I commend the president of the University of Oklahoma getting out in front of this and calling it for what it is. I also commend him for kicking out the SAE, as other schools have in the past.

This frat has a history of racism, and was created at almost the beginning of the civil war. The more recent incident of this frat was at Arizona State University, where they did a MLK birthday "theme" party with the usual stereotypes of flashing gang signs, eating watermelon, wearing saggy pants, and the rest. Other than the racism, this organization has to get insurance from Lloyd's Of London because no one else will carry them, and because of their stupid, often lethal hazing rituals.

This shit is never going to go away, but it will take vigilance of the fraternity chapter, the schools, and for the students to put their foot up these racist kids asses to eradicate this behavior wherever it happens.