Hello SDF family!

OK.. Here's the deal.... I was born in Southampton County, Virginia, but I now reside in Atlanta, Georgia. I want to legally change my last name to my dad's last name. For some reason he was not on my birth certificate when I ordered it. My mom and dad both told me that my dad DID indeed sign forms that he was my dad when I was born. I recall my dad paying court ordered child support, ordered in Southampton County, VA, so does that mean that he signed some type of form acknowledging that I am his son? So, would I have to petition the court in Southampton County, Virginia to have my name changed, or can I petition the court here in Atlanta? I know that if I were still a minor, that my parents could do a Acknowledgment of Paternity form to have my dad added to my birth certificate and to have my last name changed to his. But I was told that the process was different being that I'm now 30 years old. I am so confused.... Does anybody know where I should start?
