Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
Robb that was exactly right! My friends were everything back then.....BUT my grandparents were really my very best friends, they were awesome! My mother didn't view them the same way we kids did. My Grandma baked desserts, cookies, cakes, pies, puddings everyday! My Grandpa was retired and took me everywhere with him and he loved kids. He made sure you had some kind of bike, dog, fishing rod whatever, oh and the chance to ride horses when I stayed with him. Yes my grandparents lived in a small, rural country town. I got to know all the kids in their town. I was a city kid from birth but loved going out to the country. To me it was like going to summer camp! LOL! So my mother's threats did not possibly scare me like the one's where she would tell my father on me.
You hit the nail on the head, Marv! We transplanted from The Bronx to ATL in the '70's. And the grandparents lived in the 'burbs. Their refrigerator was so well-stocked, that whenever you wanted something, you had to lean against the door. Then, ever so slowly reach one hand in. You couldn't really choose anything - there was soooooo much food -but hope you grab something good! The freezer? They had two!!! One for meats and another back up outside near the laundry room!! You thought they were "feeding an army!"