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  1. #451
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    I saw this on another forum and wanted to share it here:


    FlowbeeBryantUMax Rivlin-Nadler


    For me, this was going to come down to whether white women saw themselves as white first or women first. I've gotten my answer.

    Minorities & women are seen as being complicit in their own injuries in ways that white men aren't. Trayvon Martin was followed at night by a stranger, ends up being killed, and debate ensues about the part he played in the situation. Much like how women are raped and debate ensues over the role she played in her own sexual assault. What did she wear? Was she drinking? You'd think that a female jury would be able to relate to the predicament Trayvon was in as well as the post-incident smearing. But alas, they sided with their fear of black males over empathy for being held to account for your own victimization. Interesting. Saturday 10:09pm

  2. #452
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    Did anyone see this wack job minister who appeared on Piers Morgan who basically slandered Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and said Trayvon Martin was a thug, a dope smoker and thief who could not be controlled by his neglectful parents. And that Trayvon was like millions of other thuggish, no good black children in America being raised by single parents. and that his shooting was not based on race. The man was nuts and had a speech impediment on yop of that. I wanted to pee on my TV screen and use my favorite 12 letter expletive.

  3. #453
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    I did not see the 'wack job minister'. But, even if everything slanderous comment he made about Trayvon and the others was true, that did not give and does not give any vigilante the right to shoot and kill.

  4. #454
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    MotownSteve, the ridiculousness goes well beyond whether it was true or not. It goes into why Zimmerman would ASSUME it was true. Zimmerman had no knowledge that the kid was good, bad, high, angry, dirty, or clean when he saw him. He saw a black kid walking in the rain and said aloud "these assholes always get away". Any dirt that you find on the kid after that is just incidental and it still doesn't make up for the fact that he was hunted and slain for walking while black.

  5. #455
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    MotownSteve, the ridiculousness goes well beyond whether it was true or not. It goes into why Zimmerman would ASSUME it was true. Zimmerman had no knowledge that the kid was good, bad, high, angry, dirty, or clean when he saw him. He saw a black kid walking in the rain and said aloud "these assholes always get away". Any dirt that you find on the kid after that is just incidental and it still doesn't make up for the fact that he was hunted and slain for walking while black.
    He saw a teeneager walking in the rain at 7.30 at night not at 2am but 7.30 pm at night plus the young man was on his way home and even if he wasnt on his way home and even if it was 2am and not 7.30 pm what business was it of Zimmermans? If Zimmerman had stayed in his darned car and not followed Trayvon like he was told to that young kid would still be alive and Zimmerman wouldnt be the most despised man in the country cause thats what he is.

    George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson will always be looking over they shoulders and theyve only got themselves to blame. The day of reckoning is in the future for all 3 vile cold blooded murderers.


  6. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    I did not see the 'wack job minister'. But, even if everything slanderous comment he made about Trayvon and the others was true, that did not give and does not give any vigilante the right to shoot and kill.
    MotownSteve, the ridiculousness goes well beyond whether it was true or not. It goes into why Zimmerman would ASSUME it was true. Zimmerman had no knowledge that the kid was good, bad, high, angry, dirty, or clean when he saw him. He saw a black kid walking in the rain and said aloud "these assholes always get away". Any dirt that you find on the kid after that is just incidental and it still doesn't make up for the fact that he was hunted and slain for walking while black.
    The sad fact is that people like these SYG laws because they FEAR Blacks and Latinos, and think they have to protest themselves from them. It doesn't matter to them if they are good or bad, innocent or guilty, in their eyes, they are all alike. That's why they want their guns.

    I should do what Mexicans around here do, get a T-shirt that says something like "Stop profiling me!".
    Last edited by soulster; 07-19-2013 at 04:00 PM.

  7. #457
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    Stand your ground laws remove the legal requirement to use deadly force only as a last resort. People are much more likely to use a gun to resolve a conflict under protection of these laws. Even if they start the dispute.

    And to think, they all got so pissed off when candidate Obama said they cling to their guns during troubling times.

  8. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    He saw a teeneager walking in the rain at 7.30 at night not at 2am but 7.30 pm at night plus the young man was on his way home and even if he wasnt on his way home and even if it was 2am and not 7.30 pm what business was it of Zimmermans? If Zimmerman had stayed in his darned car and not followed Trayvon like he was told to that young kid would still be alive and Zimmerman wouldnt be the most despised man in the country cause thats what he is.

    George Zimmerman and Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson will always be looking over they shoulders and theyve only got themselves to blame. The day of reckoning is in the future for all 3 vile cold blooded murderers.

    Trayvon Martin was murdered at 7:16 pm.

  9. #459
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    Have any of you seen the death scene picture of Trayvon Martin lying face up, eyes and mouth open?

  10. #460
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    Did anyone else see President Obama's brief press conference from today where he spoke about the Zimmerman/Martin verdict? I think he showed where he stands on this issue. I could sense the anger boiling beneath the surface. He said 35 years ago he was Trayvon Martin.

  11. #461
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamasu_Jr View Post
    Did anyone else see President Obama's brief press conference from today where he spoke about the Zimmerman/Martin verdict? I think he showed where he stands on this issue. I could sense the anger boiling beneath the surface. He said 35 years ago he was Trayvon Martin.
    Oh yeah, I saw it. and already, the conservatives at Faux news are calling it BS.

    Also, did you see where Charles Barkley came out and said he thought the shooting was just? He always does stuff like that.

  12. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Oh yeah, I saw it. and already, the conservatives at Faux news are calling it BS.

    Also, did you see where Charles Barkley came out and said he thought the shooting was just? He always does stuff like that.
    Barkley never said he thought the "shooting was just".

    What he actually said from the LA Times

    By Melissa Rohlin

    July 19, 2013, 10:38 a.m.

    Charles Barkley has never been one to shy away from controversy, and on Thursday he weighed in with his opinion on the George Zimmerman verdict.

    “Well, I agree with the verdict,” Barkley told CNBC. “I feel sorry that young kid got killed, but they didn’t have enough evidence to charge him. Something clearly went wrong that night — clearly something went wrong — and I feel bad for anybody who loses a kid, but if you looked at the case and you don’t make it — there was some racial profiling, no question about it — but something happened that changed the dynamic of that night.”

    Barkley added that because of the lack of evidence, he doesn't think that Zimmerman should go to jail "for the rest of his life."

    “Mr. Zimmerman was wrong to pursue, he was racial profiling, but I think Trayvon Martin — God rest his soul — I think he did flip the switch and started beating the hell out of Mr. Zimmerman. But it was just a bad situation," Barkley said.

    Barkley, 50, went on to express disappointment in what he perceived as racism in the media.

    "I just feel bad because I don’t like when race gets out in the media because I don’t think the media has a ‘pure heart,’ as I call it,” Barkley said. “There are very few people who have a pure heart when it comes to race. Racism is wrong in any shape [or] form — there are a lot of black people who are racist, too. I think sometimes when people talk about race, they act like only white people are racist. There are a lot of black people who are racist. And I don’t like when it gets out there in the media because I don’t think the media has clean hands.”
    The full video is here: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100897441

    I agree with Barkley 100%. This sensationalized story is being exploited by the media ad nauseum. Like he said, this story is giving both white AND black people a platform to voice their own racist agendas. And one thing for sure, after this story, there are plenty of Black racists coming out of the woodwork to show their ignorance as well. Furthermore, this story in the grand spectrum of events globally has so little significance compared to what is happening in our country from a geo-political and foreign policy perspective. Although...most black folks don't give a crap what hapens outside of their own driveway.

  13. #463
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    funky_fresh: I assume that you'd feel the same if it was your son. You'd probably discourage the government from prosecuting it out of fairness to your child's killer. Even still, I assume you understand why some are upset, in spite your amazement over so much indignation about the verdict. Especially when there are many white people who are upset, as well. And I challenge you on how you figure to know what "most black folks" give a crap about. Because you couldn't care less doesn't mean everybody shouldn't.

    An exercise I perform at work often is the Principle of the 5 "Whys":
    Situation: A 17-year old boy is dead.
    Why: He was shot.
    Why: He fought with someone pursuing him.
    Why: He felt threatened.
    Why: He was followed after running away from the "creepy man" following him.
    Why: [[I'll you fill in this blank to figure out why the "creepy man" followed him. If it's anything other than "because he was black", then I challenge your credibility.)

  14. #464
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    And, here we go again: right in my own back yard:

    I would bet my last dollar that the Black guy is convicted.

  15. #465
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    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    most black folks don't give a crap what hapens outside of their own driveway.
    That was highly offensive! How did you come to that conclusion?

  16. #466
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    That was highly offensive! How did you come to that conclusion?
    Well, you know we're all alike. That's the thinking that Zimmerman used before killing a kid for having the nerve to walk through his neighborhood. That's the logic behind the jury blaming a kid who was being followed for trying to defend himself and being shot.

  17. #467
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    That was highly offensive! How did you come to that conclusion?
    Either he's not Black, or he hates himself.

  18. #468
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    My kid would know better than to start a fight with someone when your 5 minutes from home and can easily call the police on that "creepy ass cr@c73r".
    I've maintained the position that at best, Zimmerman should have been charged with manslaughter but the prosecution had little to no case. One thing for sure, if you try to whoop someones a$$ you better be aware of the consequences - mainly that you could kill the person or that they could kill you. Bad decisions were made by both individuals in my view.

    As far as my comment on what black folks care about, well, thats my assessment after over half a century of....being black. I think the same holds true for many communities. If its not happening in their driveway or backyard, many just don't care.

  19. #469
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Either he's not Black, or he hates himself.
    What a shock that this is all you can come up with. What is it like to live life with such a paranoid delusion that the whole entire white race is out to get you? You couldn't possibly be happy with all of that hatred in your heart.

  20. #470
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    The verdict was handed down by 6 people that had no point of reference of what both parties were thinking or their true background. Zimmerman initiated the the series of eventsthat caused this whole thing. How can you claim self defense ,when you make the first move ,by following anyone that you feel is up to no good or "dangerous ,maybe on drugs"? By the time he [[Z) got out of his car , Trayvon was aware that he was being followed. Now if I feel like anybody is following me, and they bigger than me ,I'm gonna run or try to lose you. But Trayvon was taller than Zimmerman and he must have felt he could step to this guy. Why is this dude following me? Is he trying to rob me or what. What is your problem. Zimmerman say's T said "What's your problem "Homey". That's how some people think Blacks talk. A Homey is someone you know, not a stranger following you. Then he[[Z) say's "I don't have no problem". Not "I'm with the neighborhood watch or anything like that. But yet you was following him [[T) ,because now you standing there face to face and I feel that Trayvon felt he was defending himself against who knows what , by punching this dude out , so he wouldn't be followed anymore. In the process of Travon eliminating his percieved threat [[Z) ,by busting his axx ,he see's the gun. Now really ,you following me and you got a gun? Ain't I.D. yourself as a cop etc, I really got to take control of this situation. [[Z) on the other hand is on the non winning end of this fight and from observation of him ,ain't no fighter, is scared as shxx and feels he has no choice but to call on his friend , ROD. I believe that the screams heard on the 911 tape were Trayvon's when he realized that [[Z) had a gun and they were fighting over it. Trayvon did not attack [[Z) to rob him or initiate any criminal action ,he attacked him in self defense of an unknown threat of being followed. I don't care what color you are ,if you shadow me and you don't have a good reason for it , shxx gonna hit the fan. There has been many times I've been followed in stores and such and I have many times turned around and stepped to the security person or whom-ever and told them if you gonna follow me then hold my items for me while I shop.

    The race issue is secondary in this but an equally important factor. Those 6 women don't have a clue to whats going on other than what they see on T.V. and passed down stereotypes from generation to generation. Just as
    there are things passed down from generation to generation in African American Culture.

    Originally Posted by soulster
    Either he's not Black, or he hates himself.


    What a shock that this is all you can come up with. What is it like to live life with such a paranoid delusion that the whole entire white race is out to get you? You couldn't possibly be happy with all of that hatred in your heart

    Not hatred , but a fact of African American life. Not a paranoid delusion but a realization that you are held to a certain standard regardless of your education or stature but based on your skin color. Some of us deal with it on various levels ,but you best not forget or ignore it ,because to do so is just plain foolish. Most Black males are tought to be aware of this early in life ,to be aware. For example I got high marks in high school ,this was 1973 ,and my father had afreind who was selling a pretty 1968 Caddy for a low price ,in excellent condition. He thought of buying it for me but an uncle of mine who was a police officer at the time advised him not to ,because he said I would be stopped for being young and Black in a Caddy. Bummer , but I grew to understand because of things that happened to me and many of my friends ,here in N.Y.C. I don't have hatred or paranoia and like many of my brothers survive because we are not blind or unhappy but aware.
    That's whats behind Soulster and Marv's comment.

  21. #471
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    Quote Originally Posted by daddyacey View Post
    The verdict was handed down by 6 people that had no point of reference of what both parties were thinking or their true background. Zimmerman initiated the the series of eventsthat caused this whole thing. How can you claim self defense ,when you make the first move ,by following anyone that you feel is up to no good or "dangerous ,maybe on drugs"? By the time he [[Z) got out of his car , Trayvon was aware that he was being followed. Now if I feel like anybody is following me, and they bigger than me ,I'm gonna run or try to lose you. But Trayvon was taller than Zimmerman and he must have felt he could step to this guy. Why is this dude following me? Is he trying to rob me or what. What is your problem. Zimmerman say's T said "What's your problem "Homey". That's how some people think Blacks talk. A Homey is someone you know, not a stranger following you. Then he[[Z) say's "I don't have no problem". Not "I'm with the neighborhood watch or anything like that. But yet you was following him [[T) ,because now you standing there face to face and I feel that Trayvon felt he was defending himself against who knows what , by punching this dude out , so he wouldn't be followed anymore. In the process of Travon eliminating his percieved threat [[Z) ,by busting his axx ,he see's the gun. Now really ,you following me and you got a gun? Ain't I.D. yourself as a cop etc, I really got to take control of this situation. [[Z) on the other hand is on the non winning end of this fight and from observation of him ,ain't no fighter, is scared as shxx and feels he has no choice but to call on his friend , ROD. I believe that the screams heard on the 911 tape were Trayvon's when he realized that [[Z) had a gun and they were fighting over it. Trayvon did not attack [[Z) to rob him or initiate any criminal action ,he attacked him in self defense of an unknown threat of being followed. I don't care what color you are ,if you shadow me and you don't have a good reason for it , shxx gonna hit the fan. There has been many times I've been followed in stores and such and I have many times turned around and stepped to the security person or whom-ever and told them if you gonna follow me then hold my items for me while I shop.

    The race issue is secondary in this but an equally important factor. Those 6 women don't have a clue to whats going on other than what they see on T.V. and passed down stereotypes from generation to generation. Just as
    there are things passed down from generation to generation in African American Culture.

    Originally Posted by soulster
    Either he's not Black, or he hates himself.


    What a shock that this is all you can come up with. What is it like to live life with such a paranoid delusion that the whole entire white race is out to get you? You couldn't possibly be happy with all of that hatred in your heart

    Not hatred , but a fact of African American life. Not a paranoid delusion but a realization that you are held to a certain standard regardless of your education or stature but based on your skin color. Some of us deal with it on various levels ,but you best not forget or ignore it ,because to do so is just plain foolish. Most Black males are tought to be aware of this early in life ,to be aware. For example I got high marks in high school ,this was 1973 ,and my father had afreind who was selling a pretty 1968 Caddy for a low price ,in excellent condition. He thought of buying it for me but an uncle of mine who was a police officer at the time advised him not to ,because he said I would be stopped for being young and Black in a Caddy. Bummer , but I grew to understand because of things that happened to me and many of my friends ,here in N.Y.C. I don't have hatred or paranoia and like many of my brothers survive because we are not blind or unhappy but aware.
    That's whats behind Soulster and Marv's comment.
    Once again, daddyacey injects clarity into a conversation clouded by confusion and stunning denial. Thanks DA.

  22. #472
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    Quote Originally Posted by funky_fresh View Post
    My kid would know better than to start a fight with someone when your 5 minutes from home and can easily call the police on that "creepy ass cr@c73r".
    I've maintained the position that at best, Zimmerman should have been charged with manslaughter but the prosecution had little to no case. One thing for sure, if you try to whoop someones a$$ you better be aware of the consequences - mainly that you could kill the person or that they could kill you. Bad decisions were made by both individuals in my view.

    As far as my comment on what black folks care about, well, thats my assessment after over half a century of....being black. I think the same holds true for many communities. If its not happening in their driveway or backyard, many just don't care.
    I got you. Let's disregard the fact that the kid was being followed by an armed man for being young and black and having the nerve to walk through a particular neighborhood. You ascribe intent to Trayvon Martin's motivations for defending himself while giving a pass to the killer's intent for following him. The sole reason that he is dead is because Zimmerman, emboldened by a gun in his pocket, decided to break with procedure for every neighborhood watch in America and engage the boy. To suggest that after running away, a 17-year old should wait the situation out is ridiculous. Zimmerman was not a cop.

    And I don't live in your community, so I don't have your lack of respect for what most black folks feel about the "black" community. If you don't care what happens beyond your driveway, that sounds like a personal problem. Don't put us in the same nasty basket that you live in. I hope you work that out.

  23. #473
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    Thanks Daddy!!!

  24. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I got you. Let's disregard the fact that the kid was being followed by an armed man for being young and black and having the nerve to walk through a particular neighborhood. You ascribe intent to Trayvon Martin's motivations for defending himself while giving a pass to the killer's intent for following him. The sole reason that he is dead is because Zimmerman, emboldened by a gun in his pocket, decided to break with procedure for every neighborhood watch in America and engage the boy. To suggest that after running away, a 17-year old should wait the situation out is ridiculous. Zimmerman was not a cop.

    And I don't live in your community, so I don't have your lack of respect for what most black folks feel about the "black" community. If you don't care what happens beyond your driveway, that sounds like a personal problem. Don't put us in the same nasty basket that you live in. I hope you work that out.
    I' ve been around awhile, yet I am still amazed at how widespread, deep and nasty racism is in this country. I don't think I've ever been truly naive when it comes to racism and prejudice, I just did not know it was so prevalent in America until this case.

  25. #475
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I' ve been around awhile, yet I am still amazed at how widespread, deep and nasty racism is in this country. I don't think I've ever been truly naive when it comes to racism and prejudice, I just did not know it was so prevalent in America until this case.
    Between the president being African-American [[in the truest sense of the word) and Faux News legitimizing racism, it's almost fashionable to hate us or support someone else who does. Don't get me wrong, I've seen it for all of my 51 years, but I am dismayed to see it proudly embraced by many who are quick to call me a racist for pointing it out.

  26. #476
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    There are a lot of folks upset in this here forum over the verdict and I totally get that cause Im real upset but sitting behind a computer isnt really doing much good. there was 100 marches in cities across our country yesterday. How many of you marched for Justice for Trayvon? I marched in rally downtown Los Angeles yesterday with some of my church sisters and brothers and it was beautiful and real peaceful. How many others marched and it what city did you march in?


  27. #477
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    ME?? NYC with Rev Al. I have low tolerence for media hype and B.S. I watched the trial on HLN and CNN. Obama had to come forward and say something about this issue because he knows that if he didn't , with all the media BS , shit would hit the fan. And sure enough the FOX and other racist outlets called him on it. "They" have not given this man any RESPECT from day one and that's a damn shame. We are still living in Amerikkka ,when the Black man is the only one called POTUS by the media instead of THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
    Last edited by daddyacey; 07-22-2013 at 03:01 AM.

  28. #478
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  29. #479
    smark21 Guest
    Now he’s a wannabe paramedic. No doubt it will end up as disasterously as his stint as a Neighborhood Watch patrolman. He’s probably driving around trying to find accidents so he can “save people”…all to burnish his image and make him feel useful. But I bet if he comes across a genuine accident in which people need medical attention, he’ll get involved beyond his skill sets and it will end in tragedy. It’s nice he performed this good deed, but he’s still a racist murderer and a human piece of shit.

  30. #480
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    There are a lot of folks upset in this here forum over the verdict and I totally get that cause Im real upset but sitting behind a computer isnt really doing much good. there was 100 marches in cities across our country yesterday. How many of you marched for Justice for Trayvon? I marched in rally downtown Los Angeles yesterday with some of my church sisters and brothers and it was beautiful and real peaceful. How many others marched and it what city did you march in?


    Honestly, marches won't do anything, but legislation may.

  31. #481
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post

    Honestly, marches won't do anything, but legislation may.
    Well I respectfully disagree the march in LA fired people up and it was real inspiring and peaceful and everyone who attend pledged to write their senator and congressperson and tell them to put pressure on congress and senate to revisit the stand your ground law so marches can have a real positive effect.


  32. #482
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    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Now he’s a wannabe paramedic. No doubt it will end up as disasterously as his stint as a Neighborhood Watch patrolman. He’s probably driving around trying to find accidents so he can “save people”…all to burnish his image and make him feel useful. But I bet if he comes across a genuine accident in which people need medical attention, he’ll get involved beyond his skill sets and it will end in tragedy. It’s nice he performed this good deed, but he’s still a racist murderer and a human piece of shit.
    Right on posting!

  33. #483
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  34. #484
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    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Now he’s a wannabe paramedic. No doubt it will end up as disasterously as his stint as a Neighborhood Watch patrolman. He’s probably driving around trying to find accidents so he can “save people”…all to burnish his image and make him feel useful. But I bet if he comes across a genuine accident in which people need medical attention, he’ll get involved beyond his skill sets and it will end in tragedy. It’s nice he performed this good deed, but he’s still a racist murderer and a human piece of shit.
    When we heard that bit of news...we all said "it was probably staged." Zimmerman is probably doing a public spin to rehabilitate his image and reputation which is shit right now. This hero bit sounds phony. It allegedly took place not far from where Zimmerman killed Trayvon. Ain't that a bitch? And where is this mysterious family he saved? Usually, the media would find these people to question them if it's true. So far, I've just seen their names. It still could be phony.
    Last edited by Kamasu_Jr; 07-22-2013 at 09:21 PM.

  35. #485
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamasu_Jr View Post
    When we heard that bit of news...we all said "it was probably staged." Zimmerman is probably doing a public spin to rehabilitate his image and reputation which is shit right now. This hero bit sounds phony. It allegedly took place not far from where Zimmerman killed Trayvon. Ain't that a bitch? And where is this mysterious family he saved? Usually, the media would find these people to question them if it's true. So far, I've just seen their names. It still could be phony.
    Yep, yep, yep! Murder an unarmed kid........help save a family in a vehicle rollover accident. Changes nothing!

  36. #486
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    It'd be a hoot if they found the "victims" and one of them was that brother who was making the rounds purporting to be Killer George's best buddy until he couldn't tell the interviewers anything about that bastard beyond his name.

  37. #487
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamasu_Jr View Post
    When we heard that bit of news...we all said "it was probably staged." Zimmerman is probably doing a public spin to rehabilitate his image and reputation which is shit right now. This hero bit sounds phony. It allegedly took place not far from where Zimmerman killed Trayvon. Ain't that a bitch? And where is this mysterious family he saved? Usually, the media would find these people to question them if it's true. So far, I've just seen their names. It still could be phony.
    I agree kamasu. As soon as I heard this I say I smell a rat.


  38. #488
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    Trayvon would still be alive if he wasn't wearing the uniform of a street thug and walking around in the rain. The rap and thug culture is destroying today's black youth. I wanna know, who the HELL walks 2 miles in the rain for a damn bag of candy? something don't add up.

  39. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Trayvon would still be alive if he wasn't wearing the uniform of a street thug and walking around in the rain. The rap and thug culture is destroying today's black youth. I wanna know, who the HELL walks 2 miles in the rain for a damn bag of candy? something don't add up.
    This goes along with women who get rape "asking for it" by wearing mini dresses at college bars. Let's blame the Jews who failed to flee the Polish ghetto for being massacred, while we're at it. You are out of your mind, Sis.

  40. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    This goes along with women who get rape "asking for it" by wearing mini dresses at college bars. Let's blame the Jews who failed to flee the Polish ghetto for being massacred, while we're at it. You are out of your mind, Sis.
    I didn't say it meant he was asking to be killed... His attire meant that he was looked upon with suspicion, and that was the beginning of a chain of events that spiralled out of control. And why was he looked upon with suspicion? Because he made the conscious decision to emulate a lifestyle that glorifies violence, criminal activity, and degradation of women. Women wearing mini dresses at college bars are NOT asking to be raped, but they are asking for men to proposition them for sex, your appearance is a reflection of who you ARE... in a perfect idealistic world, a person would be judged only on their character, but this is the real world, not candy land. Watch this, and see the root of this cancer on society laid out by a very brilliant woman:

  41. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    your appearance is a reflection of who you ARE...
    What a bold statement. Do you think Medgar Evers was wearing a hoodie when he was killed? What about Martin Luther King, Jr.? Did they appear to be thugs or to embrace a hooliganistic persona? Evil doesn't need an excuse. In the eyes of the George Zimmermans of this world, your skin color is enough to determine who you are. Trayvon Martin could have been dressed like Steve Urkel and that would have stood out as suspicious. Perhaps you know what clothes armed racists are willing to accept for our youth? Perhaps you know what time of day and what type of weather they'll be willing to permit them in their neighborhood? I'm no fan of hip hop or thuggish culture at all. However, it's offensive to suggest that the worst thug in the world is partially responsible for his own death when he was minding his own business when accosted by someone who already knew that "these assholes always get away" when he got out of his vehicle.

  42. #492
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    It'd be a hoot if they found the "victims" and one of them was that brother who was making the rounds purporting to be Killer George's best buddy until he couldn't tell the interviewers anything about that bastard beyond his name.
    You're talking about that dude named Joe Oliver right?

  43. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Evil doesn't need an excuse. .

    So true and so very profound!!!!

  44. #494
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    What a bold statement. Do you think Medgar Evers was wearing a hoodie when he was killed? What about Martin Luther King, Jr.? Did they appear to be thugs or to embrace a hooliganistic persona? Evil doesn't need an excuse. In the eyes of the George Zimmermans of this world, your skin color is enough to determine who you are. Trayvon Martin could have been dressed like Steve Urkel and that would have stood out as suspicious. Perhaps you know what clothes armed racists are willing to accept for our youth? Perhaps you know what time of day and what type of weather they'll be willing to permit them in their neighborhood? I'm no fan of hip hop or thuggish culture at all. However, it's offensive to suggest that the worst thug in the world is partially responsible for his own death when he was minding his own business when accosted by someone who already knew that "these assholes always get away" when he got out of his vehicle.
    you are speaking of events that happened over 40 years ago, and in today's world, instead moving ahead, Hip Hop culture has done nothing but set the black man back in the arena of public acceptance. Things should be BETTER, and the election of Barack Obama tell us it IS.... as long as you aren't wearing saggin jeans. Evil may not need an excuse, but there's also no sense in GIVING IT ONE ON A SILVER PLATTER.

  45. #495
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    Your last sentence betrays you to be an apologist. The sobering reality of the Trayvon Martin case is how little we have progressed in the last 40 years when a kid can be shot because he wears clothes that you, jillfoster, and Zimmerman do not approve.

  46. #496
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Your last sentence betrays you to be an apologist. The sobering reality of the Trayvon Martin case is how little we have progressed in the last 40 years when a kid can be shot because he wears clothes that you, jillfoster, and Zimmerman do not approve.
    No, he was shot because he did a stupid thing like most teenagers do, and confronted a stupid man. Dumb and dumber equal tragedy. And why did he confront Zimmerman? Because the culture of violence and thuggery that he was so desperate to emulate teaches him not to call 911, not to turn the other cheek, but to confront the person and "Hand them their ass", He died from stupidity, not fighting peacefully for a noble cause like Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers, and to compare him to Evers and King is an insult to their memory and the cause they gave their lives for.

  47. #497
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    Just putting this out there. One of the pundits [[can't remember what station) stated that President Obama voted for Stand Your Ground in Illinois when he was a senator and is now back pedaling. Anyone know about this

  48. #498
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    No, he was shot because he did a stupid thing like most teenagers do, and confronted a stupid man. Dumb and dumber equal tragedy. And why did he confront Zimmerman? Because the culture of violence and thuggery that he was so desperate to emulate teaches him not to call 911, not to turn the other cheek, but to confront the person and "Hand them their ass", He died from stupidity, not fighting peacefully for a noble cause like Martin Luther King and Medgar Evers, and to compare him to Evers and King is an insult to their memory and the cause they gave their lives for.
    He ran away before he engaged his killer. He didn't "confront" his killer. He had no reason to; he was the one minding his own business. What else should he have done, in your opinion? He died because he was walking and minding his own business when a stranger with a gun confronted him. I brought up Medgar Evers and Martin Luther King because you apparently believe that "your appearance is a reflection of who you are". Don't try to switch now that I've given examples of men who had exemplary appearances who met the same tragic fate.

    It has nothing to do with clothes, demeanor, or music. You know this, but you're not willing to admit it because you want to stand on a soap box and preach your poisoned and ill-considered gospel. You want to believe that people ask to be shot because they dress in a manner of which you disapprove. You want to believe that the aggressive act is that you stop running and confront the person chasing you. I'll bet if the kid was dressed in his church clothes, you'd come up with some reason that he must have deserved his fate. Please send me your photo so that if I ever see you somewhere, I know to get away before you decide that you don't approve of the way I represent. I'd hate to have you go through what Zimmerman was subjected to.
    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 07-23-2013 at 10:17 AM.

  49. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by nosey View Post
    Just putting this out there. One of the pundits [[can't remember what station) stated that President Obama voted for Stand Your Ground in Illinois when he was a senator and is now back pedaling. Anyone know about this
    Stand your ground laws, in principle are common sense. However, as noted before, they have been twisted so that nobody has the legal obligation to consider options to deadly force before employing it. I never heard the president back pedaling on stand your ground.

  50. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Well I respectfully disagree the march in LA fired people up and it was real inspiring and peaceful and everyone who attend pledged to write their senator and congressperson and tell them to put pressure on congress and senate to revisit the stand your ground law so marches can have a real positive effect.

    What I mean is that the legislators do what they want to do nowadays, and if you threaten to vote them out, they'll just screw with the voting laws.


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