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  1. #51
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    Uhhh am I the only one who read that Tweet and thought it was nice?

  2. #52
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    Could be or could also be she doesn’t care about recognition of that era

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    I think that's always been her truth , but now in this stage of her thinking, she's hardwired it.

    And leave it to Ross in her shout out to her girls getting their recognition, to choose as a song in tribute, one that includes none of them!!. But does that even matter, has it ever mattered.... that's probably her truth too ....
    it didn’t matter to the public, why should it matter to her? In her world, at Motown, this kind of thing was done every day, and nobody paid any attention to it. And I don’t believe you know what her truth is anymore than I do. She was barely even in the studio with them. How is she supposed to know who’s on the record? Because of the DeSantis-style tantrums some folks threw when Andy and George mention the personnel on the single of stop! They swore they would never discuss that stuff again and now we don’t get that information anymore, it’s not the secret of life but, you know, it is information - sad that some people could not handle 50 years after the record came out. Don’t say Andante or there will be repercussions!

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    You beat me to it Carlo, We all have our own individual thoughts and opinions regarding the Grammy awards and Diana’s total lack of involvement. I don't t see why thinking she might have dealt with the situation a little better should be seen as being negative.
    I guess to some Diana has to be seen as perfect in all things, being fine as long other opinions are respected.
    dealt with it better…… For who’s betterment? You are behaving as if there is some sort of right or wrong here. You are suggesting that a certain number of diana ross fans think she has to be seen as perfect. Have you ever read what you write sometimes? you are actually suggesting that she chose for ever came today, not for what seems like the obvious reason being, it’s title, but as a jab in the side to Mary and Cindy, because they are not on the record. That is such a stretch, in my opinion, that it has given me and a few friends chuckles. And you could be right. Maybe she called Bryan and Eddie and wanted to make sure there was a song Mary and Cindy weren’t on so she could pick that one. so, if I perceive your thought process correctly, she might just as well have chosen Bah-Bah-Bah [[except Mary and Cindy are on that but let’s pretend they weren’t) then I predict you would have said, “notice the title of the song she chose sounds a lot like blah, blah, blah, like she’s so tired of hearing of the Supremes, that it’s all just noise to her. “
    If you look hard enough, you can interpret anything anyway. And I don’t find your attitude any different except in reverse, of the attitudes of the fans you say feel she needs to be perfect. And I’m not criticizing you at all. I just think it’s funny. I think this whole topic is funny. I was just as disappointed as anybody, But I went back to my losing battle of volunteer work.

    What if she hates The Supremes? What is she has nothing but terrible memories about being in the group? Why if she was traumatized by the year and she was so uptight she couldn’t eat? What if, by the time they recorded those DJ shows, she was already resenting sharing the spotlight? What if any of those things? How can anyone possibly be criticizing someone without knowing the circumstances? It’s like dissing the only house on the street without Christmas lights. There could be a lot of reasons that most people would find reasonable. But the ones that were angry at the Dark house, might assuming kinds of dastardly things, including maybe it was a non-Christian household! Or they didn’t have anybody to put them up. Or they didn’t have the money to buy them or to pay for the extra energy. My vote is on a non-bathing cult of woke Satanists.

    are you more angry, or hurt, or is it something else? It’s almost 40 years since dream girl, you should be used to this stuff by now! I still enjoy your viewpoint very very much don’t get me wrong keep fighting the good fight!

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Uhhh am I the only one who read that Tweet and thought it was nice?
    No BobbyC, you are not the only one who thought the tweet was nice. I read it, took it at face value and moved on with my day without trying to analyze and dissect it.. Also, I cannot think of a better Supremes song than FCT to accompany the statement.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyB View Post
    No BobbyC, you are not the only one who thought the tweet was nice. I read it, took it at face value and moved on with my day without trying to analyze and dissect it.. Also, I cannot think of a better Supremes song than FCT to accompany the statement.
    Me too - I just went to work again - but I’ll retire June 30!

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    dealt with it better…… For who’s betterment? You are behaving as if there is some sort of right or wrong here. You are suggesting that a certain number of diana ross fans think she has to be seen as perfect. Have you ever read what you write sometimes? you are actually suggesting that she chose for ever came today, not for what seems like the obvious reason being, it’s title, but as a jab in the side to Mary and Cindy, because they are not on the record. That is such a stretch, in my opinion, that it has given me and a few friends chuckles. And you could be right. Maybe she called Bryan and Eddie and wanted to make sure there was a song Mary and Cindy weren’t on so she could pick that one. so, if I perceive your thought process correctly, she might just as well have chosen Bah-Bah-Bah [[except Mary and Cindy are on that but let’s pretend they weren’t) then I predict you would have said, “notice the title of the song she chose sounds a lot like blah, blah, blah, like she’s so tired of hearing of the Supremes, that it’s all just noise to her. “
    If you look hard enough, you can interpret anything anyway. And I don’t find your attitude any different except in reverse, of the attitudes of the fans you say feel she needs to be perfect. And I’m not criticizing you at all. I just think it’s funny. I think this whole topic is funny. I was just as disappointed as anybody, But I went back to my losing battle of volunteer work.

    What if she hates The Supremes? What is she has nothing but terrible memories about being in the group? Why if she was traumatized by the year and she was so uptight she couldn’t eat? What if, by the time they recorded those DJ shows, she was already resenting sharing the spotlight? What if any of those things? How can anyone possibly be criticizing someone without knowing the circumstances? It’s like dissing the only house on the street without Christmas lights. There could be a lot of reasons that most people would find reasonable. But the ones that were angry at the Dark house, might assuming kinds of dastardly things, including maybe it was a non-Christian household! Or they didn’t have anybody to put them up. Or they didn’t have the money to buy them or to pay for the extra energy. My vote is on a non-bathing cult of woke Satanists.

    are you more angry, or hurt, or is it something else? It’s almost 40 years since dream girl, you should be used to this stuff by now! I still enjoy your viewpoint very very much don’t get me wrong keep fighting the good fight!
    I think you need to take a deep breath. Firstly, i am not behaving if there is a right or wrong, i am simply giving my opinion.
    Do i think there are a number of fans who think she is perfect....Absolutely. That being fine as long as it’s realised we all have our own different viewpoints.
    I think for whatever reasons Diana does distance herself from her Supremes years. I actually don’t believe she was behind posting “Forever Came Today” as i can’t imagine her devoting that much energy to the subject.
    I’m not angry or hurt by her not sending a representative, more disappointed. Assuming of course that’s ok with you.
    P.S I’m so very pleased my thoughts gave your mates a bit of a chuckle. Continue in that vein and my next post will be a lot less polite i can assure you.

  8. #58
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    I did not want to get involved in this topic again but i have changed my mind because i feel that i have something valid to add to it. I do not for one second believe that Diana Ross was responsible for choosing Forever came today as the Supremes song in her tribute. Why do i not believe it? It is quite simple really. She would have totally forgotten that she was the only Supreme on that record. As i have previously stated she has a very poor knowledge of her catalogue of music both as a solo star and a Supreme. She rarely if ever listened to her own music. She was not a great fan of her own voice. She was not a huge fan of many of her most famous songs. She has probably totally forgotten about 90% of them. I recall telling her how much i loved I thought it took a little time and she gave me a blank stare. She had no recollection of the song despite it being released as a single. I was flabbergasted by this but even worse was to come which i shall not get into here. One of her representatives would have chosen the song, and i personally think whoever made that choice made a very good choice. Many will disagree and that is fine, but the person who chose that song was a shrewd cookie. Diana is not much interested in Social Media, and she is not much interested in looking back on her long career. Her latter days in the Supremes were not happy years for her. She suffered from eating disorders, exhaustion and probably physical and mental abuse and general ill treatment and disrespect at the hands of a person who should have known better. That is all in the past and i suspect that is where she would like to leave it. I do think she should have got her people to post an acknowledgement much sooner than they did, but for whatever reason that did not occur. I still firmly believe she fully intended to be at the Grammys, but she quite rightly put her own health and well being first. I am 100% behind her on that subject. The lady is not indestructable. She is a frail 79 year old who is gradually winding down her career. Let us appreciate her whilst we can. We do not have to agree with her actions, but we should try to respect them and put them in context with her current position in life.
    Happy Easter to each and every one of you.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebrock View Post
    I did not want to get involved in this topic again but i have changed my mind because i feel that i have something valid to add to it. I do not for one second believe that Diana Ross was responsible for choosing Forever came today as the Supremes song in her tribute. Why do i not believe it? It is quite simple really. She would have totally forgotten that she was the only Supreme on that record. As i have previously stated she has a very poor knowledge of her catalogue of music both as a solo star and a Supreme. She rarely if ever listened to her own music. She was not a great fan of her own voice. She was not a huge fan of many of her most famous songs. She has probably totally forgotten about 90% of them. I recall telling her how much i loved I thought it took a little time and she gave me a blank stare. She had no recollection of the song despite it being released as a single. I was flabbergasted by this but even worse was to come which i shall not get into here. One of her representatives would have chosen the song, and i personally think whoever made that choice made a very good choice. Many will disagree and that is fine, but the person who chose that song was a shrewd cookie. Diana is not much interested in Social Media, and she is not much interested in looking back on her long career. Her latter days in the Supremes were not happy years for her. She suffered from eating disorders, exhaustion and probably physical and mental abuse and general ill treatment and disrespect at the hands of a person who should have known better. That is all in the past and i suspect that is where she would like to leave it. I do think she should have got her people to post an acknowledgement much sooner than they did, but for whatever reason that did not occur. I still firmly believe she fully intended to be at the Grammys, but she quite rightly put her own health and well being first. I am 100% behind her on that subject. The lady is not indestructable. She is a frail 79 year old who is gradually winding down her career. Let us appreciate her whilst we can. We do not have to agree with her actions, but we should try to respect them and put them in context with her current position in life.
    Happy Easter to each and every one of you.
    Yeah my theory has always been that she has some kind of PTSD from the Supremes. I don't think it's a slight towards Mary and Florence, I think it was just an unhappy time for her [[and them) after they blew up. But at the same time I am fan and the Supremes have brought a lot of joy into my life so it does disappoint me when she won't acknowledge it or downplays it.

    I find it interesting though that she sings praises for the one who caused her the most trouble and put her through hell.

    And I wasn't being condescending in my post earlier in this thread...I truly do believe that Diana probably knows their voices better than we do lol.
    Last edited by floyjoy678; 04-09-2023 at 10:23 AM.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebrock View Post
    I did not want to get involved in this topic again but i have changed my mind because i feel that i have something valid to add to it. I do not for one second believe that Diana Ross was responsible for choosing Forever came today as the Supremes song in her tribute. Why do i not believe it? It is quite simple really. She would have totally forgotten that she was the only Supreme on that record. As i have previously stated she has a very poor knowledge of her catalogue of music both as a solo star and a Supreme. She rarely if ever listened to her own music. She was not a great fan of her own voice. She was not a huge fan of many of her most famous songs. She has probably totally forgotten about 90% of them. I recall telling her how much i loved I thought it took a little time and she gave me a blank stare. She had no recollection of the song despite it being released as a single. I was flabbergasted by this but even worse was to come which i shall not get into here. One of her representatives would have chosen the song, and i personally think whoever made that choice made a very good choice. Many will disagree and that is fine, but the person who chose that song was a shrewd cookie. Diana is not much interested in Social Media, and she is not much interested in looking back on her long career. Her latter days in the Supremes were not happy years for her. She suffered from eating disorders, exhaustion and probably physical and mental abuse and general ill treatment and disrespect at the hands of a person who should have known better. That is all in the past and i suspect that is where she would like to leave it. I do think she should have got her people to post an acknowledgement much sooner than they did, but for whatever reason that did not occur. I still firmly believe she fully intended to be at the Grammys, but she quite rightly put her own health and well being first. I am 100% behind her on that subject. The lady is not indestructable. She is a frail 79 year old who is gradually winding down her career. Let us appreciate her whilst we can. We do not have to agree with her actions, but we should try to respect them and put them in context with her current position in life.
    Happy Easter to each and every one of you.
    Thank you again, Bluebrock. You are the closest person to Diana Ross we have here and I respect you, your thoughts and opinions and all you can share with us.

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    I think you need to take a deep breath. Firstly, i am not behaving if there is a right or wrong, i am simply giving my opinion.
    Do i think there are a number of fans who think she is perfect....Absolutely. That being fine as long as it’s realised we all have our own different viewpoints.
    I think for whatever reasons Diana does distance herself from her Supremes years. I actually don’t believe she was behind posting “Forever Came Today” as i can’t imagine her devoting that much energy to the subject.
    I’m not angry or hurt by her not sending a representative, more disappointed. Assuming of course that’s ok with you.
    P.S I’m so very pleased my thoughts gave your mates a bit of a chuckle. Continue in that vein and my next post will be a lot less polite i can assure you.
    I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. Anything you do or say, is fine with me, as is anything anyone does, or says. And it doesn’t have to be fine with me because it’s going to be done or said anyway, so who cares what I think? I wasn’t judging you, but I was pointing out that it seemed to me you were putting as much effort into your axiom As you suggest diana perfect fans put into their perfectionism. There may very well be fans who think she is perfect. But I know a lot of fans, and as devoted as they are, and always will be, they know the reality of things, they just not might want to discuss it. I was suggesting that you felt there was a right or wrong from your statement that she could’ve handled it “better.” I assumed that better might indicate something close to right or wrong Because otherwise, what might “better” be? Anyway, it was just something to discuss. I really wasn’t challenging you. I’m sorry if it came off that way.

    and yes, my friends got a little bit of a chuckle as did I, but when you sit down and read it, doesn’t it seem a little far-fetched? I had this image of diana going down into the basement of her cellar like the wicked queen in Snow White, and conjuring up the most evil possible song to put onto her post. Anyway, I apologize if I offended you I certainly didn’t mean to. I guess I just don’t take this topic as seriously as some, who are reading an awful lot into her actions or lack there of without all the facts. She’s 79, I give her a break easily because of a lot of people at 79 I’m just not the same as they were at 69 or 59. Ollie, I enjoy your posts very much. Please don’t alter your posts in anyway because I crossed a line unintentionally. I was Just having fun.

  12. #62
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    Beautifully stated, as usual, Blue.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. Anything you do or say, is fine with me, as is anything anyone does, or says. And it doesn’t have to be fine with me because it’s going to be done or said anyway, so who cares what I think? I wasn’t judging you, but I was pointing out that it seemed to me you were putting as much effort into your axiom As you suggest diana perfect fans put into their perfectionism. There may very well be fans who think she is perfect. But I know a lot of fans, and as devoted as they are, and always will be, they know the reality of things, they just not might want to discuss it. I was suggesting that you felt there was a right or wrong from your statement that she could’ve handled it “better.” I assumed that better might indicate something close to right or wrong Because otherwise, what might “better” be? Anyway, it was just something to discuss. I really wasn’t challenging you. I’m sorry if it came off that way.

    and yes, my friends got a little bit of a chuckle as did I, but when you sit down and read it, doesn’t it seem a little far-fetched? I had this image of diana going down into the basement of her cellar like the wicked queen in Snow White, and conjuring up the most evil possible song to put onto her post. Anyway, I apologize if I offended you I certainly didn’t mean to. I guess I just don’t take this topic as seriously as some, who are reading an awful lot into her actions or lack there of without all the facts. She’s 79, I give her a break easily because of a lot of people at 79 I’m just not the same as they were at 69 or 59. Ollie, I enjoy your posts very much. Please don’t alter your posts in anyway because I crossed a line unintentionally. I was Just having fun.
    I’m glad you posted back MM as the last sentence of my post sounded a threat which is not what i’m about.
    You didn’t upset me, but I did feel like my right to a personal opinion was being questioned. I stick by what i said as regards Diana might have handled the situation better. Sending a representative was imo the respectful thing to do, and might have avoided disgruntled fans posting on Facebook and SD. Again, not a right or wrong, just my own personal opinion which is usually correct. [[Joke)
    As i previously mentioned, i don’t think she would have had much to do with the “Forever Came Today” posting, but i can see why it might annoy fans of all three women.
    Usually it’s the Diana can do no wrong posts that amuse me the most. Perhaps it’s those that can sometimes push others to far the other way.
    Anyway, happy Easter and keep posting.

  14. #64
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    Thank God.

  15. #65
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    Bette Midler one time famously stated that her fans knew her music better than she did, and I know in a lot of cases, that is absolutely true. Call me naive or optimistic, but I am going to give DR the benefit of the doubt on this one. I doubt she even remembers that Mary and the others were not on FCT. And as for not attending this awards ceremony--well maybe she had something else going on and couldn't make it. Why do people always jump to the worst conclusion? DR has nothing to gain from demeaning any of the ladies of the Supremes.

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    it didn’t matter to the public, why should it matter to her? In her world, at Motown, this kind of thing was done every day, and nobody paid any attention to it. And I don’t believe you know what her truth is anymore than I do. She was barely even in the studio with them. How is she supposed to know who’s on the record? Because of the DeSantis-style tantrums some folks threw when Andy and George mention the personnel on the single of stop! They swore they would never discuss that stuff again and now we don’t get that information anymore, it’s not the secret of life but, you know, it is information - sad that some people could not handle 50 years after the record came out. Don’t say Andante or there will be repercussions!
    Not interested in irrelevant political insertions when responding to a post of mine about Motown. Please don't.

    Regarding what I know and don't know about her truths, that's why I used the word "probably". I'm expressing an opinion on a likelihood based on her history.

    And Yes,
    Diana Ross often didn't know and obviously didn't care who was singing as a Supreme on her records, so why would anyone think she'd know ...or care now??

  17. #67
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    I'm with you, Boogie. Keep frikkin' politics off this forum. It is so tiresome.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    I'm with you, Boogie. Keep frikkin' politics off this forum. It is so tiresome.
    In its proper setting fine ... certainly not afraid of healthy debate ... there are probably instances even about Diana Ross where its appropriate...[??]....but enough of the ambushing.

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebrock View Post
    I did not want to get involved in this topic again but i have changed my mind because i feel that i have something valid to add to it. I do not for one second believe that Diana Ross was responsible for choosing Forever came today as the Supremes song in her tribute. Why do i not believe it? It is quite simple really. She would have totally forgotten that she was the only Supreme on that record. As i have previously stated she has a very poor knowledge of her catalogue of music both as a solo star and a Supreme. She rarely if ever listened to her own music. She was not a great fan of her own voice. She was not a huge fan of many of her most famous songs. She has probably totally forgotten about 90% of them. I recall telling her how much i loved I thought it took a little time and she gave me a blank stare. She had no recollection of the song despite it being released as a single. I was flabbergasted by this but even worse was to come which i shall not get into here. One of her representatives would have chosen the song, and i personally think whoever made that choice made a very good choice. Many will disagree and that is fine, but the person who chose that song was a shrewd cookie. Diana is not much interested in Social Media, and she is not much interested in looking back on her long career. Her latter days in the Supremes were not happy years for her. She suffered from eating disorders, exhaustion and probably physical and mental abuse and general ill treatment and disrespect at the hands of a person who should have known better. That is all in the past and i suspect that is where she would like to leave it. I do think she should have got her people to post an acknowledgement much sooner than they did, but for whatever reason that did not occur. I still firmly believe she fully intended to be at the Grammys, but she quite rightly put her own health and well being first. I am 100% behind her on that subject. The lady is not indestructable. She is a frail 79 year old who is gradually winding down her career. Let us appreciate her whilst we can. We do not have to agree with her actions, but we should try to respect them and put them in context with her current position in life.
    Happy Easter to each and every one of you.
    Lol - this makes her seem like a human being, like the rest of us! How can that be!!?? That’s a joke in case anyone doubts

    Happy Easter

  20. #70
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    I think that crap has no place here. These people are obsessed and I'm a little tired of biting my tongue. For years now.

  21. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    Not interested in irrelevant political insertions when responding to a post of mine about Motown. Please don't.

    Regarding what I know and don't know about her truths, that's why I used the word "probably". I'm expressing an opinion on a likelihood based on her history.

    And Yes,
    Diana Ross often didn't know and obviously didn't care who was singing as a Supreme on her records, so why would anyone think she'd know ...or care now??
    I didn’t use DeSantis as political commentary, I used his name because of the severe repercussions from someone speaking their mind. Less people will speak up now for fear of the same. 90 years ago in Germany, oops ignore that!

    But I don’t understand some thing, how is it obvious that she didn’t care who is singing on her records? If you think about it, how many times did mary wilson speak of the use of other singers on 70s supremes records…… Except Jimmy Webb.? what is there to say? I agree with you, I don’t think that she knows and I don’t think that she cares, and I don’t think that she cared back then but, to that point, what would she have to do to prove that she did know or care? I mean I don’t recall Martha Reeves or Gladys ever talking about who was on their records. It’s just usually not something it’s talked about.
    What record do you think might have been a better choice, given the situation, that featured all three original voices? I can only come up with a Happening, but I think forever came today is so appropriate.

  22. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMotownManiac View Post
    I didn’t use DeSantis as political commentary, I used his name because of the severe repercussions from someone speaking their mind. Less people will speak up now for fear of the same. 90 years ago in Germany, oops ignore that!

    But I don’t understand some thing, how is it obvious that she didn’t care who is singing on her records? If you think about it, how many times did mary wilson speak of the use of other singers on 70s supremes records…… Except Jimmy Webb.? what is there to say? I agree with you, I don’t think that she knows and I don’t think that she cares, and I don’t think that she cared back then but, to that point, what would she have to do to prove that she did know or care? I mean I don’t recall Martha Reeves or Gladys ever talking about who was on their records. It’s just usually not something it’s talked about.
    What record do you think might have been a better choice, given the situation, that featured all three original voices? I can only come up with a Happening, but I think forever came today is so appropriate.
    I think you're being disingenuous [sorry] when you say you weren't being political, bringing in DeSantis name was really a stretch within the conversation.

    Already I can't follow your defense because it reads as though you're saying people shouldn't speak their minds because of the severe repercussions....therefore we should just shut up [?] ...which I find hard to believe that is what you are saying. And since we're down that road ... Trump and tantrums, yes ....although the poor guy was certainly provoked and prodded enough to where who could blame him, but Desantis is cool as a cucumber and expresses his positions smoothly, so yes using the word tantrum is a weighted one with a political agenda with the attempt to skew perception ...
    Maybe you could have used instead an example where Diana Ross had a tantrum ...if tantrums are your point .... and thereby stayed within the Motown lane.

    I guess if she had cared about her fellow Supremes, she would have had the moral fortitude to stand up for them, "Hell no, I'm not singing on any records that don't include them. The fans are buying records by the Supremes and that's exactly what they should be getting. I refuse to be a part of this charade , and if they aren't on them, I'm not either."
    To not do that, for me, proves she didn't care.

    I believe had there been an attempt for other guys to replace The Pips on even one of their records, Gladys would've, with every beat of her heart, made it very clear that was not gonna happen.

    FOREVER CAME TODAY is a clever choice, a reflection of the Grammy recognition taking forever to come about, but it also rings phony, implying that Diana was reacting with an "at last" as though a lifetime dream of hers had come finally come true.

    "Who's this award for?? Cindy, Flo, Jean , The Andantes, me, Mary? and the rest? ? ....oh who cares, ... Where's Rhonda ?? ... time for tea! "
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 04-09-2023 at 06:32 PM.

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boogiedown View Post
    I think you're being disingenuous [sorry] when you say you weren't being political, bringing in DeSantis name was really a stretch within the conversation.

    Already I can't follow your defense because it reads as though you're saying people shouldn't speak their minds because of the severe repercussions....therefore we should just shut up [?] ...which I find hard to believe that is what you are saying. And since we're down that road ... Trump and tantrums, yes ....although the poor guy was certainly provoked and prodded enough to where who could blame him, but Desantis is cool as a cucumber and expresses his positions smoothly, so yes using the word tantrum is a weighted one with a political agenda with the attempt to skew perception ...
    Maybe you could have used instead an example where Diana Ross had a tantrum ...if tantrums are your point .... and thereby stayed within the Motown lane.

    I guess if she had cared about her fellow Supremes, she would have had the moral fortitude to stand up for them, "Hell no, I'm not singing on any records that don't include them. The fans are buying records by the Supremes and that's exactly what they should be getting. I refuse to be a part of this charade , and if they aren't on them, I'm not either."
    To not do that, for me, proves she didn't care.

    I believe had other guys replaced The Pips on even one of their records, Gladys would've, with every beat of her heart, made it very clear that was not gonna happen.

    FOREVER CAME TODAY is a clever choice, a reflection of the Grammy recognition taking forever to come about, but it also rings phony, implying that Diana was reacting with an "at last" as though a lifetime dream of hers had come finally come true.

    "Who's this award for?? Cindy, Flo, Jean , The Andantes, me, Mary? and the rest? ? ....oh who cares, ... Where's Rhonda ?? ... time for tea! "
    Excellent points Boogie, and certainly food for thought.

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    Excellent points Boogie, and certainly food for thought.
    thanks mate !!
    Last edited by Boogiedown; 04-10-2023 at 01:02 AM.

  25. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Uhhh am I the only one who read that Tweet and thought it was nice?
    No you are not alone on this, I read it, listen to it and said "oh how nice". I am still not a fan of award shows but "AT LAST", they got one.

  26. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    No you are not alone on this, I read it, listen to it and said "oh how nice". I am still not a fan of award shows but "AT LAST", they got one.
    We need a “like” button

  27. #77
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    It’s really not a competition where the people who liked it the most go home with a prize. It’s just other peeps opinions.

  28. #78
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    Well this thread took a weird turn. So glad I'm not in the cast of characters this time. Yay me!!!


    Diana more than likely did not post the song herself. It's actually quite difficult for me to imagine Miss Ross going through the trouble.

    The assertions of Diana's "amnesia" regarding her career may be overexaggerated. I wouldn't expect her to recall recording "Forever Came Today" or "You Bring Back Memories", but that she has no recall of any recording sessions or planning of shows, or what it felt like to play Lincoln Center, or any number of other career related things doesn't make sense to me unless she killed a ton of brain cells during her battle with alcoholism.

    I agree that Diana would know the voices of Florence and Mary, in particular, better than anyone. So just as she'd be able to pick their speaking voices out on a recording, I believe she could take a listen- maybe two- and know that is or isn't Flo and/or Mary.

  29. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Uhhh am I the only one who read that Tweet and thought it was nice?
    i'm with you Bobby. i thought is was a touching statement.

  30. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    i'm with you Bobby. i thought is was a touching statement.

  31. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    Well this thread took a weird turn. So glad I'm not in the cast of characters this time. Yay me!!!
    First time for everything, I suppose.

  32. #82
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    [QUOTE=Boogiedown;755312]I think you're being disingenuous [sorry] when you say you weren't being political, bringing in DeSantis name was really a stretch within the conversation.

    I wasn’t referring to his politics, or political views. I was referring to his manner. In this case: changing laws without thinking of the repercussions, having to change them again, passing laws and reneging on decades, old agreements that both parties were served well by…… Because someone spoke their mind. Can you imagine if Disney said they didn’t like the color of his shoes? He would have Disney World leveled!

    Already I can't follow your defense because it reads as though you're saying people shouldn't speak their minds because of the severe repercussions....therefore we should just shut up [?] ...which I find hard to believe that is what you are saying. And since we're down that road ... Trump and tantrums, yes ....although the poor guy was certainly provoked and prodded enough to where who could blame him, but Desantis is cool as a cucumber and expresses his positions smoothly, so yes using the word tantrum is a weighted one with a political agenda with the attempt to skew perception ...
    Maybe you could have used instead an example where Diana Ross had a tantrum ...if tantrums are your point .... and thereby stayed within the Motown lane.

    If there were a 12 foot monitor to push off the stage, I would have used diana ross, because that is my all-time favorite tantrum of anybody’s. Again, my comment was punishing people for speaking their mind, instead of thanking them for their opinion.

    I guess if she had cared about her fellow Supremes, she would have had the moral fortitude to stand up for them, "Hell no, I'm not singing on any records that don't include them. The fans are buying records by the Supremes and that's exactly what they should be getting. I refuse to be a part of this charade , and if they aren't on them, I'm not either.
    I know for a fact that diana did not know who was going to be on the backgrounds of those records after 1963. She many times recorded her vocals on different days. Mary and Florence would go in and record their vocals and sometime later, a few weeks, a few months, a few years, the record would come out, it would already have been put together by the time they heard it and they would’ve been laughed at the suggestion to go in, and re-record things. The producers decided who is on the records, not diana ross. Mary didn’t refuse to record without Florence, all of this was out of their control.

    To not do that, for me, proves she didn't care.

    You could be very right, maybe she didn’t care. You could take one look at her physical body and ascertain. She was not down for yet another fight, struggle or confrontation.

    I believe had there been an attempt for other guys to replace The Pips on even one of their records, Gladys would've, with every beat of her heart, made it very clear that was not gonna happen.

    She might very well have done that. But when you have three voices in the background, it gives you so much more versatility. Then, if you only have two, I doubt that they would’ve been replaced, probably just augmented. But then again, they didn’t have anywhere near the hectic schedule The Supremes. which is why many of the personnel decisions went to the Andantes.

    FOREVER CAME TODAY is a clever choice, a reflection of the Grammy recognition taking forever to come about, but it also rings phony, implying that Diana was reacting with an "at last" as though a lifetime dream of hers had come finally come true.

    "Who's this award for?? Cindy, Flo, Jean , The Andantes, me, Mary? and the rest? ? ....oh who cares, ... Where's Rhonda ?? ... time for tea! " [I very much enjoy your jaundiced view of Miss Ross. I have a best friend who does an imitation you would be thrilled with.

  33. #83
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    I felt Miss Ross' tweet was pleasant enough. I was pleased she mentioned Cindy, who is consistently overlooked. I truly feel she looks at the Supremes as an afterthought. Once the award arrived, she decided to tweet something. Forever Came Today was chosen by whoever does her social media because it took so long for them to receive the Grammy. I remember Ross' 20/20 interview where they watched Mary singing Supremes songs and Miss Ross stated that "she is singing my songs", so I think there is a history that she does feel even the Supremes were all about her. Who knows why there was such a tension between the originals? Ross also claimed that the FLOs were keeping the legacy alive and she seemed to have no problem with them singing her songs. It seemed it was just a slight to Mary. We weren't involved with the group when it was Mary, Florence and Diana so none of us knows really why each felt the way that they did. But I still feel like any honor should have been treated differently. Still, maybe it was too emotional for her to accept in person but she should have had a representative then. I think the tweet was nice enough by whoever runs Miss Ross' social media.

  34. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim aka jtigre99 View Post
    I felt Miss Ross' tweet was pleasant enough. I was pleased she mentioned Cindy, who is consistently overlooked. I truly feel she looks at the Supremes as an afterthought. Once the award arrived, she decided to tweet something. Forever Came Today was chosen by whoever does her social media because it took so long for them to receive the Grammy. I remember Ross' 20/20 interview where they watched Mary singing Supremes songs and Miss Ross stated that "she is singing my songs", so I think there is a history that she does feel even the Supremes were all about her. Who knows why there was such a tension between the originals? Ross also claimed that the FLOs were keeping the legacy alive and she seemed to have no problem with them singing her songs. It seemed it was just a slight to Mary. We weren't involved with the group when it was Mary, Florence and Diana so none of us knows really why each felt the way that they did. But I still feel like any honor should have been treated differently. Still, maybe it was too emotional for her to accept in person but she should have had a representative then. I think the tweet was nice enough by whoever runs Miss Ross' social media.
    I very much agree with you jim.

  35. #85
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    I was also glad that Mary's daughter thanked Diana and Berry and I almost forgot Turkessa was Diana grand daughter. I am glad with the award and the mention.

  36. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainjames View Post
    I was also glad that Mary's daughter thanked Diana and Berry and I almost forgot Turkessa was Diana grand daughter. I am glad with the award and the mention.
    I think you mean Goddaughter, not granddaughter.

  37. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim aka jtigre99 View Post
    I remember Ross' 20/20 interview where they watched Mary singing Supremes songs and Miss Ross stated that "she is singing my songs", so I think there is a history that she does feel even the Supremes were all about her. .
    This was an extremely revealing quote, exposing a personal mind set that would explain her actions as regards anything Supreme related.

  38. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    This was an extremely revealing quote, exposing a personal mind set that would explain her actions as regards anything Supreme related.
    The one quote that always has me laughing is when she says after that "I'm the one who's had a solo career for 30 years and I'm the one who's been singing Supremes songs". I love Diana most of the time but she sounded like a two year old brat in that interview.

  39. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    This was an extremely revealing quote, exposing a personal mind set that would explain her actions as regards anything Supreme related.
    well that quote was given during an interview with Barbara Walters around the whole RTL fiasco. after all of the angst that BOTH women [[Diana and Mary) were responsible for, Mary took out a scorched earth PR campaign and gave a scathing interview the day or two before to Barbara. it was a really angry interview. Diana then reached out to Barbara after the Mary interview in order to give her POV. her interview was, for diana, quite aggressive too, in the usually she glosses over things. she made some odd and even ridiculous comments herself but her point IMO about "mary singing her songs" was that Mary was singing the lead that Diana had sung. and frankly it was Diana's voice, among many other things including M and F's strong backing vocals, that made those songs a hit.

    all in all it was just a horrible situation that both ladies shared the blame in.

  40. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    well that quote was given during an interview with Barbara Walters around the whole RTL fiasco. after all of the angst that BOTH women [[Diana and Mary) were responsible for, Mary took out a scorched earth PR campaign and gave a scathing interview the day or two before to Barbara. it was a really angry interview. Diana then reached out to Barbara after the Mary interview in order to give her POV. her interview was, for diana, quite aggressive too, in the usually she glosses over things. she made some odd and even ridiculous comments herself but her point IMO about "mary singing her songs" was that Mary was singing the lead that Diana had sung. and frankly it was Diana's voice, among many other things including M and F's strong backing vocals, that made those songs a hit.

    all in all it was just a horrible situation that both ladies shared the blame in.
    Thank you sup_fan. The context of these quotes and the situation has to be considered.

  41. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobbyC View Post
    Uhhh am I the only one who read that Tweet and thought it was nice?
    I also thought it was a nice tweet. It bothers me that so many people read nefarious thoughts into every twitch of a muscle that comes from Diana.

  42. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by thommg View Post
    I also thought it was a nice tweet. It bothers me that so many people read nefarious thoughts into every twitch of a muscle that comes from Diana.
    hear hear!

  43. #93
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    It has come to my attention that there has never been a documentary that just chronicles the entire history of The Supremes. Seems when the money wasn't rolling in, the awesome history of The Supremes was forgotten. They were comparable to The Beatles, and also overshadowed by them in nostalgia too.

  44. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by thommg View Post
    I also thought it was a nice tweet. It bothers me that so many people read nefarious thoughts into every twitch of a muscle that comes from Diana.
    Old people with too much time on de hands

  45. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    Old people with too much time on de hands
    Don’t be so harsh on yourself. Have you ever thought of taking up knitting?.

  46. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by floyjoy678 View Post
    The one quote that always has me laughing is when she says after that "I'm the one who's had a solo career for 30 years and I'm the one who's been singing Supremes songs". I love Diana most of the time but she sounded like a two year old brat in that interview.
    The me factor has always been a huge part of her persona. Not her finest moment that’s for sure.

  47. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollie9 View Post
    This was an extremely revealing quote, exposing a personal mind set that would explain her actions as regards anything Supreme related.
    Agreed. I mentioned it once before that her saying this was exactly why she thought it was okay to move forward with RTL without Mary.

  48. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
    her point IMO about "mary singing her songs" was that Mary was singing the lead that Diana had sung. and frankly it was Diana's voice, among many other things including M and F's strong backing vocals, that made those songs a hit.
    I don't think this one can be glossed over. By referring to Supremes songs as "my songs" it was as if she was suggesting that Supremes songs belong more to Diana than to anyone else. Now I'll give her that if she's referring to any single from "Forever Came Today" thru "Someday We'll Be Together". It's still a pretty shitty thing to say, but she could make the argument that since she was the only Supreme on the record, it would be her song. But all those other hits belong to Florence and Mary as much as Diana and if she thought the same thing, she could never have formed the words "my songs" in relation to Mary singing them. Those songs belong to all three of them. Diana just said the quiet part out loud and I've never forgotten it. I always wish she would do more interviews but sometimes when she talks she does not do herself any favors.

  49. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    Agreed. I mentioned it once before that her saying this was exactly why she thought it was okay to move forward with RTL without Mary.
    It kind of ties in with Mary’s comments regarding Diana having never been good at sharing, and always wanting everything for herself. I really don’t believe she was attempting to be bitchy, just trying her best to explain Diana’s mindset.

  50. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by RanRan79 View Post
    I don't think this one can be glossed over. By referring to Supremes songs as "my songs" it was as if she was suggesting that Supremes songs belong more to Diana than to anyone else. Now I'll give her that if she's referring to any single from "Forever Came Today" thru "Someday We'll Be Together". It's still a pretty shitty thing to say, but she could make the argument that since she was the only Supreme on the record, it would be her song. But all those other hits belong to Florence and Mary as much as Diana and if she thought the same thing, she could never have formed the words "my songs" in relation to Mary singing them. Those songs belong to all three of them. Diana just said the quiet part out loud and I've never forgotten it. I always wish she would do more interviews but sometimes when she talks she does not do herself any favors.
    i agree that it was a poorly stated response and did nothing to help public opinions on the matter. M and F's contributions to many of the songs were a hugely important part of the overall. listen to Come See About Me. or WDOLG. even though their part is very limited on Where, without the hypnotic "baby baby" you really don't have the song.

    it's pretty clear this interview was an emotional, kneejerk response to mary's equally poor interview. mary's should have actually been very short - "i was the only member of the group from beginning until end. as such any reunion of said group should have had me involved from the onset, with the planning, with the strategic decision making. when they said 'just show up on time and sing' I felt that was disrespectful. and so i bowed out" she didn't need to go into the $ or Diana being selfish. you don't have to state the obvious. that simply phrase would have had everyone saying "ouch"


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