One of the things presidential candidates do is try and present the most appealing image to the voting public, and this is done by rallies, by giving speeches, and make public appearances. Trump's campaign interference trial is turning that approach upside down. He's no longer able to hit the necessary fund raisers because he now has to sit in a courtroom. The public was never given this sort of up-close and personal look at the Spawn of Satan, until now. One of the things we're learning about him is that he likes his naps. He nods off daily. I don't know about you, but if I was on trial for breaking a serious law, I'd be paying close attention to the proceedings. Not Trump. He just dozes off. And the other day? He had a problem with flatulence, what we colloquials call "cutting the cheese." From all of the memes I've seen, it must have been truly moldy cheese.

Odor in the Court!: Trump Reportedly Passed Gas During Criminal Trial [[