Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
So sad that we get these movies that try to emulate the Supremes, but they can't use the music, so they use something inferior; the model the movies after the Supremes who get nothing for it; there is nothing that is actually the Supremes story; there is no "reprise" of the Supremes. You can get Diana out there singing the songs and that's about it.

I thought Dreamgirls was so boring which is why it started to slip immediately after its release. And the music was modest; it sure wasn't Motown at its best. Sparkle could easily be a better story.

Someday, possibly................we'll get something real.
The soundtrack that Curtis Mayfield wrote for SPARKLE is very good. I remember singing along with the songs during the film, and being not able to wait until I could buy the album. As much as I liked Irene and Lonette's songs, I really love Aretha's soundtrack.

From the trailer I saw last night, it sounds like they are using the same compositions in the remake as well. That surprised me. But I gather there are some new songs as well.