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  1. #1
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    Four Tops ... Theo out? Say it isn't so!

    OK, I heard this on Facebook, a very reliable source, I'll leave it at that. Theo Peoples -- my favorite and I believe the most talented singer out there in soul music today -- has been fired/pushed out, whatever you want to call it. REALLY? Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?!!

    He was the main reason I was attending their shows. I love these legendary groups, but I'm not going to hear their background vocals. Seriously, Theo was the draw for me in the latest concerts. A true pro, he didn't try to be Levi, but his own man.

    These groups are out-thinking themselves, they really are. Wish The Temptations would pick him back up. I'm a huge Theo fan and this disturbs me, and of course I don't know all the group politics.

    Wish everyone could be like The Whispers: brotherhood, togetherness, unity, all for one, one for all.

    Good grief ...

  2. #2
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    Haven't heard a thing about this. But Theo Peoples was already in the Tempts. Frankly, I was of the opionion that the Tops should have been retired after Losing three original members.

  3. #3
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    Unfortunately, it's true! This guy single-handedly kept the Tops on the map, once Levi fell ill. It took audiences a long time to warm up to someone filling Levi's shoes, and to his credit, Theo took the lead in HIS own way. As tsull said, he didn't try to be Levi, and the audiences came back to The Four Tops again.

    If Theo's not singing lead, Duke might as well fold up the tent and call it a day. Nobody wants to see someone else singing lead for The Tops.

    I know I don't. And I've been supporting the Tops for over 40 years.


  4. #4
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    Anyone know what happend? Who will replace Theo as lead singer?

  5. #5
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    I wonder if Otis decides to kick Bruce out, will he bring Theo back in? He always seems to bring back past members once he gets tired of whoever he hires lol

  6. #6
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    I'm sorry to hear this bad news,like it,or not,THE 4 TOPS will drew,no matter who's singing lead or background,we as fans care,but the audience could care less,they just want to hear,Baby i need your loving,Reach out[[i'll be there),I can't help myself.THEO PEOPLES is one of the best singer around today.But don't think it's over for THEO,he can sang his butt off,Something will come his way.
    Please stay positive

  7. #7
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    ^ Yeah to many the Four Tops will always be Levi, Duke, Larry & Obie.

  8. #8
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    Redhot, the only reason I disagree with you is because when Theo took over, people were walking out in droves, because he wasn't Levi. Venues stopped booking them. It took quite awhile for Theo to establish himself as the lead singer, and for people and booking agents to accept him as lead singer.

    Now that he has done so, Duke's going to parade someone out there to try to do it all over again?

    And for the record, word on the street is that the guy will be Harold "Spike" Bonhart, who was recently let go by The Spinners, for not being a "team player".


  9. #9
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    This is very disappointing news.

    Theo Peoples is one of the best singers that we have out there & he is the glue that holds that group together. Barring murder, or an eggregious act, I can't believe that Theo would ever be relieved of his duties.

    It was impossible to replace Levi Stubbs & to his credit, Theo never tried to mimic Levi. I can guarantee you that if this is the case, any replacement for Theo is NOT going to go over very well. Theo is a major reason to follow The Tops & from my perspective, this move reeks of career suicide. As Tsull truthfully stated, Theo is a major reason that The Tops have been able to continue to go out there & put fans into the seats. And Stranger56 knows full well of what I speak & he knows even more about this than most of us here do.

    All that I'm willing to say further is the following...

    We've always been told that Theo was HAND-PICKED & APPROVED by none other than Obie & The Captain. They placed their trust in Theo to help to continue the tradition of The Tops. Now that they're gone, none of that is supposed to matter to the fans, nor the suvivors of Levi, Obie & Larry? The Four Tops legacy is also a major part of THEIR LIVES as well. And what of the fans whom painfully had to say goodbye to Levi & Obie in the past 5 years, whom have invested their emotions with following the current lineup?

    And I have to believe that Theo, whom after all DID make it possible for tickets to continue to be sold, dates continue to be booked & for money to be earned...I have to believe that the man deserves FAR better than this. And having observed Theo up-close on several occasions, I can tell you that this man wasn't GIVEN a spot, Theo earned his spot the hard way.

    Theo endured things which could've made a less resolute man shrivel from the spotlight. Imagine being CHOSEN by Levi, the man himself, to be his replacement. Imagine being walked out on, not because he wasn't GOOD enough, but simply because he wasn't a LIVING LEGEND, one of the most singular voices of any musical genre. Who could hope to replace Levi, a task which is simply an impossibility?

    Regardless, Theo went out there & continued to pour his heart & soul out, continued to smile for those audiences, refusing to allow them to see how it must've hurt & eventually, he won over the vast majority of them. Theo is one hell of a singer & ranks up there with the best singers of the Soul era & is one of the few younger singers who brings those skills today.

    Now, I've met & spoken with Spike, had a conversations with him immediately after he left The Spinners & afterward I found him to be pretty cool. I say this to say that while I believe that he's a cool brother, Theo is simply Theo, brings a completely different energy, dynamic & vocal power, that simply isn't replaced that simply, nor that easily. It was hard enough for the fans to accept the fact that Theo wasn't Levi & now that many of them have learned to accept Theo in his own right, they're now going to be expected to have to accept the replacement of a man whom WAS HAND PICKED by the legendary Levi Stubbs, as well as Obie?

    Theo allowed folks to continue to put food on their tables for more than a few years & there's no way in hell that that should be forgotten so quickly, no way that it should be taken so lightly & no way that his contribution should be tossed away so cavalierly, as though it meant nothing. Theo helped put food on folks tables, money in their pockets & I'm sure for a rate not commensurate to his talent, much less his contributions.

    This sounds like a knee-jerk reaction to something, what, I cannot say. But purely from a business perspective [[as regards alienating fans, vocal skills, stage persona, a hell of a voice, etc.), I simply believe that this is the wrong move, at the worst possible time. I look around & see that bookings for many of our classic Soul groups are WAY DOWN, as is attendance for many of them. From a business perspective, you don't give fans whom have enough economic decisions to make, ANY possible reason to not to want to spend their hard-earned money to come to see you perform.

    Many shows HAVE NOT been selling out & several which would surprise you have been lucky to sell 1/2 to 3/4 of a house & I'm talking about some damn good groups. Man, for our generation of performers, it's gotten very rough out there & I do mean rough. Also not to be forgotten is the fact that many of the folks with the most disposable income are adults whom have grown up on Rap music & they are now hitting their "Nostalgia Phase". Consider further that in a mere 2 years, it will be 30 years since R&B groups such as New Edition first came onto the scene.

    All of which makes it a bit rougher than it should be for the groups of our era, especially given their talent & lack of the need for autotune. But, that's where we are today, Jan. 3, 2011.

    From speaking to several people over the years, this move could simply serve to alienate many fans, as well as to give others [[many of whom by the way, felt that The Four Tops should've ended following the passings of Levi & Obie) an excuse to finally turn the page on The Tops, once & for all.

    Can you spell S-U-I-C-I-D-E?

    As we used to say when we were kids playing punchball, this one is worthy of a do-over.
    Last edited by juicefree20; 01-03-2011 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Edited for spacing

  10. #10
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    What this shows is that there is some value in these brands..............Four Tops, Temptations, Supremes, Spinners, Miracles etc.

    As Red Hot points out, while we might be looking for real Tops n Tempts n Vandellas n Supremes, there are many examples out there of 3 or 4 or 5 young men or women going out there and selling that stylish dancing singing brand made popular by the originals.

  11. #11
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    Loved your post!! We went to see Theo at Wolftrap [[with TNT). I think the song he sang as a solo was "I Believe In Miracles." Oh my, oh my.............what a voice!! Otis was an idiot for firing Theo..........but Otis's loss was the Tops gain.....and is Duke an even bigger idiot for getting rid of him?
    What a sad day...........

  12. #12
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  13. #13
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    Well, I can't add anything to Juice's spectacular post. I sent a friend of mine an e-mail on what happened. She went to a show with me and thought Theo was fantastic, totally captured the crowd. She's not a big Tops fan, but she became one that evening as well as a Theo Peoples fan.

    I've had a tough time going through Otis' many Tempts lineups [[thought Theo was great there, too), and am just coming around to Bruce Williamson [[took me awhile), whom I hope Otis doesn't sack. I also liked Bo Henderson, as well as the past Richard Street, Damon Harris, Glenn Leonard leads. I felt G.C. Cameron was a better fit with The Spinners.

    That all said, I agree with the do-over on letting Theo go. Unfortunately, at the casino shows a lot of people aren't die-hards like me and just think perhaps the same lineup still exists until told otherwise. [[Those in wiser soul cities know better.)

    I don't get it.

    As I said earlier, The Whispers apparently have the model to follow. Heck, when one of their members passed away, they decided not to replace him and go as a quartet. Looks like I'll be spending my dough on Whispers concerts, probably not the Tops, unfortunately ... and I had planned to see them this summer. I'm re-thinking that one.

  14. #14
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    Juice, there is nothing more I can say right now except for, THANK YOU! You nailed it, man! Theo has eaten his share of crap over the last 10 years that he's been singing lead. And he has gone out there every night and worked hard at his craft. He deserves a far better fate than this.

    Excellent post, my friend! Excellent!

  15. #15
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    OK, I heard this on Facebook, a very reliable source, I'll leave it at that. Theo Peoples -- my favorite and I believe the most talented singer out there in soul music today -- has been fired/pushed out, whatever you want to call it. REALLY? Are you FREAKING KIDDING ME?!!

    And I have to believe that Theo, whom after all DID make it possible for tickets to continue to be sold, dates continue to be booked & for money to be earned...I have to believe that the man deserves FAR better than this. And having observed Theo up-close on several occasions, I can tell you that this man wasn't GIVEN a spot, Theo earned his spot the hard way.

    Theo endured things which could've made a less resolute man shrivel from the spotlight. Imagine being CHOSEN by Levi, the man himself, to be his replacement. Imagine being walked out on, not because he wasn't GOOD enough, but simply because he wasn't a LIVING LEGEND, one of the most singular voices of any musical genre. Who could hope to replace Levi, a task which is simply an impossibility?

    Yes its true and I purposely held off from posting this information here on this forum. It wasn't that I didn't believe it, it was just so freaking incredibly stupid that I had to let it digest, make some calls, talk to La Familia and let this thing marinate for a few hours. You guys have said all I wanted to say and more. Theo was fired from the group, end of story. My problem continues to be.....How in the hell do you fire the person who dam near single handedly brought the Four Tops back from the edge of oblivion and made them a viable in demand act ? Being an ex Tempt helped for sure, but as Juice so eloquently put it......Theo went through hell replacing the most irreplaceable singer to ever walk and sing on this planet. He went out before the crowds and did it his way, it took time but this man persevered when others would have undoubtedly failed.

    This is how he is being paid for all these years of toiling in the trenches, being booed and heckled because he wasn't Mr. Stubbs ? This is how he's being rewarded for standing fast in the midst of his adversaries and singing his ass off. I recently saw the Four Tops out perform the Temptations this past summer and they received standing ovations for their performance as the crowd cheered and lavished affection upon the Four Tops that is normally reserved for The Tempts.

    Theo I wish you much success , and no don't go back to The Temptations, Otis let you go and you made the Four Tops your own. Don't go back to them either, you are much better off without them. However I will forgive you if one of them gets down on his hands and knees and begs you to return. The way I understand it groveling remains in his vocabulary....plus I got a fresh set of knee pads that I'd be willing to loan him just in case he can't find a pair so we could expedite the process.

  16. #16
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    Kudos to the great posts here. Saw an interview with Theo once talking about the crowds who walked out when he replaced Levi. I was stunned at his response, something only a real mature person would say, someone with inner strength and integrity. His response: "I don't blame them, they wanted to hear Levi."

    He could've complained, he could've gotten real upset, but he didn't. He stood strong and came through that. This shouldn't be his replayment for doing that. I don't think anyone but Theo knows what he went through. C'mon fellas [[oops, fellA), let Theo back in!

  17. #17
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    I won't watch them with that Theo guy signing. I saw all FOUR of them in 1988, and i'll just hold onto those memories. If Levi ain't singin, it ain't the four tops.

  18. #18
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    Bo Henderson might be next in line.

  19. #19
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    Well spoken...... Brothers. Gonna try not to repeat.....just relate. Cause you know I feel ya.

    You've gotta be kidding me? Theo? The man in the small group of 6...i mean 4..... I mean a couple of.....singers.....Ooops, THE ONLY SINGER who sang lead with the Temptations AND the Four Tops? Suicide.....? More like Genocide.....Death of a Generation of Future Tops Fans.

    Let me elaborate just a little. Just before Christmas I was driving my girls to the library. Even remember where I was on the street at the time.....5 blocks from my house. A Four Tops song came on and I covered the radio and asked my youngest,

    "Who's that?"

    I cld hear the oldest snickering in the back, and I glanced in the mirror and said.....

    "Don't even".

    My 11 year old proceeds to go through her soul group choices, "Not the Temptations, not the Stylistics, not the Dells....."

    "Come on, the oldest begs.....we saw them"

    "O, I remember, it was the little dark skin dude that can sing......he sang with Mr. Ronnie.....I can't remember his name."

    "Little? Why did you say Little, he's as tall as Ronnie Mac."

    "Yeah.....I just remember when he bent down and gave me a hug.....I forgot"

    "Okay, tell her his name if you know, smartypants"

    "His name is Theo..... Remember when he sang 'I Believe In Miracles'. <sings a snippet> That's how you sing a song. That was one of my all time favorite performances, him singing that.....Gerald Austin singing 'A Change is Gonna Come'. That's how I want to be able to sing, just stand and deliver, that's gonna be my style. Then I'll throw in some smooth moves like Mr. Russell Thompkins Jr.,.....bomp bomp....remember that dad....that's smooth."

    And now I have to tell them that he was fired......for what pray tell?

    Theo's singing with the Four Tops was the textbook example of how you sing a song made famous by someone else without imitation or diminishing the memory of the original performance. Whenever somebody says, "but he has to try to imitate 'so and so'", I say, "Listen to Theo singing with the Four Tops....it can be done....and done WELL."

    My bro's Juice and kdub know I'm a Tempts lifer and viewed the Tops more as competitors than a group that I liked.....but I've become more a fan since I've gotten older and re-listened to a lot of music I didn't always appreciate.....like the Tops and several of Motown's female acts. After seeing them perform about 5 years ago.....I was completely won over by the guys. After that I played catch up, nearly matching my Tempts playlist with Tops songs.

    Last year I took both my girls to the TnT show at the Lyric. It was the second concert for my oldest, but the first for my youngest. And of course if left an indelible mark on both of them. The dancing of Bruce with the Tempts, the bass of Joe's speaking voice, Roquel singing with his brother on stage and both of them crying, Ronnie singing and dancing as if he were 21, and many more.... the memories flood back to them from time to time.........and Theo....or as we call him here:
    Mr. Stand and Deliver.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  20. #20
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    Seems like a bad move to me. Actually I thought the Tops were fortunate to be able to continue without Levi. Unlike The Temps that evolved and progressed over time with multiple lead singers The Tops only had one - one very identifiable - lead singer. As well the Temps continued to record and have hits with different lead singers so the public was more accepting of the changes. The Tops did not have any of that going for them. I think they were lucky to land Theo and - after some painful backlash - have him accepted by The Tops audience [[not to mentioned being sanctioned by Levi). Lucky to be able to continue to work based on their hey day hits. In my mind Theo gave them that opportunity. Now they're booting him out? The Tops used to be all about family, now maybe not so much.

  21. #21
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    All I can say is wow ...............

  22. #22
    uptight Guest
    Great story with your girls, Des!

  23. #23
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    All I can say is WHY is Theo no longer with the Tops?

  24. #24
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    As always Juice, you said it all. Theo is a class act all by himself.

  25. #25
    smark21 Guest
    Is Theo Peoples the first person to be fired from the 4 Tops? If so, then there might have been good cause. Just because he sings well on stage and behaves well in interviews and for the public doesn't mean he may not be easy to work with and deal with behind the scenes.

  26. #26
    RossHolloway Guest
    I was fortunate to see the Tops [[and Temps) in DC about three summers ago and walked away incredibly impress with Theo. He truly has an amazing voice. I'm sure there must have been something going on behind the scenes to discharge this talented man. I'm hopeful Theo lands on his feet, and sooner than later, he has a voice that the world needs to continue to hear.

  27. #27
    Good morning Soulful Detroit Family,

    We the Stubbs family are as surprised as all of you guys !! Theo was hand picked by my dad and Obie and we will continue to support Theo in any of his future endeavors. This is very unfortunate for the "Tops" .

    Thank you guys for all the support you have given over the years and we pray for good things for Theo in the future.

    The Stubbs Family

  28. #28
    RossHolloway Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by stubby_girl View Post
    Good morning Soulful Detroit Family,

    We the Stubbs family are as surprised as all of you guys !! Theo was hand picked by my dad and Obie and we will continue to support Theo in any of his future endeavors. This is very unfortunate for the "Tops" .

    Thank you guys for all the support you have given over the years and we pray for good things for Theo in the future.

    The Stubbs Family
    Stubby Girl- Can you fill us in with any detail about the going on behind the scene?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by smark21 View Post
    Is Theo Peoples the first person to be fired from the 4 Tops? If so, then there might have been good cause. Just because he sings well on stage and behaves well in interviews and for the public doesn't mean he may not be easy to work with and deal with behind the scenes.
    That's what I really wanna know. People still too shocked to ask what happened. Something HAD to have happened for them to suddenly drop Theo from the group. Didn't Theo have some problems when he was with the Tempts?

    And I agree that Barrington could be next to lead the group but let's see if Duke will continue the Four Tops. But honestly, they can call it a day. Unlike the Tempts, who were always a revolving group of members though the public remembers them as the ones who were there for the '60s and early '70s, the Tops always had originals until the late 1990s.

    So it'll be interesting who they pick after Theo was with them for 13 years.

  30. #30
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    I don't know. These groups just aren't the same and aren't the Tempts or the 4 Tops any more then Scherrie and Lydia aren't the Supremes. They need to let it go.

  31. #31
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    Well here we go again with the revolving door of singers[hey duke it won't work with the tops]yes theo is a good singer but for a group like the four tops with levi's voice he never fit i'm stubborn about the tops so duke just close up shop.

  32. #32
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    I don't buy this, "If Levi isn't there, it's not the group." I saw The Four Tops four times without Levi. All excellent shows.

    In my initial concert, I expected Levi and to be honest, like many Tops fans, I was crushed when he wasn't on stage. [[This followed the opening act, The Spinners, and I was crushed John Edwards wasn't there, but his replacement, a guy named G.C. Cameron really made my evening!)

    I heard the first opener, "Baby, I Need Your Loving," I sat and sulked because Levi wasn't there. "Who does this dude think he is, he's not Levi," I thought to myself. "Actually, he doesn't even sound like him!"

    By song two, I started thinking, "Hmm, he doesn't sound like Levi, but maybe that's the point. Maybe he's his own dude."

    By song three I started paying attention to the voice, "Well, I certainly can't be doubting this guy's talent, maybe I need to open up my closed mind."

    By song five, I was starting to buy-in, not completely. By mid-concert, Theo People's was blowing me away. I hadn't put 2 and 2 together that he was with The Tempts because I'd refrained from Tempts albums for awhile until "Phoenix Rising" and he wasn't listed on the CD. I'd lost track for awhile on Otis' revolving door of singers.

    Theo belted out some more songs, including the fabulous solo, "Always and Forever," Obie Benson yelled out, "Mr. Theo Peoples ladies and gentlemen! Theo Peoples." I put that name in my head. By then I was thinking, "I don't know where this cat came from, I don't know his background, but damn, he has a SERIOUS set of pipes. Major props to the group for finding not Levi II, but the most talented guy they could put in that position."

    Yes, it's not the classic 4 group, just as The Tempts aren't the classic 5 group, but I've never left a concert from either group saying, "Boy that wasn't good." No, I loved each and every moment and judging by the smiles on the faces of the fans, they enjoyed it, too."

    Some of us have embraced Theo Peoples and are disappointed with this move. Sometimes it's best not to hang on to 1966 and move on. Play your classic albums -- I do -- but accept change, too.

  33. #33
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    It's over, don't beat a dead horse. Enjoy the old records and remember what a great time it was.

  34. #34
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    It's over for YOU, some of us still appreciate the recent shows. I'll make a bargain: I won't tell you how to think, you don't tell me how to think.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsull1 View Post
    It's over for YOU, some of us still appreciate the recent shows. I'll make a bargain: I won't tell you how to think, you don't tell me how to think.
    Very well said tsull1. Ditto for me.

  36. #36
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    I never understood why he wen to the Tops anyhow...honestly I lost rack of him after the Temps. He is a good artist and can do well solo.

  37. #37
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    This is a surprise. I had really hoped that the Tops would have stablized somewhat by this point.

  38. #38
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    Smark21 et.al...

    Just consider the possibility that some of us know things that people with an ounce of brains understand that you don't post on internet forums, TMZ, or act like a Facebook whore, just so that a bunch of people who could care less can have their fill of gossip.

    Let me ask you this...if you had a child or relative who was convicted of a crime, would you come here & tell us all of the sordid details because we WANTED to know?

    Likewise, if you were fired from a job, would you want your friends to post in on the internet simply because we have the right to know?

    More than that, some of us deal with these artists on a professional level. With that as fact, if you were us, would you slit your own throat & violate confidences, simply to satisfy the curiosities of people who really don't give a damn one way or the other?

    Have you considered that by not making private details personal, that perhaps this is a situation which may be able to be salvaged? Don't we have some very famous groups whom if not for years of mouth-running & in-fighting between "well-meaning" fans, may well have been able to patch up their differences...differences, might I add, that their respective fans WON'T let them EVER forget?

    Not even with the passage of 25 years or more.

    Oftentimes the truth has proven to be that when you THINK that you want to know the truth, you really don't. Sometimes, the truth serves no one well.

    Another reality about the truth is that even when you know the truth, you'd damn well better to prove it. Knowing & proving both contain just 7 letters [[no pun intended) but in terms of legality are often miles apart.

    And many are the asses that have been singed by not understanding the difference between the two.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicefree20 View Post
    Smark21 et.al...

    Just consider the possibility that some of us know things that people with an ounce of brains understand that you don't post on internet forums, TMZ, or act like a Facebook whore, just so that a bunch of people who could care less can have their fill of gossip.

    Let me ask you this...if you had a child or relative who was convicted of a crime, would you come here & tell us all of the sordid details because we WANTED to know?

    Likewise, if you were fired from a job, would you want your friends to post in on the internet simply because we have the right to know?

    More than that, some of us deal with these artists on a professional level. With that as fact, if you were us, would you slit your own throat & violate confidences, simply to satisfy the curiosities of people who really don't give a damn one way or the other?

    Have you considered that by not making private details personal, that perhaps this is a situation which may be able to be salvaged? Don't we have some very famous groups whom if not for years of mouth-running & in-fighting between "well-meaning" fans, may well have been able to patch up their differences...differences, might I add, that their respective fans WON'T let them EVER forget?

    Not even with the passage of 25 years or more.

    Oftentimes the truth has proven to be that when you THINK that you want to know the truth, you really don't. Sometimes, the truth serves no one well.

    Another reality about the truth is that even when you know the truth, you'd damn well better to prove it. Knowing & proving both contain just 7 letters [[no pun intended) but in terms of legality are often miles apart.

    And many are the asses that have been singed by not understanding the difference between the two.
    Juice you are so right. Now I just wish Theo People the best in his next venture. Like Freddi Poole of the FLO's I'm sure as talented as he is he will land on his feet. Good luck Theo

  40. #40
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    Well said Juice!!

  41. #41
    smark21 Guest
    Juicefree, I really don't care why Theo Peoples was fired but it seems some of you here are getting very melodramatic and having emotional meltdowns about the firing and getting mad at Duke Fakir and the rest of the group. Maybe The remaining Tops and their management are awful and ungrateful and acted without cause. But they have their side of the story and they may have had good cause to fire him. Who knows? In the end The 4 Tops are now an oldies group that works the casino, nostalgia and fair circuits and these kind of groups can be prone to having a revolving door when it comes to membership. Peoples put in 12-13 years with the group. That's a good run. And it might be a good thing for him as a singer to get another gig and sing some new material after 13 years of doing Tops hits. And I'm sure he'll get a gig with another oldies act, but let's face it the time for the 60's and 70's acts to make some decent money and draw a good crowd on the oldies circuit is coming to an end as the 80's and 90's acts are taking over that unfortunate segment of the market.
    Last edited by smark21; 01-04-2011 at 10:19 PM.

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    Wow this is some shocking news! Maybe they got into an argument or something or Theo wanted to do something different I dont know. I wish Duke the best and if he sees fit to continue the Tops then so be it. I also wish Theo well he is a great talent. The music died when Levi passed for me but Theo and Duke and the other guys kept the torch going.

  43. #43
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    Very surprising news indeed. Wishing Theo the very best in whatever the Lord has in store for him next!

  44. #44
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    Once again Juice, you've said what needed to be said, as well as everyone else.
    I must piggyback on what Juice said. We really may not want to know the reasons why Theo is no longer a Top. Hell, I didn't want to know why David was no longer a Temp, back in the day.
    Bottom line is this: Let's just support whatever road Theo may take, as well as the Tops. We are losing far too many talents as it is, with hardly anyone to replace them.
    If Duke wants to keep the Tops going....good.
    If Otis wants to make yet another change and the group continues....good.
    Me personally, I'd rather see some sembelence of a group than no group at all.
    Again. there are no groups out there to replace them.

  45. #45
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    Before we all just accept this and wish Theo well [[which, of course I do), we, as the people that pay for the tickets that put the food on these guys' tables, need to make it clear to the person that summararily fired him that this is an outrage that we will not just accept with a smile.

    Theo was hand-picked by two-thirds of the remaining Tops, after Lawrence passed. Because Duke is the only surviving member, does that give hm the right to change that? What about the interest that the Benson family owns? The Stubbs family? Don't they have a say in what goes on?

    This situation SUCKS when a lead singer can be told after a performance that he is finished because he can't be afforded, when we all know damn sure he makes a lot less than the backup singer!

  46. #46
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    For what it's worth, Theo did a solo album between the time he left the Temptations and joined the Tops. However it was a somewhat low budget project and did not have the financial muscle behind it needed to garner much airplay on the radio. I believe however that with the proper budget and promotional muscle behind him Theo could and should once again pursue a solo career. After all The Temptations "This Is My Promise" was written by Theo and throughout his solo album he also played keyboards.

  47. #47
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    Thumbs up

    I agree 100% Stranger 56! Four guys worked hard to build that group and 1 guy shouldnt make decisions tear it down! although 3 of them have passed way, the Paytons, the Bensons and Stubbs still want whats BEST for the group!

    Quote Originally Posted by stranger56 View Post
    Before we all just accept this and wish Theo well [[which, of course I do), we, as the people that pay for the tickets that put the food on these guys' tables, need to make it clear to the person that summararily fired him that this is an outrage that we will not just accept with a smile.

    Theo was hand-picked by two-thirds of the remaining Tops, after Lawrence passed. Because Duke is the only surviving member, does that give hm the right to change that? What about the interest that the Benson family owns? The Stubbs family? Don't they have a say in what goes on?

    This situation SUCKS when a lead singer can be told after a performance that he is finished because he can't be afforded, when we all know damn sure he makes a lot less than the backup singer!

  48. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by stranger56 View Post
    This situation SUCKS when a lead singer can be told after a performance that he is finished because he can't be afforded, when we all know damn sure he makes a lot less than the backup singer!
    Is that it, he "can't be afforded"? That doesn't make any sense at all. How can you not afford the voice [[bread winner) of a group. WTF.

  49. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by sophisticated_soul View Post
    Is that it, he "can't be afforded"? That doesn't make any sense at all.
    That's what he was told.

    Quote Originally Posted by sophisticated_soul View Post
    How can you not afford the voice [[bread winner) of a group.
    All depends on the distribution of funds, I would say.

  50. #50
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    He made more than the others??


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