Quote Originally Posted by sup_fan View Post
i agree about taping more than they needed. similar to how gordy would have them record more than the necessary number of tracks for an album and pick and choose the best.

i have no evidence or idea but i wonder if the Afro Vogue dance idea came up a little later? maybe that would have been the spot? or maybe they were thinking "we'll tape FG and Afro and see which turns out the best" clearly the strategy was to provide a showcase for Diana and if a solo segment of hers came out strong, it would definitely trump something with the group
I'm positive the Afro Vogue segment was planned well ahead just as the other numbers. You have to consider the arrangements, costumes, choreography, Diana's photo segments, etc. all had to be worked on ahead of time so it was ready when they began to film for those 3 days. They filmed more than they could fit into the special. The "I'm The Greatest Star" segment would have been a feature for the girls, but as George and Andy pointed out the tape with the music ran out so there was no way they could complete the number while they were filming it. It was probably decided right there as they were filming it that it couldn't be used.