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  1. #101
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    Double jackpot!

    But as Andy said, don't ask questions that you are unlikely to like the answer to............like who sang on You Can't Hurry Love, when Diana really left the Supremes and moral compasses.

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    You can't get me to understand anything when it comes to bullies, or people that abuse others. Regarding Mary and Pedro, I purposely mentioned their physical altercations- and it doesn't matter if it were yesterday or 30 years ago. You have developed a pattern of almost siding with the aggressive/abusive party in altercations, almost blaming victims. I was looking for an answer from you to gauge whether or not this is truly your mindset, or if its only reserved for people you like.
    Bam. Well said.

  3. #103
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    I'm 6'2", 220 lbs and can bench 300 lbs--I could easily beat the crap out of most guys. BUT, because I despise bullies, I couldn't fathom just attacking someone, especially someone smaller than I am, no matter what they said. I understand the real world fine, Marv, and I also know right from wrong. I will happily help stop an attack--but what Patti's henchmen did was beyond any explanation. End of story.

    The videotape i saw of the cadet had him standing and talking on a cell phone. Is there a tape I missed that shows the cadet beating up Patti's son and then trying to force his way into Patti's car? If so I'd love to see it. Until then, I will consider Patti a bald faced liar and will never spend a dime on her again.

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    I'm 6'2", 220 lbs and can bench 300 lbs--I could easily beat the crap out of most guys. BUT, because I despise bullies, I couldn't fathom just attacking someone, especially someone smaller than I am, no matter what they said. I understand the real world fine, Marv, and I also know right from wrong. I will happily help stop an attack--but what Patti's henchmen did was beyond any explanation. End of story.

    The videotape i saw of the cadet had him standing and talking on a cell phone. Is there a tape I missed that shows the cadet beating up Patti's son and then trying to force his way into Patti's car? If so I'd love to see it. Until then, I will consider Patti a bald faced liar and will never spend a dime on her again.
    You know I said the same thing when I first saw the video tape of those 6 or 7 cops beating the shit outta Rodney King back in '92 out in LA. When the then Police Chief Darrell Gates held a press conference to say that we should not rush to judgement and that what we saw in the video did not tell the full story of how Rodney King provoked and attack all those officers! LOL! I have to laugh because he, the Police Chief believed that we would buy his explanation.

    Anyway, I digress. I am happy to know that you understand that people get beat up all the time over words even if you would never do something like that. Wars have been started between nations over words initially. I and most of the kids I came up with grew up not being afraid of anyone. You just couldn't intimidate them no matter what, so we never had a central bully to deal with for long if you understand what I am saying. Like you, I would stop kids from fighting, but some of these kids out here today will kill you. They are bad! So you have to make sure you are not getting involved in something that will lead to personal tragedy. Oh back to the subject. Whatever Patti Labelle has to deal with, she is going to have to deal with. I am sure she will be fine. I think a lot of this amazement over her recent public situations stems from not really knowing who Patti LaBelle is and where she came from. The bottomline is,she and company are too old for this kinda stuff.
    Last edited by marv2; 11-17-2011 at 05:24 PM.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    The bottomline is,she and company are too old for this kinda stuff.
    Marv- this we can agree on.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    You can't get me to understand anything when it comes to bullies, or people that abuse others.
    Amen! I have no use for bullies.

  7. #107
    Did it say Patti has five kids? WTF?

    I thought she had the one and adopted the two neighbors.

  8. #108
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    Has five children; two of whom are adopted and the orphaned children of one of her sisters and her biological son.

  9. #109
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    Lost all three of her sisters to some form of cancer

    Suffers from diabetes

    Was once engaged to Otis Williams of the long-time R&B singing group, The Temptations.

    Godmother of Cyndi Lauper's son, Declyn [[B. Nov 19 1997)

  10. #110
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    You know I have always suspected that Patti has some form of anger in her because I read her book and when she said that Nona got sick of the direction Labelle was taking I didnt believe her. Nona was a major songwriter on a lot of their material and I heard Cindy Birdsong say in an interview that Patti wanted to do more showtunes. Sarah and Nona have always been agreeable I think Patti has major diva problems. I certainly hope she gets help.

  11. #111
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    It always surprises me when people say Labelle broke up per different musical directions. The immediate reason LaBelle broke up was because at a concert Nona left the stage, locked herself in dressing room and banged her head repeatedly on a wall. Then she went and got help. This was documented a number of years ago.

  12. #112
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    at a concert Nona left the stage, locked herself in dressing room and banged her head repeatedly on a wall.

    Yikes! I never heard this. Did the article state what the issues were to cause this? Frustration in the group? Personal issues? Glad to hear she went and got help.

  13. #113
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    I think their last concert where this happened was in Maryland-at a college. I think it may also be in Patti's book-I will check. Though I remember she said things happened then that she still wont talk about to this day. I think there was stress about their musical directions and there were some other personal issues. But they had no immediate plans to break up.

  14. #114
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    Maybe Patti Labelle just needs some independant management, no family, no kids, god forbid, no husbands; every R & B diva has tried a husband and none have been successful.

    She needs to be quiet, close the mouth totally and have a time out; and she needs a manager to enforce it.

  15. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Maybe Patti Labelle just needs some independant management, no family, no kids, god forbid, no husbands; every R & B diva has tried a husband and none have been successful.

    She needs to be quiet, close the mouth totally and have a time out; and she needs a manager to enforce it.
    IMHO Miss Patti needs medication and major anger management counseling.

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    IMHO Miss Patti needs medication and major anger management counseling.
    Roberta being such a good and devout Christian woman that you are, I was expecting you to say that Patti needs prayer and that you would be praying for her. I guess you never really know a person.


  17. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    You know I have always suspected that Patti has some form of anger in her because I read her book and when she said that Nona got sick of the direction Labelle was taking I didnt believe her. Nona was a major songwriter on a lot of their material and I heard Cindy Birdsong say in an interview that Patti wanted to do more showtunes. Sarah and Nona have always been agreeable I think Patti has major diva problems. I certainly hope she gets help.
    I read that and it's often been repeated in interviews she gave that she wanted to go back to ballads and showtunes, the stuff they did during the chitlin circuit while Nona wanted to continue in the funkier direction they were going in. The group Labelle was really Nona and Sarah's baby with Patti leading it. Patti just agreed to it to get along but when she wanted to change things, that's when their partnership cracked. I think had they stayed together, Labelle would've continued to funk it out and evolve. But I guess there was always a crack beneath the surfaces in their friendship. Fame can change a person.

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by blueskies View Post
    at a concert Nona left the stage, locked herself in dressing room and banged her head repeatedly on a wall.

    Yikes! I never heard this. Did the article state what the issues were to cause this? Frustration in the group? Personal issues? Glad to hear she went and got help.
    It hasn't been clear what really caused them to abruptly depart. Patti and Nona may have had a fight before the show or something. I remember reading about a band member or two getting into it before a show but they weren't clear on who it was or who they were.

  19. #119
    Laurel Guest
    This is just terrible, there's no excuse for anyone to do that to a child. If you have a beef with another adult, then settle it when the child is not around.

  20. #120
    dianesfan_1965 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurel View Post
    This is just terrible, there's no excuse for anyone to do that to a child. If you have a beef with another adult, then settle it when the child is not around.
    Well Laurel, SOME people think it's a big fucking joke. But then again those people that think this is funny are fucking assholes.

  21. #121
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    No misunderstanding that viewpoint ~ seems prevalent.

  22. #122
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    Labelle broke up for a number of reasons. Patti was never comfortable with what she called "the rock and roll lifestyle"--which included a lot of drugs in and around the group, which she had been protected from in earlier days. Patti did want to do more ballads and show tunes, but Sarah and Nona didn't even want to do "Isn't It a Shame" and that was, for Patti, the last straw. Patti felt she was the leader and focal point of the group, but Vicki and Nona were really running things, so that caused a lot of friction. Then there is the fact that they hit their commercial high point in 1975, and their records past that point didn't sell as well--and Patti felt Nona's songs were not commercial enough, since most of them were psychedelic funk which was fine for groups like PFunk but not for women. I love Nona's music but at the time, disco or dance music was getting more vapid and silly, whereas Nona's music was more cerebral. Then, towards the end, rumors started circulating that all three women were lesbians, involved with each other, and that bugged the crap out of Patti. Suddenly everything Nona wrote was supposedly about homosexuality in some peoples' minds--something that Nona strongly denied. Her song "Going Down Makes
    Me Shiver" was about baptism and spirituality, but fans insisted it was about oral sex [[to be fair, Nona obviously loved double entendre--but it is interesting that earlier soul songs like "I'm Going Down" never got that rep).Last but not least, Labelle had been together 17 years, and that's a loooong time. They were just burnt out. Yes Nona and Patti got in a huge fight that night before their last gig in Cincinnati [[I think) and yes Nona had some sort of breakdown, but those were just symptoms of the previously stated problems. I would imagine it also bugged Patti that Nona, the groups main song-writer, made a lot more money from Labelle than Patti did. If Patti went solo, she kept all the money. So there ya have it.

  23. #123
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    If you go to the site, there are some pictures.


    Patti LaBelle, known for smooth R&B hits, lost her cool when she screamed at a toddler, threw water in her face then tried to punch the baby's pregnant mother during a profanity-laden rampage, alleges a lawsuit.
    Roseanna Monk says the 67-year-old soul-singing legend terrified her 18-month-old daughter Genevieve so badly that she started vomiting violently. The child hasn't been the same since and suffers from personality changes, sleeping disorders and 'increased fear of strangers,' Ms. Monk and her husband Kevin claim.

    The Monks have filed a lawsuit against Ms LaBelle for an incident they say took place in the lobby of their Upper West-side apartment building last fall.
    Diva: Two New Yorkers claim legendary singer Patti LaBelle traumatized their 18-month-old daughter with profanities and screaming

    Terrorized: Roseanne Monk says her daughter Genevieve was terrorized by the legendary singer and has had sleeping problems ever since
    Ms Monk said she put down her daughter to carry luggage out of the building. When Ms LaBelle walked in and saw the child running around the lobby, she went ballistic, according to the suit.

    'What are you doing letting your kid run around like that?' LaBelle asked Ms Monk, a kindergarten teacher who was pregnant at the time.

    More...'My court, my decision': Judge publicly 'humiliates' woman for breastfeeding son in courtroom
    Churchill would have been proud! Moment battling Bletchley Park baroness, 89, gave two-finger salute to fellow peer who said WW2 veterans like her looked 'pretty old'

    When Ms Monk picked Genevieve up, Ms LaBelle, herself a mother of five children, admonished the new mom for leaving her daughter by the door.

    Ms Monk told the New York Post she responded: 'I have no interest in what you say or think.'
    The diva, who was dressed in a fur coat and over-sized sunglasses, started hurling profanities at Ms Monk and her baby, according to the lawsuit.

    Legend: Ms LaBelle has been a hit-maker for more than four decades, with songs including 'Lady Marmalade' and 'On My Own'
    Ms LaBelle then threw water from a water bottle in the baby's face.
    When Genevieve started to cry, Ms Monk told her: 'Are you happy that this is what you have done to this baby?'
    That's when the singer, known for hit songs including 'Lady Marmalade' and 'I'll Be Your Friend,' 'tries to take a swing' at Ms Monk, the couple's attorney Sam Davis told the New York Daily News.

    Ms. LaBelle's entourage restrained her and shuffled her off into a waiting car.
    The couple said they didn't want to sue. First, they asked the singer, who was staying at the New York apartment building while she worked on the Broadway show 'Fela!', for an apology.

    But they decided to file a lawsuit after reading about an incident in Houston where Ms LaBelle's bodyguards were arrested for beating a West Point cadet in March.

    'The purpose is to hold Patti LaBelle responsible for her conduct, Mr Davis said.

    'That kind of behavior is completely unacceptable, especially when aimed at a kindergarten teacher carrying an 18-month-old child.'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz1eGeXL1O2

  24. #124
    smark21 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by BobC View Post
    Labelle broke up for a number of reasons. Patti was never comfortable with what she called "the rock and roll lifestyle"--which included a lot of drugs in and around the group, which she had been protected from in earlier days. Patti did want to do more ballads and show tunes, but Sarah and Nona didn't even want to do "Isn't It a Shame" and that was, for Patti, the last straw. Patti felt she was the leader and focal point of the group, but Vicki and Nona were really running things, so that caused a lot of friction. Then there is the fact that they hit their commercial high point in 1975, and their records past that point didn't sell as well--and Patti felt Nona's songs were not commercial enough, since most of them were psychedelic funk which was fine for groups like PFunk but not for women. I love Nona's music but at the time, disco or dance music was getting more vapid and silly, whereas Nona's music was more cerebral. Then, towards the end, rumors started circulating that all three women were lesbians, involved with each other, and that bugged the crap out of Patti. Suddenly everything Nona wrote was supposedly about homosexuality in some peoples' minds--something that Nona strongly denied. Her song "Going Down Makes
    Me Shiver" was about baptism and spirituality, but fans insisted it was about oral sex [[to be fair, Nona obviously loved double entendre--but it is interesting that earlier soul songs like "I'm Going Down" never got that rep).Last but not least, Labelle had been together 17 years, and that's a loooong time. They were just burnt out. Yes Nona and Patti got in a huge fight that night before their last gig in Cincinnati [[I think) and yes Nona had some sort of breakdown, but those were just symptoms of the previously stated problems. I would imagine it also bugged Patti that Nona, the groups main song-writer, made a lot more money from Labelle than Patti did. If Patti went solo, she kept all the money. So there ya have it.
    Interesting to learn about. In some respects LaBelle mirrored Oasis in that Liam Gallagher was the lead singer, but his brother Noel was the primary songwriter, as well as lead guitarist. I guess a similar friction can occur in other groups in which the lead singer may be the focal point of the act, but another member is the creative talent behind the scenes.

  25. #125
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    Like Simon & Garfunkel? The Beach Boys?


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