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  1. #1
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    Another unarmed Black man gets shot by cops...this time it's in Tulsa, OK



    Something very interesting: Notice how footage of the cops shooting someone never quite gets captured? In this one, it's like the cops waited until they know the helicopter's camera would be obscured by the angle and tree branches.

    Another case of trigger-happy policemen scared of what a Black man's going to do. The comments from the helicopter confirms again that White people live with an assumption that Black people are bad and dangerous, and think Black men have superhuman strength.

    And, if they tasered the guy, why did they shoot him?
    Last edited by soulster; 09-20-2016 at 01:08 AM.

  2. #2
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    I would have thought when they killed Eric Harris in Tulsa last year that they would have made some changes to prevent this type of thing from having:


  3. #3
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    You remember the Eric Harris of Tulsa, OK case? It's when the officer told Harris after he had been shot and complained that he could not breathe to F his breathing?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post


    Something very interesting: Notice how footage of the cops shooting someone never quite gets captured? In this one, it's like the cops waited until they know the helicopter's camera would be obscured by the angle and tree branches.

    Another case of trigger-happy policemen scared of what a Black man's going to do. The comments from the helicopter confirms again that White people live with an assumption that Black people are bad and dangerous, and think Black men have superhuman strength.

    And, if they tasered the guy, why did they shoot him?
    What doesn't make sense to me is when the female officer reported that he, Cruther will not show me his hands when it is clear that he had his hands up. He was not a crime suspect at the time, why did they kill him?

  5. #5
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    .....and they want Colin Kaepernick to stop protesting.

  6. #6
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    And now, it's going to take a few months to "investigate". Had they caught you or me on camera shooting someone, the investigation would last as long as it took to file the paperwork for murder. What do they need to investigate? They should have statements from every one of those cops already but they want the union to have time to get their story straight. It really is not any more complicated than that.

    Mad props go to the Tulsa police chief for releasing this as opposed to other places like Chicago who don't release tape unless a judge orders it or the entire state of North Carolina, which passed a law that exempts the police from having to release it under Freedom of Information Act. But the fact that the cop who shot him is [[in the words of Kaepernick) now on "paid vacation", is further proof that the system will always work in favor of crooked cops.

  7. #7
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    Cops are nothin' but paid serial killers.

  8. #8
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    This one feels real bad because from the information that is out there now, it appears that the victim was seeking help from the police. His vehicle was immobile. They will say because he was walking [[with his hands up), that he posed a threat.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    This one feels real bad because from the information that is out there now, it appears that the victim was seeking help from the police. His vehicle was immobile. They will say because he was walking [[with his hands up), that he posed a threat.
    Read between the lines: Because he was breathing, he posed a threat. The old Arsenio Hall joke about being pulled over for being Black on a sunny day isn't so funny in 2016 as it was 30 years ago.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Read between the lines: Because he was breathing, he posed a threat. The old Arsenio Hall joke about being pulled over for being Black on a sunny day isn't so funny in 2016 as it was 30 years ago.
    Jerry, how much of this do you believe is intentional vs poor policing?

  11. #11
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    It's poor policing, but in my opinion, the lack of professionalism is not an accident. They do such a poor job because they prefer not to be held to a proper standard. So it makes no difference to me. If you can do better, but don't, it may as well be international.

    My wife doesn't like it when I say that there are no good cops, only cops and bad ones. In my opinion, a good cop would police his brothers in blue more diligently than anyone else. But look at what happens when they cross the thin blue line: they get run off of the force or framed so that they look like criminals themselves.

    The unions run the police and their interests run contrary to holding cops accountable. Don't talk to me about a "good" cop. They're supposed to be good.

  12. #12
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    But with that said, there are plenty of reports about White supremacists on police departments. One of the five who were gunned down in Dallas had racist imagery tattooed to his arms and hands. He also had a lot of Aryan propaganda on his Facebook page, but the evening news chose not to paint that picture when it is much more convenient to think that all cops are selfless heroes.

    That's also why nobody reports that between 21-40% of police wives suffer from domestic violence, even though the police are among the professions with the lowest reported arrest rates. They are entitled and corrupt. Yeah, we need someone to do that job, but if it was not Black people suffering from their abuse, reforms would have been made decades ago.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    It's poor policing, but in my opinion, the lack of professionalism is not an accident. They do such a poor job because they prefer not to be held to a proper standard. So it makes no difference to me. If you can do better, but don't, it may as well be international.

    My wife doesn't like it when I say that there are no good cops, only cops and bad ones. In my opinion, a good cop would police his brothers in blue more diligently than anyone else. But look at what happens when they cross the thin blue line: they get run off of the force or framed so that they look like criminals themselves.

    The unions run the police and their interests run contrary to holding cops accountable. Don't talk to me about a "good" cop. They're supposed to be good.
    Very good and I agree with your response. When cops protect bad cops, it makes them all bad cops.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    But with that said, there are plenty of reports about White supremacists on police departments. One of the five who were gunned down in Dallas had racist imagery tattooed to his arms and hands. He also had a lot of Aryan propaganda on his Facebook page, but the evening news chose not to paint that picture when it is much more convenient to think that all cops are selfless heroes.

    That's also why nobody reports that between 21-40% of police wives suffer from domestic violence, even though the police are among the professions with the lowest reported arrest rates. They are entitled and corrupt. Yeah, we need someone to do that job, but if it was not Black people suffering from their abuse, reforms would have been made decades ago.

    It is my understanding that there have been many white supremacists that have infiltrated police forces across the country.

  15. #15
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    Well, maybe that is the opposite end spectrum to the street gangs that infiltrated LAPD and led to the Rampart scandal.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Well, maybe that is the opposite end spectrum to the street gangs that infiltrated LAPD and led to the Rampart scandal.
    They all need to do a better job of background screening. I've worked in Corporate America just about all of my life and they are extreme with the screening sometimes. Also, police officers need to be held accountable to their questionable actions. Just as companies do periodic, random drug testing, police depts need to do something similar with officer's performance every 6 months. There are many corrupt cops out there. We never really focus on that.

  17. #17
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    This is a "Must See" video. Watch it in it's entirety:

  18. #18
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    She told the truth but as the old saying goes, her words went from her lips to God's ears because this shit is not only accepted by the majority of Americans, it's encouraged. Trump now is suggesting that he will expand the use of Stop and Frisk nationwide to combat crime. That's already been ruled unconstitutional, but in his appeal to Black voters, he actually thinks we want to be harassed if it's going to get the criminals off the streets. He thinks we're stupid. Hell, the majority of America thinks we are because of how we're portrayed. One of our own posters professed the belief that these shootings must be justified and that we should stop complaining until Black on Black crime is addressed.

    Do they ever mention White on White crime on television? Did you know that that's a thing? The majority of White criminals pick on White people. Can we address that before we start arresting Black people who victimize White people? How stupid is that argument? But that's what it comes down to.

    Problem: Black people have less opportunities to succeed? Stop complaining, there's Black on Black crime so deal with it. Black people have a harder time getting into college? Fix Black on Black crime first. Black people are being discriminated against for housing and bank loans? Well, address Black on Black crime and then come back to this. Such bullshit.

    The police are supposed to serve and protect. The police chief of Houston said they're not required to do either, just to try to do them when possible. All we want is accountability. Why can't the police admit when they mess up and fix the problem instead of finding reasons why somebody deserved to be shot in non-threatening situations?

  19. #19
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    Wait a minute! The Chief of Police of Houston said that? Really?

  20. #20
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    Trump has a real problem. He spent years courting the White bigots and racists. Now that his strategy is threatening his chances of achieving his ultimate conquest, he's clumsily trying to court groups he knows or cares nothing about, and has offended, while trying not to lose his base.

    Obviously, that idea was advised to him by Rudy Giuliani. If Ms. Clinton is smart, she will seize on Trump's "stop and frisk" comments on Monday at the debate and make the same point you made about doing it to White people too.

    If Trump had been smart and had the foresight, he would have run as a Democrat that he once was, and moved to the left. He would have done better. Too late now.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Trump has a real problem. He spent years courting the White bigots and racists. Now that his strategy is threatening his chances of achieving his ultimate conquest, he's clumsily trying to court groups he knows or cares nothing about, and has offended, while trying not to lose his base.

    Obviously, that idea was advised to him by Rudy Giuliani. If Ms. Clinton is smart, she will seize on Trump's "stop and frisk" comments on Monday at the debate and make the same point you made about doing it to White people too.

    If Trump had been smart and had the foresight, he would have run as a Democrat that he once was, and moved to the left. He would have done better. Too late now.
    First of all its unconstitutional and Trump isnt smart.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    Wait a minute! The Chief of Police of Houston said that? Really?
    You can't make this stuff up.
    Houston Police Department – We Don’t Have To Protect Or Serve You

    More than a decade ago, the Supreme Court ruled that police have no obligation to ‘protect’ the public. The landmark case dealt with a woman and her estranged husband. The husband kidnapped their children and the woman called police to report the crime. The police never investigated and the man later killed all three kids. [[Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales)

    The police’s motto is ‘to protect and service’ – if they are under no obligation to ‘protect’, what about ‘serve’? According to Police Chief Charles McClelland, of the Houston Police Department, police are under no obligation to ‘serve’ either.

    A city-commission study found that HPD failed to investigate over 20,000 crimes in 2013 – crimes with ‘workable’ leads. When questioned about the potentially damning figures, Chief McClelland said that the Houston Police Department does not and should not have a goal of aggressively probing every crime reported to it.

    Most of the crimes that HPD were too lazy to investigate, dealt with burglaries. However, over 6,000 of those cases were assaults, hit-and-runs, and other violent crimes. Chief McClelland had a response for these numbers as well – “They’re very minor crimes. I don’t want to dismiss that if someone was a victim of crime, but they are.”

    Personally, I don’t see how someone violently assaulting you, your spouse, or even your children are ‘minor crimes’. I would care to guess that if a member of Chief McClelland’s family was robbed, assaulted, or was the victim of a hit-and-run, he would have every officer within a 100 miles investigating the crime. I think what the chief meant to say, was that ‘some people aren’t important enough, rich enough, or [[dare I say) white enough, for my officers to help’.

    To quote Ademo Freeman, co-founder of CopBlock.org,

    If the police don’t have to protect [[or serve) us then what are we paying them for? To harass us for petty motor vehicle violations [[Samuel Dubose was murdered for this), raid our homes for ‘illegal’ property [[Jason Westcott was killed during a raid) or to scare us into compliance for those they do serve? I guess it could be a mixture of all of those things, yet, none of it is good for us [[or the LEO).

  23. #23
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    Is he [[Houston's Police Chief) out of his friggin' mind? What the Hell is their role then? What function to they perform? He should be fired.

  24. #24
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    Betty Shelby Charged With Manslaughter


  25. #25
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    Cop Who Shot Terence Crutcher Has History Of Drug Use, Domestic Disturbances


  26. #26
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    Unarmed Black men are killed at a rate seven times higher than unarmed White men. We need to stop waving the red flag.


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Unarmed Black men are killed at a rate seven times higher than unarmed White men. We need to stop waving the red flag.

    Thanks for this article Jerry.


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