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  1. #51
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    I have more words. I'm restraining myself, Marv. We got set back by 50 years when the Voting Rights Act was shot down. They immediately suppressed the vote and look at the results. The pundits can't understand it, but I do. Mark my words: police killings of civilians will have an uptick of at least two per week starting tomorrow. More guns will flood onto the streets. And these dumb f*cks don't realize that the cops kill us at a higher rate, but they kill more of them.

    Watch what happens to criminal justice. Watch what happens to housing, employment, and educational discrimination. I'm not writing this without thinking about it. We will have a war within two years, write it down. This time there will be no coalition to help us out. Domestically and internationally, the world changed in a huge way tonight. I'm done right now. This is the worst thing that could have occurred and with you and I being in our 50s, we will be dead before we gain what we will lose in the next year.

  2. #52
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    And we were so grateful as a nation, we made him the most popular outgoing president in a generation.

    Here is the true irony in that statement, a very large majority who drove up his favorables are White. The same ones that told us eight years ago [[and even before) that racism was over and we were paranoid and crazy to think other wise.

    When Blacks were being murdered in the street on video, Gays were murdered and beaten, Women, the Disable, Immigrants etc. were being bullied, ridiculed and harassed at an alarming rate, these same White folk suddenly realize racism and every other ism you could think of was REAL...that White privilege exist. HELL, I almost got kicked off this forum for saying the very same thing I now hear" good liberal" White people say about their own.

    I'm pissed...not because he won. This victory honestly doesn't surprise me...anymore than racism surprises me. I'm pissed because many, if not most of these same people I'm referring to have the audacity to be shocked and didn't see this coming.

    Michael Moore and a few others who were "poo pooed" for trying to warn folks wasn't so dumb after all, was he?

    ..and to my own that helped make this happen...carry on Jerry Oz, carry on!!!!
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-09-2016 at 05:23 AM.

  3. #53
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    I've been involved in politics since I was 6....watching Bmore's future politicians playing cards on Friday nights....and passing out flyers Saturday mornings.

    I also worked for the Feds all of my adult life.

    I've always believed we get the government we deserve.....and I still do.

    Jerry.....no we won't.

    MsM.......George Lopez said it before Moore.

    Cue the coyote....and the safe.

  4. #54
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    MsM... don't go. We need you. Most if not all here did not vote for Trump and believe in nothing he stands for. Keep the fight alive. And pray

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    MsM... don't go. We need you. Most if not all here did not vote for Trump and believe in nothing he stands for. Keep the fight alive. And pray
    Luke it's not about who didn't vote for Trump. I am pissed with the folks that suddenly found their...wow, we really do live in a racist country moment.

    Many Blacks, especially from my era and even a little younger have tried to get non Whites to LISTEN but they refused. I'm not talking to ALL. I'm talking to those folks who saw themselves as... just and fair and yeah, even liberal cause they gotta Black friend.... who refused to accept all the crap we told them was out there, REALLY WAS OUT THERE.

    I'm talking to those who refused to HEAR their White privileged which they refuse to accept, blinded them to what we knew , felt, saw and experienced was hurting us just as much as the full out racist.

    Imagine if they had listen to us....we could have kicked over those damn rocks and exposed the "deplorables", years ago.

    I'm also pissed with myself for falling back and not keeping up the pressure. You want to know an irony...up until this moment I never thought Trump and I had anything in common but we do.....BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT IS BS! I'm not talking about showing people kindness and empathy, I'm talking about that attitude where we are suppose to tip toe around issues as not to upset the status quo.

    HA! jokes on me and many of us 'cause not being PC and upsetting the status quo worked....now ain't that a kick in the head?

  6. #56
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    Des does it matter who said it first?

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Des does it matter who said it first?
    No......it doesn't and I should have given context.

    The point that I failed to make is that Moore said here are the five reasons Trump will win.

    Whereas.....back before the first primary Lopez commented......"Yall laughing at Trump, but there's enough racists in this country to make it happen."

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by destruction View Post
    No......it doesn't and I should have given context.

    The point that I failed to make is that Moore said here are the five reasons Trump will win.

    Whereas.....back before the first primary Lopez commented......"Yall laughing at Trump, but there's enough racists in this country to make it happen."
    And that's part of my point, many of us have known it for years but all hell would break loose when we called it out.... and look where being told [[literally and figuratively) to sit down, shut the eff up and pull ourselves up my our boot straps has gotten us.

    I'll get over getting being pissed, that's not a problem but will I get over the next four years? That is causing me hella concern right now!

    People really don't understand the evil they have unleashed. Screw Trump, he was just the one to open the frigging box that let it out...the real danger is, it's not going back in, anytime soon.

    Last edited by ms_m; 11-09-2016 at 10:06 AM.

  9. #59
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    Yes it did. I'm looking at it..

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Yes it did. I'm looking at it..
    Take this how ever you want. I wasn't speaking to you, I was speaking to Des and no it didn't. Not in our neck of the woods!

    Soulster I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I've been reading many of your post all over the forum and actually found myself agreeing with many of the things you've said musically and politically....BUT PLEASE...don't get it twisted, ok?

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Take this how ever you want. I wasn't speaking to you, I was speaking to Des and no it didn't. Not in our neck of the woods!

    Soulster I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I've been reading many of your post all over the forum and actually found myself agreeing with many of the things you've said musically and politically....BUT PLEASE...don't get it twisted, ok?
    You and I don't like each other. I'm not sure how we got to that place, but I never had a problem with your political opinions, even though I may disagree with a few. Everybody disagrees sometimes.

    The bad blood between you, me, and des, came at a time where there was a lot of crap going on on this forum that had nothing to do with the three of us, but, somehow, I got grouped in with that troublemaking bunch. Hell, my screen name may be different for technical reasons, but I believe I was a member here before either of you were.

    I'm a person with my own opinions based on MY observations and experiences. I'm often at odds with a large majority of the forum with my opinions, even Ralph. But, I am outspoken, and I don't always hold back.

    I think mutual respect is in order to keep peace. No personal attacks or snide comments, and I think we'll all get along. I wonder if Des is on board with that.

  12. #62
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    Every time Republicans get control of the country, let alone all three branches of government, two things happen. The first is that racism and discrimination manifest themselves in a very robust manner. People take the cue that they can say and do things that are reprehensible to people because they are different and to a large extent they get away with it. The second is that the economy goes into a tail spin. Look it up. Historically, they get us in trouble and "tax and spend" liberals inevitably come in and restore the order. And historically, once things are on a better floor the cycle repeats itself. I'm tired of watching this movie, I've seen it several times in my life.

    My second concern is this: In the past two years, the light has turned on to reveal how law enforcement gets away with inexcusable abuses. The president took away the program that gave local police departments armored vehicles and weapons that are designed for war after they were deployed in Ferguson. Do you think Drumpf and prospective attorney general Rudolph Giuliani are going to have a similar opinion on things? Do you think the Justice Department will investigate the next time Cleveland, New York, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Houston, Ferguson, et.al. have a pattern of abuse? He already said he will make the police tougher.

    I also have two serious existential problems right now. One is that I will see equal protections under law eroded in the next few years and it will be harder to buy a car or house or rent an apartment. The second is that my nephews and nieces will have to refight the battles that I thought were won a long time ago. I am 54 years old. I will never see us progress to the point that we were at when I went to sleep this morning [[couldn't fall asleep last night). With his Supreme Court nominees, we will see that the elimination of the Voters Rights Act was just the beginning. I'm shaking my head. Two separate Americas, indeed.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I have more words. I'm restraining myself, Marv. We got set back by 50 years when the Voting Rights Act was shot down. They immediately suppressed the vote and look at the results. The pundits can't understand it, but I do. Mark my words: police killings of civilians will have an uptick of at least two per week starting tomorrow. More guns will flood onto the streets. And these dumb f*cks don't realize that the cops kill us at a higher rate, but they kill more of them.

    Watch what happens to criminal justice. Watch what happens to housing, employment, and educational discrimination. I'm not writing this without thinking about it. We will have a war within two years, write it down. This time there will be no coalition to help us out. Domestically and internationally, the world changed in a huge way tonight. I'm done right now. This is the worst thing that could have occurred and with you and I being in our 50s, we will be dead before we gain what we will lose in the next year.
    If Giuliani is picked for Attorney General, there will be no prosecution or investigations by the Federal Government into such shootings. I know that is how it was when he was our Mayor.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Every time Republicans get control of the country, let alone all three branches of government, two things happen. The first is that racism and discrimination manifest themselves in a very robust manner. People take the cue that they can say and do things that are reprehensible to people because they are different and to a large extent they get away with it. The second is that the economy goes into a tail spin. Look it up. Historically, they get us in trouble and "tax and spend" liberals inevitably come in and restore the order. And historically, once things are on a better floor the cycle repeats itself. I'm tired of watching this movie, I've seen it several times in my life.

    My second concern is this: In the past two years, the light has turned on to reveal how law enforcement gets away with inexcusable abuses. The president took away the program that gave local police departments armored vehicles and weapons that are designed for war after they were deployed in Ferguson. Do you think Drumpf and prospective attorney general Rudolph Giuliani are going to have a similar opinion on things? Do you think the Justice Department will investigate the next time Cleveland, New York, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Houston, Ferguson, et.al. have a pattern of abuse? He already said he will make the police tougher.

    I also have two serious existential problems right now. One is that I will see equal protections under law eroded in the next few years and it will be harder to buy a car or house or rent an apartment. The second is that my nephews and nieces will have to refight the battles that I thought were won a long time ago. I am 54 years old. I will never see us progress to the point that we were at when I went to sleep this morning [[couldn't fall asleep last night). With his Supreme Court nominees, we will see that the elimination of the Voters Rights Act was just the beginning. I'm shaking my head. Two separate Americas, indeed.
    I agree with everything youve said JerryOz. Im stunned and disgusted and shocked and doing a lot of praying.


  15. #65
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    I wish Obama would sign an executive order and grant all undocumented Latinos citizenship for spite. That way, Trump can't deport 'em, and the Democrats will have a built-in voter bloc for the next election. He can do it, too. Ronald Reagan did it.

    And, then watch the republicans totally destroy whatever is left of the voting laws in retaliation. Anarchy!

  16. #66
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    I hear you msm. I feel even worse that HRC won popular vote by 2 million. Time to get rid of electoral college

  17. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by luke View Post
    I hear you msm. I feel even worse that HRC won popular vote by 2 million. Time to get rid of electoral college
    I don't know Luke. I like the idea of a popular vote in theory but in reality, not sure if it would be entirely fair. If I live in a state like Rhode Island where the entire state population is less than many of our larger cities, does that REALLY give me a true voice in the voting process?

    It hurts to see the popular vote total and know she loss but there is a bigger picture at stake that needs to be examined as well.

    Let me play devils advocate for a sec. If it had been Trump who won the popular vote and HRC who won the electoral vote, would you still feel the same?
    Last edited by ms_m; 11-09-2016 at 04:34 PM.

  18. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    I wish Obama would sign an executive order and grant all undocumented Latinos citizenship for spite. That way, Trump can't deport 'em, and the Democrats will have a built-in voter bloc for the next election. He can do it, too. Ronald Reagan did it.

    And, then watch the republicans totally destroy whatever is left of the voting laws in retaliation. Anarchy!
    It doesn't work like that. Executive orders are limited in their scope and they already challenged his immigration order successfully. They are now saying that they're preparing 25 documents for Herr Drumpf to sign on day one that will rescind all of the things he used executive action on. It's their stated goal to erase everything that he did in his term. He wants to destroy the president's legacy.

  19. #69
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    No I would not. ! I have to think about it more because it still confuses me and I was a history major!! Soulster great idea per executive order and pardon HRCin case nutso goes after her and gay protection on all levels employments housing etc. and marriage equality etc etc!

  20. #70
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    lUKE: Yep, democracy can be a messy and quirky business.

    As far as an executive order, keep in mind, it's only good while the current recipient is in the WH, after that, all bets are off.

    Oops, didn't see Jerry's post...my bad.

  21. #71
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    For someone who said that he wanted to end the status quo, Donald Trump's acceptance speech sounded remarkably like that of any normal politician.

  22. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    It doesn't work like that. Executive orders are limited in their scope and they already challenged his immigration order successfully. They are now saying that they're preparing 25 documents for Herr Drumpf to sign on day one that will rescind all of the things he used executive action on. It's their stated goal to erase everything that he did in his term. He wants to destroy the president's legacy.
    I'm pretty sure Obama can emancipate undocumented people by Executive order.

  23. #73
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    He already tried to exempt them from ICE enforcement activity but Republican governors sued. The courts said that he exceeded his authority. Only an act of Congress can create a path to citizenship.

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by 144man View Post
    For someone who said that he wanted to end the status quo, Donald Trump's acceptance speech sounded remarkably like that of any normal politician.
    Agree and I will admit, his acting like an adult surprised me but over the years I've learned, a human snake will always be a human snake.

    This change of tone would have to be consistent over the course of the next four years for me to give him the benefit of the doubt so at the end of the day, we shall see. However, he has painted himself in a corner and if he doesn't revert back to type at some point, his base will turn on him. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing but it would be a scary ting.

  25. #75
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    Any thoughts on Hilary Clinton's speech ?

  26. #76
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    Sad, classy, apologetic...and of course the usual rhetoric of how it's time for the country to heal, come together, blah, blah, blah.

  27. #77
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    Although I was a child, I still have very vivid memories of riding with my parents to a certain BBQ place and having to order and pick up our food at the back door. I still remember the white and colored signs for the drinking fountain in front of our court house. To this day, I still have a visceral reaction to the old train station [[which is now a nursery) where my mom and I would sit in the colored waiting room, waiting on the train that would take us to visit my grandmother. And of course we would take that ride in the colored section of the train, where we would eat the lunch that my mom had prepared because we were not allowed in the train dining car. As I grew older I remember watching the sit ins, the marches, the fire hydrant hoses and dogs... and older still, the riots in cities all over the country. Yet, these last 18 months and the final result of the election has left me with a sense of dread that has far surpassed anything I felt back then. My faith in the American people [[in general) has pretty much eroded as well as any optimism I may have had for the future of this country.

  28. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I have more words. I'm restraining myself, Marv. We got set back by 50 years when the Voting Rights Act was shot down. They immediately suppressed the vote and look at the results. The pundits can't understand it, but I do. Mark my words: police killings of civilians will have an uptick of at least two per week starting tomorrow. More guns will flood onto the streets. And these dumb f*cks don't realize that the cops kill us at a higher rate, but they kill more of them.

    Watch what happens to criminal justice. Watch what happens to housing, employment, and educational discrimination. I'm not writing this without thinking about it. We will have a war within two years, write it down. This time there will be no coalition to help us out. Domestically and internationally, the world changed in a huge way tonight. I'm done right now. This is the worst thing that could have occurred and with you and I being in our 50s, we will be dead before we gain what we will lose in the next year.
    Watch what happens when it becomes clear that Trump will not be able to deliver on most everything he promised his supporters like bring back all those manufacturing jobs lost over the decades. Just watch when 20 million people loose their health insurance, etc.

  29. #79
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  30. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    . My faith in the American people [[in general) has pretty much eroded as well as any optimism I may have had for the future of this country.
    I understand you ms_m, I saw recently a French documentary about RE-SEGREGATION in Alabama, I just couldn't believe it !

  31. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Watch what happens when it becomes clear that Trump will not be able to deliver on most everything he promised his supporters like bring back all those manufacturing jobs lost over the decades. Just watch when 20 million people loose their health insurance, etc.
    I already know what's going to happen because it's happened before. Somewhere in the second year of his presidency, we are going to find a reason to attack Iran or put US boots on the ground in Syria. The reason is three-fold. First, he's going to need to distract people from the fact that his promises are BS and he can't deliver on them. Second, he will by then have broken the Iran nuclear accord and the "only way to make sure" they don't have the ability to create nukes will be to kill US soldiers. There will be no coalition this time, the world already brokered a manageable deal to the problem. Also, he's already painted himself into a corner by telling his deplorable base that he will "absolutely wipe out ISIS". Third, he's a profiteer a la Dick Cheney and there's big money in fighting wars. He's going to finally be a billionaire by the time he leaves office and it's only going to cost a few Mexicans their homes, a few Syrians a safe haven from a horrible situation, and a few soldiers their lives. It's a win-win!

  32. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Sad, classy, apologetic...and of course the usual rhetoric of how it's time for the country to heal, come together, blah, blah, blah.
    You know what ms_m they can shove there rhetoric where the sun dont shine. im not ready to heal and come together. An orange faced buffon hurled vicious slurs at Mexicans and African Americans and Muslims and Women and people with dissabilities for the better part of a year and THATS exactly who he is and his VEEP Mr Pence is worse hes a total homophobe who would take away marriage equality and a womans right to choose. Im a Christian who I dont think has ever cussed on this here forum but when it comes to heal and come together all that comes to mind is F*CK Donald TRUMP and Rudy Guiliani and that worthless vat of lard Chris Christie. Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.

  33. #83
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    [quote= you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.[/quote]


  34. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.

  35. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.

  36. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.

  37. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.

  38. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.

  39. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.

  40. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.

  41. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Sorry folks but you dont hear hate for a year and then get over it in a night.
    This has to be the best thing you've ever written here!

  42. #92
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    This orange faced buffoon questions our Presidents citizenship and starts the vicious birther movement that went on for almost 6 years and then he calls President Obama a very good man after meeting him at the White House for the FIRST TIME EVER. You trash a decent and honest and great man for 6 years that youve never ever met and think your very good man comment wipes all of that vicious hate away. NO MISTER TRUMP it doesnt.


  43. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by phil View Post
    I understand you ms_m, I saw recently a French documentary about RE-SEGREGATION in Alabama, I just couldn't believe it !

    I can remember people trying to tell me that racism was dying out. Yeah right....you now have middle school kids, high school kids, college kids gloating about how they are going to get their country back...THEIR COUNTRY?

    The struggle is real. Always has been and always will be!

  44. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    Yet, these last 18 months and the final result of the election has left me with a sense of dread that has far surpassed anything I felt back then. My faith in the American people [[in general) has pretty much eroded as well as any optimism I may have had for the future of this country.
    I have been heartsick and disgusted that hate and fear have won out in this election. And now I have great dread for what is coming, no, what is starting to happen right now. Trump has been inciting a mob for more than a year. He has in essence been inciting a lynch mob and now that they are in power, it will be about revenge which they will call “taking back our country”.

    The Trump administration will make every effort to undo the progress that has been made in civil rights, but the genie is out of the bottle and there is going to be fight. There will be physical and emotional violence, and sadly it looks like it cannot be avoided. Our nation is divided and both sides are digging in. The mob is emboldened and out for revenge and to maintain our civil rights we have to fight them. There is no other choice. I honestly don’t see how it will be avoided. What I fear and dread most is that this violence will likely be worse than 60’s.

    The set back to civil rights that America has voted in tells me it will be many, many years before Americans will be anything resembling unified, if that can ever happen at all. I think the divisions are too deep.

  45. #95
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    We here are all too old to see us return to what we thought we had three days ago. But that's actually okay. Things didn't change overnight. This country has been waiting for this moment and it is revealed that we are who we always were.

  46. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by sophisticated_soul View Post
    I have been heartsick and disgusted that hate and fear have won out in this election. And now I have great dread for what is coming, no, what is starting to happen right now. Trump has been inciting a mob for more than a year. He has in essence been inciting a lynch mob and now that they are in power, it will be about revenge which they will call “taking back our country”.

    The Trump administration will make every effort to undo the progress that has been made in civil rights, but the genie is out of the bottle and there is going to be fight. There will be physical and emotional violence, and sadly it looks like it cannot be avoided. Our nation is divided and both sides are digging in. The mob is emboldened and out for revenge and to maintain our civil rights we have to fight them. There is no other choice. I honestly don’t see how it will be avoided. What I fear and dread most is that this violence will likely be worse than 60’s.

    The set back to civil rights that America has voted in tells me it will be many, many years before Americans will be anything resembling unified, if that can ever happen at all. I think the divisions are too deep.
    Exactly, people who voted for this man, voted third party or simply didn't vote at all really don't have a clue...but they are about to find out and his deplorable base will not be happy either. Just HOW bad it will get is still up in the air but this BS will NOT end well for any of us!

  47. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    We here are all too old to see us return to what we thought we had three days ago. But that's actually okay. Things didn't change overnight. This country has been waiting for this moment and it is revealed that we are who we always were.
    we are who we always were

    Having to finally accept that is like a knife through the heart.

  48. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by sophisticated_soul View Post
    I have been heartsick and disgusted that hate and fear have won out in this election. And now I have great dread for what is coming, no, what is starting to happen right now. Trump has been inciting a mob for more than a year. He has in essence been inciting a lynch mob and now that they are in power, it will be about revenge which they will call “taking back our country”.

    The Trump administration will make every effort to undo the progress that has been made in civil rights, but the genie is out of the bottle and there is going to be fight. There will be physical and emotional violence, and sadly it looks like it cannot be avoided. Our nation is divided and both sides are digging in. The mob is emboldened and out for revenge and to maintain our civil rights we have to fight them. There is no other choice. I honestly don’t see how it will be avoided. What I fear and dread most is that this violence will likely be worse than 60’s.

    The set back to civil rights that America has voted in tells me it will be many, many years before Americans will be anything resembling unified, if that can ever happen at all. I think the divisions are too deep.
    sophisticated_soul the people that are out to spread hate and violence towards others have always been a part of America. Things seemed to have changed, but now we see that it was only on the surface.

  49. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    I can remember people trying to tell me that racism was dying out. Yeah right....you now have middle school kids, high school kids, college kids gloating about how they are going to get their country back...THEIR COUNTRY?

    The struggle is real. Always has been and always will be!
    They are behaving like that at that age because their parents have taught them to hate! We all were that age once. My parents NEVER taught us hate of any kind.

  50. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by ms_m View Post
    we are who we always were

    Having to finally accept that is like a knife through the heart.
    In my lifetime I saw great advances in civil rights and then the slow erosion of those rights over time, to the point that we are nearly back to square one. Indeed "we are who we always were" and this election has indeed become "a knife through the heart". "The more things change, the more they remain the same".


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