Quote Originally Posted by telekin View Post
I know the lineup changes are often a knock on the 70s groupings, but this is part of the beauty of them - Jean and Scherrie were different vocalists for different times and sounds. As much as I think she's one of the greatest singers to ever grace the group, I don't think Jean would have ushered in The Supremes to the demands of disco as well as Scherrie did. Now, High Energy, that would have likely sounded good with Jean on lead, however I'm not sure if she would have been comfortable doing anything faster. Even Jean's own solo album, released when disco was an even bigger force, didn't really contain anything that matched the energy of the later Supremes singles.

Now, hypothetically, if Jean had stuck with the group and perhaps they ended up going in a more Philly soul/Philly disco direction, or if they ended up working with someone like Van McCoy, either of those possibilities might have been better suited for a singer like Jean.
I guess I'm in the minority here, I think Jean would have handled the Scherrie songs very well. The Supreme sound was changing I could hear Jean rocking I'm Let My Hear Do The Walking she was amazing on Bad Weather & Tossin and Turnin. Yeah Jean could handle the Scherrie stuff