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  1. #1
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    My prediction: Fox News is Headed for Turmoil

    Last edited by soulster; 07-19-2016 at 09:09 PM.

  2. #2
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    Breaking news on NBC: Moments ago, Roger Ailes has just resigned from Fox. This changes everything! Owner Rupert Murdoch as assumed Chairman and CEO position in his place. He was forced out by the Murdoch brothers.

    Why does this matter? Ailes has shaped the news in his own image for the last 20 years. But, the network's viewership has skewed older and older, over 65. Ales has also been a worse conservative than Murdoch.

    Sean Hannity, Geraldo Rivera, and Greta Van Susteren have a clause in their contract that if Ailes ever left, they could leave too. Interesting.
    Last edited by soulster; 07-21-2016 at 04:25 PM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Breaking news on NBC: Moments ago, Roger Ailes has just resigned from Fox. This changes everything! Owner Rupert Murdoch as assumed Chairman and CEO position in his place. He was forced out by the Murdoch brothers.

    Why does this matter? Ailes has shaped the news in his own image for the last 20 years. But, the network's viewership has skewed older and older, over 65. Ales has also been a worse conservative than Murdoch.

    Sean Hannity, Geraldo Rivera, and Greta Van Susteren have a clause in their contract that if Ailes ever left, they could leave too. Interesting.
    Hallelujah! One down and a whole host of others to go!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Breaking news on NBC: Moments ago, Roger Ailes has just resigned from Fox. This changes everything! Owner Rupert Murdoch as assumed Chairman and CEO position in his place. He was forced out by the Murdoch brothers.

    Why does this matter? Ailes has shaped the news in his own image for the last 20 years. But, the network's viewership has skewed older and older, over 65. Ales has also been a worse conservative than Murdoch.

    Sean Hannity, Geraldo Rivera, and Greta Van Susteren have a clause in their contract that if Ailes ever left, they could leave too. Interesting.
    Good. He deserves to be fired And my gut tells me that Ailes sexually assulted a ton of women at Fox News and although im no fan of that Network I hope other women step forward and tell the truth about him.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Good. He deserves to be fired And my gut tells me that Ailes sexually assulted a ton of women at Fox News and although im no fan of that Network I hope other women step forward and tell the truth about him.
    He wasn't fired. He stepped down, although he was forced out. More than 20 female Fox employees testified to investigators that he sexually harassed them.

    We shall see what happens because I heard that he is still an advisor to Murdoch. The sons, who run the company, wanted him out not only because of the seuxal allegations, but because they wanted some fresh blood running the place. They want a younger, conservative audience. Word has it that Ailes was also cozy with the Trump campaign. Maybe too cozy.

    I really don't see Bill O'Reilly orm any of them leaving just yet.

  6. #6
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    Well, if there was any chance Fox is going to change, forget it!

  7. #7
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    Fox won't change. In fact, MSNBC is joining them as a "conservative" news outlet although they're dangling Rachel Maddow as their ratings bell cow for the progressives who want some balance in reporting. And CNN is in love with Donald Trump based on their non-stop coverage of him and their hiring of Corey Lewandowsky, who continues to promote Trump while on their dole.

    They also had a "law enforcement expert" who told Chris Cuomo that Black people are prone to criminal behavior, based on statistics from the NYPD. I only watch either of those two networks for breaking news as I refuse to watch news that has a clear bias.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Fox won't change. In fact, MSNBC is joining them as a "conservative" news outlet although they're dangling Rachel Maddow as their ratings bell cow for the progressives who want some balance in reporting. And CNN is in love with Donald Trump based on their non-stop coverage of him and their hiring of Corey Lewandowsky, who continues to promote Trump while on their dole.

    They also had a "law enforcement expert" who told Chris Cuomo that Black people are prone to criminal behavior, based on statistics from the NYPD. I only watch either of those two networks for breaking news as I refuse to watch news that has a clear bias.

    MSNBC has been winding down their progressive talk and hosts over the last year as Obama prepares to leave office. When President Obama first took office in 2009, MSNBC had a ton of black commentators, not now.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Fox won't change. In fact, MSNBC is joining them as a "conservative" news outlet...
    Do you have some evidence for that? I'm still seeing both Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell as liberal as ever. And, Al Sharpton is still on the air. If anything, CNN gives conservatives as lot of airtime.

    And CNN is in love with Donald Trump based on their non-stop coverage of him and their hiring of Corey Lewandowsky, who continues to promote Trump while on their dole.
    The media loves all-things Trump because he's good for ratings. And, although business hates Trump, there is a part of the news media that would love to see him win. Ratings.

    They also had a "law enforcement expert" who told Chris Cuomo that Black people are prone to criminal behavior, based on statistics from the NYPD.
    Stats can be played with to suit your own agenda. The stats will only tell you of arrests, and we know that the police target and arrest more Blacks. It is a largely-held belief among most Whites that Blacks are more violent. They see poor people. They see anger. They see drug and alcohol abuse. They see that Black skin. They are scared. In the southwest, it is the so-called "illegals" that are the violent ones. They are scared. Funny how they ignore all those violent White people.. Oh, but they aren't arrested. No one is looking at them. They don't look at smaller towns and cities across the U.S. where Whites are the majority.

    Read this. A cop admits why Whites are scared of Blacks. The problem for the cop in the conversation is that the cops have the guns, pepper spray, batons, and the legal authority to be aggressive. It is Whites who have the most guns in this country. They are the ones buying up all the weapons in fear of the unarmed Black person whom they perceive as somehow having super-human strength. Super-negro, right?

    I only watch either of those two networks for breaking news as I refuse to watch news that has a clear bias.
    The only one I can't tolerate is Fox news. It's all radicalization of White people. They want their country back from all the Mexican illegals, BLM, and the African muslim in the White house [[snark).And now David Duke is running for U.S. senator. This is what we're going to see more of with racists riding on Donald J. Trump's coattails.

    You all better vote in November!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    MSNBC has been winding down their progressive talk and hosts over the last year as Obama prepares to leave office. When President Obama first took office in 2009, MSNBC had a ton of black commentators, not now.
    That is because Comcast became the new owner, and the desire to concentrate on hard news, as the channel was seen as too liberal. Problem is, every time someone does something wrong on MSNBC, they are disciplined or fired. When one of the talking heads on Fox screwed up. Roger Ailes just gave them a light pat on the back. The last person I remember CNN getting rid of is Lou Dobbs, and Fox took him in right away.

    The two Black women on MSNBC? They got in trouble for things they didn't even do, and got shifted to weekends! Sharpton got shoved to Sunday Morning when everyone else is watching Meet The Press on CBS. Ed Schultz was taken off the air.

    The problem as I see it is that the current boss at the network doesn't have any guts. Any time some right-wing group whines about something, they react. but no one complains about Fox. That tells me that the right-wing's voice is very powerful and liberals still can't seem to learn for their passivity. This is why i'm very worried about the election. Liberals still don't understand how to play the game. They still think cooler heads prevail. Well, they prevailed Trump all the way to GOP nominee. Cooler heads prevailed in a continuance of more police violence, religious discrimination against LGBTQ, demagoguing against muslims, and scapegoating of Mexican immigrant..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Do you have some evidence for that? I'm still seeing both Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell as liberal as ever. And, Al Sharpton is still on the air. If anything, CNN gives conservatives as lot of airtime.
    Right here:

    MSNBC Now Openly Bragging About Abandoning its Liberal Brand In New Ad
    by Tommy Christopher
    Although this has been a shift that has been a long time coming, MSNBC has now launched an ad campaign seeking to build on its Trump-fueled success with an appeal to conservatives that’s so ham-fisted, they actually had to clear it with Oscar Mayer‘s legal department first. Politico reports that as part of its rebranding, the network is now advertising its extensive slate of conservative commentators with an ad featuring the tagline “People might start accusing us of leaning too far to the right”:

    In what is perhaps the network’s most overt symbol of the new tone, however, is another ad that will run in some conservative and mainstream outlets. The ad features some of MSNBC’s conservative and Republican contributors — like radio host Hugh Hewitt, GOP consultant Steve Schmidt and former RNC chairman Michael Steele — with a cheeky message: “People might start accusing us of leaning too far to the right.”

    Griffin cast the rebranding as just one more stage in MSNBC’s “evolution.”

    “MSNBC will turn 20 this year on July 15,” he said. “There have been so many evolutions, and look if you don’t evolve, in any medium, you’re going to lose. So I think we’ve been in a process of evolution and I feel very good about what we’re doing.”

    The report goes on to say that MSNBC has seen large improvements in ratings in the first quarter of the year, not coincidentally timed to its increased reliance on live coverage of Donald Trump rallies, frequent visits by Trump, and a variety of Trump-related programming. The shift comes after the network’s liberal “Lean Forward” campaign gave way to a purge of progressive voices, and a move toward more middle-of-the-road programming.

    We’ll see how this works out, but it’s an open question who this ad is supposed to appeal to. None of the contributors listed has anything close to credibility with conservative news consumers, while the overt pitch to the “other side” could potentially alienate left or center-left viewers.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Right here:
    Oh jeez! Obviously, they are trying to grab the conservative audience that Fox ignores. This isn't going to help Clinton. I hope this ultimately backfires. Well, CNN is now in a unique position to become the very thing that the far-right has been accusing them of being all along: liberal. Someone has to preserve that good ol' liberal media bias! Maybe Rachael Maddow will go to CNN when her contract is up. Hah! What if she gets a slot on Fox, and puts it in her contract that she has full editorial control, and a prime-time spot.

  13. #13
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    I read today that Montell Williams walked off of the Bill O'Reilly Show and they are battling it out on social media.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I read today that Montell Williams walked off of the Bill O'Reilly Show and they are battling it out on social media.
    Yup. This is how it went down:

    He was apparently invited to his show Wednesday night to talk about his speech on LGBT rights, but when he got to the studio, they told him that they were going to talk about some poll that found that its respondents think Obama's a racist, and that they included a couple more people to talk about that. Obviously, they were going to ambush him because Montiel's, like, you know, Black. It's a common tactic they use at Fox, bait, switch, and ambush. So, before the airing, Montel walked out of the building while their people chased after him, but William's people forced them away as he left. Then , on air, O'Reilly said it was "some gay thing", and called Williams unprofessional and said he would never be invited back.

    What Fox did was create a villain out of an Obama supporter and a Gay man [[he came out in 2014).

  15. #15
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    One of the more laughable moves from "trump trash" is hiring Omorosa to be his outreach to the black community. He must really think blacks are gullible to fall for that opportunistic media ho, omorosa, has any influence on the black community. Omorosa has her nose so far up trump's rear she looks ridiculous.

    When MSNBC let Melissa Harris-Perry go, that was the final straw. I went back to CNN only to find it just as bad as MSNBC airing trump blowing his ugly nose. It told me to just remain true to my convictions and turn off the television.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bokiluis View Post
    One of the more laughable moves from "trump trash" is hiring Omorosa to be his outreach to the black community. He must really think blacks are gullible to fall for that opportunistic media ho, omorosa, has any influence on the black community. Omorosa has her nose so far up trump's rear she looks ridiculous.

    When MSNBC let Melissa Harris-Perry go, that was the final straw. I went back to CNN only to find it just as bad as MSNBC airing trump blowing his ugly nose. It told me to just remain true to my convictions and turn off the television.
    I had to Google Omorosa. I had never heard of her before.

    I agree about MSNBC, but it's not good to avoid the news. You have to know what's going on. Knowledge is power. You know, if things go the way a lot of people think, Fox may become less far-right, and they may become an option. But, the way things are going, progressives like myself will have to go back to XM radio and select small news sites for our news.

    The media is so under Trumps spell that maybe he really is the antichrist. He's fooling so many people. OK, maybe more like Hitler. That speech he gave last Thursday at his convention sounded like Hitler with his yelling everything, lies about how the world is coming to an end, and how only he can fix everything...with no details, like always.


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