I always wonder what motivates people to obsess about Ross/Supremes fans? If y'all ain't interested, or are above such pullaver, what are you doing in this thread and why comment? Cuz you are just like us! Like Miss Ross told Baba Wawa, " Because I'm just like YOU, Barbara!"

Threads don't get hijacked. Try it - I'll help. Folks interested will respond, my guess is that most won't.

Do you think The Islanders' Drive for Five was hijacked by the 2-3-2 format?

Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
What motivates these Supremes/Ross fans? What is the pathology that drives them to obsess about these women in particular? I've been clued in on some of it, which will upset them if I say it, but isn't liking the music enough?

I love The Beatles' music, and what the band collectively stood for, but it stops there. I don't spend my waking hours obsessing over every aspect of their personal lives and their interpersonal conflicts.

The opposite of staying out of these Supremes/Ross/Wilson threads is to hijack all of them with, say, sports talk. Frustrate them to the point where they finally give up.