilly visits 'The View' and two hosts walk off
    “The View” has turned into quite the drama fest over the years, and Thursday’s show was no different.

    The fuss this time surrounded Fox News personality Bill O'Reilly, who appeared on “The View” to talk about politics and his new book "Pinheads and Patriots.”

    Before the guest segment was over, O'Reilly himself was called a pinhead by one of the hosts.

    His appearance started out reasonably enough, discussing the upcoming elections. O'Reilly didn't make predictions, but called the vote a referendum on President Obama. A bit later he brought up the proposed Islamic center in New York, which is set to be built close to ground zero.

    O’Reilly referred to it as a mosque and said it's inappropriate to build it there. He then added that the President's stance on the developer's right to build it and his decision not to comment on the wisdom of building it is part of the reason for what he calls a gulf between Obama and the American people.

    Whoopi Goldberg asked why it would be inappropriate to build the center near ground zero, to which O'Reilly responded, "Muslims killed us on 9/11." Whoopi then lost it, and I don't know exactly what she said, because the sound dropped out a couple of times. I think it’s a safe bet that ABC's producers or censors thought what she said wasn't appropriate for a morning talk show.

    Joy Behar called O’Reilly’s assertion BS and said she didn't want to sit there anymore, and then she and Whoopi walked off the set.
    After Behar and Goldberg made their exit, Barbara Walters disagreed with their actions, saying they should be able to discuss things without walking away, but added that O'Reilly can't demean a whole religion based on the actions of extremists.

    First he said he wasn't demeaning anyone, but then apologized "if anybody felt I was demeaning Muslims,” and Joy and Whoopi came back after that. At the commercial break, Barbara said they'd come back and discuss his book "Pinheads and Patriots" adding that it was tough to see which term was applicable to O’Reilly.

    Later, Sherri Shepherd said O"Reilly was being a pinhead” because she believes he knew what he was saying when he commented that "Muslims killed us," without noting the attackers were extremists.

    What do you think? Did the ladies overreact, or was Bill O'Reilly wrong in not talking about Muslim extremists?

  2. #2
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    I just read about this on CNN. I would have grilled O'Reilly on such a comment.

    I hear those boneheaded comments all the time and I do not back away from those people.

  3. #3
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    Yes they overeactted,as a talk show host you have to be prepared in this day and age for anything a guest might say,yes this guy o'reilly is a jerk but they knew that going in so why be surprised at his comments.

  4. #4
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    I don't know a lot about The View other than I've seen it maybe 5 times. I sometimes wonder though if Barbara Walters extensive experience doesn't show through and if she really isn't in a class quite far beyond the others.

    I'm sure that I would like to plow people like Bill O'Reilly in the head and walk out but that is pretty much playing into his hands. I can see Whoopi doing it because she is an actress as opposed to a journalist and I think Whoopi carries most of feelings on her sleeve and says what she wants. But I'm a little surprised at Joy; she has her own show and her career has been as a journalist and this was a little over the top.

  5. #5
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    Exactly, Rob. Those to walking out only makes O'Reilly look better because they didn't call him out. Sure, they all talked all over each other, but if they would have gotten him to talk in peace, he would have buried himself even more and his detractors could have used it against not only him, but the other ignorant bigots.

  6. #6
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    Oh he is a jerk. He lives here on Long Island. The should have kicked his ass right there on national tv!

  7. #7
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    They missed a golden opportunity to kill every one of his talking points in a calm, rational manner. Oh well, they may never get another chance. Although O'Reilly has been on the show several times before, that may have been his last. You know how conservatives are, they get scared of talking to "non-friendlies" because they know that will be challenged.

  8. #8
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    Conservatives and Liberals really have lot in common. They're both narrow-minded.

  9. #9
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    I haven't yet met a liberal who I thought was narrow minded!

    But that just tells you more about me!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Conservatives and Liberals really have lot in common. They're both narrow-minded.
    I stoingly disagree. Conservatives tend to be christians, and many christians are some of the most closed-minded, judgmental people in the world. Conservatives also tend to be very insensitive to others, and most of them are bullies.

  11. #11
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    Why would a liberal admit they are narrow-minded? Why would a conservative admit they are narrow-minded? Why would someone want to admit they are narrow-minded? They won't. I can plainly see it from the outside looking in. Two of my uncles are very liberal and they are so closed-minded to anything that isn't in the liberal agenda. My grandfather on the other hand was very conservative and he wouldn't accept anything that fell outside of the conservative ideology. They wouldn't admit they were narrow-minded. They both would say they were the open-minded ones. I see it also on television, in the newspapers. Both sides refuse to accept or like any idea from the other side, even if it is a good one.

    Being a Christian, I have to disagree that most Christians are closed-minded and bullies. The ones who appear like that are the extreme right nutjobs like Sarah Palin and that witch from Delaware. They don't represent the Christians I know, including me. Roughly 8 years ago, my sister announced she is a lesbian to my family and friends. For my mom, it was the most difficult but she has accepted my sister for who she is and has loved her no less. She has always been there for my sister when my sister faced some hard times in her life. For my mom being a devout Christian, she has done nothing but everything in love for my sister and my sister's partner. That speaks volumes. That is a true Christian and she represents the Christians I know.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradsupremes View Post
    Conservatives and Liberals really have lot in common. They're both narrow-minded.
    One of the most truthful things ever posted on here.

    I laugh when I see liberals make sweeping accusations of all conservatives as racists or "bullies" and then charging true independents as being "closet conservatives".
    So "open minded"...

    You really have to look no further than this forum to see that hardcore libs and reps are cut from the same cloth. Lots of hatred and vitriol for whatever it is that they have been instructed to oppose. God forbid that they should think for themselves.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    One of the most truthful things ever posted on here.

    I laugh when I see liberals make sweeping accusations of all conservatives as racists or "bullies" and then charging true independents as being "closet conservatives".
    So "open minded"...

    You really have to look no further than this forum to see that hardcore libs and reps are cut from the same cloth. Lots of hatred and vitriol for whatever it is that they have been instructed to oppose. God forbid that they should think for themselves.

    I agree that conservatives and progressives can certainly be narrowminded depending on the person....but in no way do I think they are cut from the same cloth. If you look at how the progressives have relented and watered down some very important policies just to make nice-nice with the obstructive and obstreperous conservatives, you can see which party is more narrowminded and obstinant. But I wish the Dems had been more like the conservatives in that way...not philosophically, to be sure.
    Conservatives are duplicitous....they profess to be for less government...but they certainly want to control the economy,
    the military, women's right to choice, and what people do in their bed rooms. THAT doesn't sound like "less government" to me.

  14. #14
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    Show me where progressives are narrow-minded, and show me where conservatives aren't.

  15. #15
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    Good post John.

    The one other thing that conservatives most definitely want their government involved in is reducing services to the "average joe masses" and placing that money squarely in the pockets of the Conservatives, specifically wealthier conservatives. The also want their government to deliver military contracts to the companies they run.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    I don't know a lot about The View other than I've seen it maybe 5 times. I sometimes wonder though if Barbara Walters extensive experience doesn't show through and if she really isn't in a class quite far beyond the others.

    I'm sure that I would like to plow people like Bill O'Reilly in the head and walk out but that is pretty much playing into his hands. I can see Whoopi doing it because she is an actress as opposed to a journalist and I think Whoopi carries most of feelings on her sleeve and says what she wants. But I'm a little surprised at Joy; she has her own show and her career has been as a journalist and this was a little over the top.
    Rob... you seem to plead ignorance on many things, what DO you watch?

  17. #17
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    I thought Whoopi and Joy backed up their beliefs with action. O'Reilley put down an entire group of people--talk about narrow minded!! They got everyone focused. Shouldnt the discussion be why they walked out and NOT that they walked out. Geez tons of people have walked off sets. O'Reilley blamed all Moslems for 9/11.

  18. #18
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    Republikkkans whine about "legislating from the bench" and activist judges, but they want to legislate what people can and can't do in their lives. they want to outlaw the right to abortions, the right to practice your religion of choice, and what two consenting adults do behind closed doors, and legally deny citizens their Constitutional rights and to deny them the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, and the right to be secure in one's home.

  19. #19
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    I watch a bit of CNN News, check out the Weather Channel, Canadian News; I read Online News a bit, I lawyer, and I teach fitness classes 4 times a week, hang out in the hot tub with my son. Sometimes I watch the Discovery Channel, the History Channel and Youtube on line.

    That's really about it.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    I watch a bit of CNN News, check out the Weather Channel, Canadian News; I read Online News a bit, I lawyer, and I teach fitness classes 4 times a week, hang out in the hot tub with my son. Sometimes I watch the Discovery Channel, the History Channel and Youtube on line.

    That's really about it.
    Ok... thanks... that gives me a good handle on your postings.

  21. #21
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    David, I'm way out of the loop really; I have a couple of sons, grown sons. To a lot of SD, I'd be pretty boring. I hike and bike and hang out in the bush at the lake all summer. Not very urban. I exist on SD to perk it up a bit and because it's fun. Whatever happened to Elegant Soul?

  22. #22
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    ‘The View’ hosts to revisit Bill O’Reilly controversy on Monday
    by Mandi Bierly
    Categories: Morning Madness, Politics as Entertainment, Television, The View
    If you were wondering whether the ladies of The View addressed on-air Friday yesterday’s “fiery debate” with Bill O’Reilly that caused Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar to momentarily walk off the set [[and Barbara Walters to scold them for it), we have the answer: They did not. As our commenters pointed out after I sat through the hour and muted the segment in which Behar and Elisabeth Hasselbeck watched a woman get a cortisone shot in an ingrown hair on the back of her leg, The View pretapes its Friday shows. Today’s was filmed before Thursday’s live O’Reilly interview. A rep for The View tells EW that the hosts “will weigh in” on the situation again on Monday.

    For those of you not ready to let this debate go, read Ken Tucker’s take on how O’Reilly and Behar addressed the situation on their shows last night. [[In short, Behar explained that, to her, O’Reilly saying “Muslims” attacked us on 9/11 and not “Muslim extremists” amounted to hate speech. He argued, “Did we say, in World War II, ‘We were attacked by “Japanese extremists”?’ [...] No: We said we were attacked by ‘Japanese.’”) For those of you who do want to change the subject, let’s discuss Walters’ body language during today’s interview with her self-proclaimed “boyfriend,” In Treatment‘s Gabriel Byrne. Legs crossed, facing him… She really does love him!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    I thought Whoopi and Joy backed up their beliefs with action. O'Reilley put down an entire group of people--talk about narrow minded!! They got everyone focused. Shouldnt the discussion be why they walked out and NOT that they walked out. Geez tons of people have walked off sets. O'Reilley blamed all Moslems for 9/11.
    Oh that was mild. O'Reilly has done much worse himself. He's cursed out his entire staff right there in the studio while being taped! He lied about the sexual harassment charges a few years ago before settling with the victim. He thinks he owns every parking spot here on Long Island and he is just generally an asshole.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    David, I'm way out of the loop really; I have a couple of sons, grown sons. To a lot of SD, I'd be pretty boring. I hike and bike and hang out in the bush at the lake all summer. Not very urban. I exist on SD to perk it up a bit and because it's fun. Whatever happened to Elegant Soul?
    Honey, I think all of us are out of the loop, to a degree. Sometimes being in the loop just makes your life aggravating, and you have to let it go. Yesterday, I went on a great day trip that was better than any political discussion, I tell ya! As far as Elegant Soul.. haven't a clue.

  25. #25
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    I'm not out of the news loop at all. I read three papers a day, watch MSNBC and CNN all the time i'm home, watch some of the Discovery and Science channels, read news on the internet, and listen to talk radio in the car.

  26. #26
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    Soulster..........that is why you and I can talk to each other and we understand each other because we are on the same plane. And Jill and I can understand each other too. Now TopDiva........he understands online shopping and brand names. I didn't know what the heck Louis Vuitton even was until my daughter in law took us to the store for her Christmas present last year ~ some small purse that cost $600!! Ker choke.

  27. #27
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    I don't know anything about this topdiva person.

  28. #28
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    It's Tony Turner talking about him or herself.

    Don't go on the Motown List if it would be aggravating but if you want want to laugh at it, it can be pretty funny.

    I think he's putting out some line like despite the fact he says Marvin crossdressed, Mary Wilson is trash and the rest of his regular lines............he has now made up with those of them that are still alive and they now love him again.

    And we need to know he gives interviews, hangs with some A to D list celebrities and drives a hot car ~ so you know the type; I'm sure he is not your type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post

    And we need to know he gives interviews, hangs with some A to D list celebrities and drives a hot car ~ so you know the type; I'm sure he is not your type.
    Give me some real people. I want to live my life with some real people. Yeah! yeah!

    Who you know, and what you drive and wear, does not impress me.

  30. #30
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    I read that on Monday they are doing a kind of debriefing of this incident; should be interesting. I mean....on the Monday show.

  31. #31
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    Apparently, what i've heard is that the "walk-out" wasn't really a "walk-out". Barbara Walters didn't know the other two regulars had something to do at that point. The whole thing sounds fishy. I think it was staged.

    Either way, it still all looked bad.

  32. #32
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    That does sound contrived/made up.

    It sounds like they are a little embarrassed by not being able to cope with it as it happened and now are coming up with a "reason".

    Sounds suspect.

  33. #33
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    The VIEW huh? I thought the show was about opposing views? Anyway, it looked fake to me. Whoopie and Joy looked so foolish.

  34. #34
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    Lawd love a duck. o'Reilly disparaged an entire group of people and the prevailing comments on the subject are about whether the walk out was staged??????

    To borrow an old phrase, "am I on candid camera?"

    ...and Brad, narrow minded people come in all shapes, sizes,colors and political persuasions. Maybe it's time people stopped putting others in narrow boxes....maybe that contributes to narrow mindedness. [[that and ignorance)
    Just a thought.

  35. #35
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    I have to say that I had mixed opinions about the walk out, until I heard Joy Behar's explanation on Monday. She used the movie "12 Angry Men" to illustrate her point. There was one juror who was relentless in his hatred of other races and near the end of the movie, all of the other jurors got out of their chairs and walked away and faced the walls. They just had enough. Their walk out, at least to me, was more of a response to O'Reilly's bigoted and ignorant character than it was to his comments that day. Better to walk away from that hatred than to respond in a less than favorable fashion. Verbally or otherwise.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Lawd love a duck. o'Reilly disparaged an entire group of people and the prevailing comments on the subject are about whether the walk out was staged??????
    That's why it was a bad idea to walk out. It just made O'Reilly, and his comments look legitimate. It would have been better to attack the comment and not the commenter.

    I never believed that O'Reilly was such a bad guy. He's very ignorant about anyone who is not white. It's just that he has been immersed in Fox news/conservative culture for so long that he believes all that crap. And, he's lived an insulated life. All those Fox people have. They only associate with like-minded people. At least one of them [[Glenn Beck) has publically stated avoids Black people because he's scared he'll say something wrong. He knows nothing about Black people, but has the gall to call Obama a racist. O'Reilly was amazed that Black people eat meals just like the "rest of us".

    Timmy, I don't believe walking away is the best way to respond. Ignoring bigots is not the way to change them, and to think it would wrongly assumes that these people are capable of thinking like you or I do. They must always be addressed with some civil discourse. Once you disagree with someone, you become an agent for change. To ignore someone like this does nothing to resolve the issue.
    Last edited by soulster; 10-19-2010 at 10:14 AM.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Timmy, I don't believe walking away is the best way to respond. Ignoring bigots is not the way to change them, and to think it would wrongly assumes that these people are capable of thinking like you or I do. They must always be addressed with some civil discourse. Once you disagree with someone, you become an agent for change. To ignore someone like this does nothing to resolve the issue.
    That is true based on limited contact with the bigot. Continuous contact can wear a person down to the point where the other person may not respond to the bigot in the most appropriate manner. Sometimes, walking away can help to keep your sanity and self respect, for you know that in the end the world is going to go foward and leave people like O'Reilly behind. That's what they're scared of and that's where some of their hatred comes from. I know that there are times when hear Faux
    News pundits spew their hatred and I know that if I were in the room with them, they'd get punched. It's probably the reason why I avoid the Faux News channel. It's my form of protest. And since those people aren't capable of conducting a civil discourse, sometimes the less contact the better, if for nothing else my own sanity.

  38. #38
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    To anyone that cares to read:

    Babara Walters is the ONLY person in that group with journalistic cred [[and at this stage of her career that cred is on thin ice) so trying to hold a bunch of opinionated women who were hired to entertain, to some some mythical perception of professional behavior is ludicrous.

    Flip the script and do some research and you will find members from several major religions that have committed terrorist acts but if anyone dare say all Christians are terrorist, all Catholics or Jews are terrorist...heads would be rolling and Soulster would be frothing at the mouth trying to channel Hap R Brown and telling people for the 1000 billionth time how much he hates AZ while these women were being hailed as heroes with a ticket taped parade down 5th ave.

    That should read H Rap Brown and I'm going to throw in Stokely and Angela Davis too
    Last edited by ms_m; 10-19-2010 at 12:34 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    and Soulster would be frothing at the mouth trying to channel Hap R Brown and telling people for the 1000 billionth time how much he hates AZ while these women were being hailed as heroes with a ticket taped parade down 5th ave.
    Damn! What a hypocrite! What did you just get through with months of trying to scold me on research, not pointing fingers, rising above the crap, and here you are doing the same shit you pride yourself on being above. You are a phony, and I refuse to read any more of your self-righteous crap and insults. You don't even know me. Your holier-than-thou attitude has been discussed by a few people in private, but i'm finally calling it out in public.

    You have a lot of great things to say, but then you screw your credibility when you decide to get personal.

    Congratulations! You are now the second person to be added to my ignore list on this forum. Bye! You can now say whatever you want about me, but I will not give you the pleasure of reading it.

  40. #40
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    Give it a rest kid you are way out of your league.

  41. #41
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    Soulster and Ms.M,
    I think the two of you need to rein it in a bit. Soulster, if you don't like to read what Ms. M has to say, then simply hit the ignor button. Ms.M, you didn't have to add the last post. Done is done.

  42. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralpht View Post
    Soulster and Ms.M,
    Soulster, if you don't like to read what Ms. M has to say, then simply hit the ignor button.
    And that's exactly what I did. Case closed. Let's move on.

  43. #43
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    In all the years Ive been here slurs and nasty comments have been hurled around and have weathered and withstood censorship and comment from you but I say something as tame as, you are our of your league and you call me on it? HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Ok Ralph, your house, your rules......I'm due for a dose of reality anyway.

    Hope you're feeling better.

  44. #44
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    Allllllllllllll righty then.

  45. #45
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    Soulster.............I want to tell you one thing that you are due congratulations for. And that is in the time I have watched your posts, it has never crossed my mind whether you were white, black, brown, orange, yellow or pink. And I've never thought of the words "racist, bigotted, hostile, aggressive" or any such thing when I read your posts.

    I believe that means you are a rational, thoughtful person. In fact, it crosses my mind that I have not really identified you as male or female for sure; I think male.

    That tells me you've got very few axes to grind and that is something people appreciate. People get tired when they know they are going to constantly here the Conservative view, the liberal view, the Tony Turner view, the African American view, the Glenn Beck view, the Mary Wilson view ~ it is all so predictable and boring. I could write the column or the post, it is so predictable.

    Perhaps this is why Barbara Walters and Larry King last; they don't have a whole bunch of identifiable axes either. They apply their mind without prejudice to a situation ~ it is called exercising the brain. Soulster does it well.

  46. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Soulster.............I want to tell you one thing that you are due congratulations for. And that is in the time I have watched your posts, it has never crossed my mind whether you were white, black, brown, orange, yellow or pink. And I've never thought of the words "racist, bigotted, hostile, aggressive" or any such thing when I read your posts.

    I believe that means you are a rational, thoughtful person. In fact, it crosses my mind that I have not really identified you as male or female for sure; I think male.

    That tells me you've got very few axes to grind and that is something people appreciate. People get tired when they know they are going to constantly here the Conservative view, the liberal view, the Tony Turner view, the African American view, the Glenn Beck view, the Mary Wilson view ~ it is all so predictable and boring. I could write the column or the post, it is so predictable.

    Perhaps this is why Barbara Walters and Larry King last; they don't have a whole bunch of identifiable axes either. They apply their mind without prejudice to a situation ~ it is called exercising the brain. Soulster does it well.

    Thanks Rob,

    I am not, by nature, a hostile or aggressive person, but I fight back against unprovoked attacks. A am certainly not a racist! I am a straight Black male.

    I believe in "live and let live". Sometimes, I rethink my positions on things when I am presented with persuasive arguments.

    I have my views. Sometimes I go to the right, sometimes to the left, and, from my perspective, am smack-dab in the middle! I have dealt with all types of people, which means I am less likely to judge others, or fear/hate people I don't know. I have no tolerance for judgmental know-it-alls. They are aggressive, close-minded bullies.

    Everyone handles bigotry/racism differently. Just because one person deals with it one way doesn't make it the only way everyone should deal with it. Some people walk away, some stand up to it. Remember the song "To Each His Own" by Faith, Hope & Charity"? Those were true words. Because of the things I have experienced and things I have seen, and because of my ethnicity, I have little tolerance for bigots and racists.

    But, I still say that getting up and walking out on Bill O'Reilly was a mistake. To be fair, O'Reilly probably sees others who are on the opposite of the spectrum as equally boneheaded. But, I also think that if you were to have dinner with him, or hang out with him, he would actually stop and think a bit. I could be wrong, but that's my feeling. The bottom line is that too many people talk and no one listens. And, with the things some people say and do, it's damn-near impossible to listen.

    I lean progressive or liberal, whichever term floats your boat. I'm proud of that. Without all the nasty rhetoric on both sides, we would find that we both want the same things, but just have a different philosophy on how to get there.

    It's up to you whether you think I have an axe to grind. I came back on this forum a year or two ago to discuss over-compression on CDs, and at least one individual had a fit about it. I am happy to say that most of the industry feels the same way we audiophiles do, and many have taken the steps to reduce the problem. So, I feel vindicated there.

    I still feel like an outsider here. It feels more like a closed society. I love soul music and grew up with it from day one. I do not have the in-depth knowledge of all things Motown or Detroit artists that some of you do. I have little interest in the inner-social interactions of the people who made Motown if it does not directly relate to the music. In fact, I am more interested in Ralph's brother's experiences in recording, mixing, and mastering classic Motown sides than anything else. Maybe this is the wrong forum for that stuff. I don't know. All I can say is that I loved the music from the very first guitar notes of "Do Ya Love Me" by the Contours 45, to the sound of Johnny Gill singing "The Floor".

    That's some of what I am about, just so there's no mistaking.

    Now, lets get this off off me and us, and get back to The View incident, shall we?
    Last edited by soulster; 10-20-2010 at 01:58 AM. Reason: spelling, editing, clarity

  47. #47
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    You are not an "outsider" here. You are a valued member of this forum.

  48. #48
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    I appreciate the cooperation, MS.M and I think I'm feeling much better, thank you.

  49. #49
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    If you are an outsider here, I am too.

    So, what happened on the View today? Did they talk about it? I guess I need to search and see.

  50. #50
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    C'mon folks, it's television, it's entertainment, and it's about RATINGS and MONEY. The view is not Meet The Press.
    All television shows are scripted and planned.... either beforehand or in post-production. There are no surprises, they know what's going to happen. No free for all.


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Ralph Terrana

Welcome to Soulful Detroit! Kindly Consider Turning Off Your Ad BlockingX
Soulful Detroit is a free service that relies on revenue from ad display [regrettably] and donations. We notice that you are using an ad-blocking program that prevents us from earning revenue during your visit.
Ads are REMOVED for Members who donate to Soulful Detroit. [You must be logged in for ads to disappear]
And have Ads removed.