Someone has commented in the Dusty thread about her being difficult due to her insecurity. At various other times, I have read also about Dionne, Shirley, Anita Baker, and maybe some others being likewise hard to handle. So that made me think of this question....Are there now or have there ever been any mega-stars who handled the pressures of their careers but yet managed to remain consistently nice, approachable, maybe even to the point that they were almost TOO sweet? In other words, has there ever been a singer that everybody loved and you simply never heard a bad word about her?

I have one in mind but instead of mentioning her first, I will wait to see if her name comes up from anyone else. I don't know one way or the other if she fits my question, but I always thought she had the sweetest smile, and it made me think she might be a wonderful person as well. If no one else mentions her, I will bring her up eventually for discussion before the thread dies.