I don’t know if anyone ever heard he’s my man on the radio. I heard it played on KATZ the sound of soul in St. Louis one time. I can’t exactly remember the intro, but the disc jockey did give it some sort of a description by The Supremes. Something new by The Supremes blah blah blah something like that. I was excitedto hear it, but it didn’t sound good on the radio. Mary’s vocal was just very blah sounding…. I don’t know how many times they played it, I don’t know anyone else who heard it, I imagine it didn’t get much of a response. Program directors get stacks of 45s every day. They have meetings with label representatives every day. they are being pushed to play dozens of records every day. They can very few of those weddings. And when a program Director puts on a song by The Supremes who have not been the top 10 for over four years, and they hear mary’s vocal, I can imagine they never played the rest of the record. I’m not knocking Mary’s voice as everyone knows I’m a fan, a very big fan of her gifts… This isn’t one of them. It was a huge mistake to release this vocal. The problem with it all been said before is that so much of the lyrics are indistinguishable , that the record never would’ve had a chance, even if it was on the radio. Listen to every hit record that ever hit, it’s easy to hear and easy to sing. No one‘s going to be driving along in their car listening to the radio and having to put their ear to the speaker. Trying to figure out what’s being said. No one‘s gonna be required to do it because it’s not gonna get added in the first place. I think both of these records could’ve hit top 10 top 20, with a little help from New vocals.