The story is long in the public domain. Cindy can’t even communicate.

Just because Cindy and Flo were Supremes doesn’t mean they are well heeled; they may make a basic retirement income. Cindy’s care could wipe out lots of money within a year. I can’t imagine there will be anything left.

Cindy made choices with Rochelle. That’s who she chose to be her first attorney, confidant and caregiver. Why is not our business but hers.

These were public people to a degree - but not the degree of Mary and certainly not to the degree of Diana. Diana would have no expectation of privacy which is why she says nothing.

The family then made choices with Brad Herman. I’m sure there are signed agreements. Those guys don’t work for free. And all of that became public.

I’d question where Cindy’s son was in all of this.

These people aren’t in any more danger of being scammed than your regular Person out there - but we all are at risk of getting scam calls from overseas and giving out too much information.

It amazes me that 50 years after Florence got poor professional assistance, Cindy chose to rely on a church friend. But perhaps with limited funds as someone earlier pointed out, you make strange choices