Snake-You know me, I'm an accountant and I kind of feel that I have to be SEEN to be whiter than white. Yeah, I am human too and I do have a lot of grey days. And it is true that I make mountains out of molehills. My mum tells me it all the time. But that's me. I am too old to change now. I am glad you didn't mean anything untoward and I can only offer as an excuse, my OTT interpretation of accountancy training that makes me think, well I better do what's right and put it out in the open and face the consequences now before it gets any worse.

Marybrewster- I can honestly and truthfully say it didn't even occur to me that I was doing one thing and preaching another. But when you brought it to my attention, I realised you had a very valid point. I would hope that we can all agree that I had no bad intentions when I offered to send copies of the Supremes Japanese LP to a few of the guys in much the same way that there were no bad intentions when Marv set up this thread or when Grape does the business like only Grape can do. I will definitely take on board what you said, but I'm no angel and I do fail sometimes. Of course, I would hope it would stop me from ever doing it again.