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  1. #1
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    NYPD Murders Innocent Man, Caught on Video!

    This happened a little over a week ago to Eric Garner of Staten Island:

  2. #2
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    the aftermath.....

  3. #3
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    I hope there's no cover up on this. Clear cut malfeasance on the part of the police officer. Looks like open and shut 2nd degree murder to me. The four emt workers that were suspended should be fired. It's bad enough when a private citizen does nothing but they were on the job, responded to the call and did nothing. Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out.

  4. #4
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    How are they going to cover it up? It's all on video.

    The last I heard was that the NYPD is going after the guy who shot the video. Apparently, it is against the law to record police officers in NY, and other states. Any state that has this law is suspect.
    Last edited by soulster; 07-25-2014 at 01:37 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    How are they going to cover it up? It's all on video.

    The last I heard was that the NYPD is going after the guy who shot the video. Apparently, it is against the law to record police officers in NY, and other states. Any state that has this law is suspect.
    They already had that ex-con, Former NYPD Chief Bernard Kerik on CNN last night talking a bout "don't rush to judgement" which really means, don't assume the police are going to be prosecuted!!!

  6. #6
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    Now, they're trying to say that technically, that wasn't a choke hold. The NYPD allegedly disallowed that maneuver after several Black suspects died during apprehension a couple of decades ago. I say "allegedly" because the cop learned to do it somewhere. The officer, by the way, has been brought up in civil suits twice before. They knew that he was bad and still left him in place to do this. Nothing changes.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Now, they're trying to say that technically, that wasn't a choke hold. The NYPD allegedly disallowed that maneuver after several Black suspects died during apprehension a couple of decades ago. I say "allegedly" because the cop learned to do it somewhere. The officer, by the way, has been brought up in civil suits twice before. They knew that he was bad and still left him in place to do this. Nothing changes.
    Jerry, they initially banned it 20 years ago when Anthony Baez of the Bronx was choked to death by Officer Francis Livolti on the night before Thanksgiving. Baez and his brothers wer tossing the football back in forth in front of their home when the ball accidently hit the bumper of Livolti's patrol. He got out and demanded that they leave the area and go home. They responded that they were already home. Livolti took that response as they were getting "smart" with him and approached them, ending with him choking Anthony Baez to death!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Now, they're trying to say that technically, that wasn't a choke hold. The NYPD allegedly disallowed that maneuver after several Black suspects died during apprehension a couple of decades ago. I say "allegedly" because the cop learned to do it somewhere. The officer, by the way, has been brought up in civil suits twice before. They knew that he was bad and still left him in place to do this. Nothing changes.
    No, nothing has changed even from when those cops shot Amadou Diallo 46 times back in 1999.

  9. #9
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    Nothing changes, Marv. Even the stop and frisk tactics that they swear by, which result in disproportionately more Blacks and Latinos being stopped and harassed in comparison to the actual prison population. I wonder how frequently a Black cop abuses and kills white suspects in the US. And I wonder how staunchly the FOP defends them when [[if) it happens? Just another gang, I guess.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Nothing changes, Marv. Even the stop and frisk tactics that they swear by, which result in disproportionately more Blacks and Latinos being stopped and harassed in comparison to the actual prison population. I wonder how frequently a Black cop abuses and kills white suspects in the US. And I wonder how staunchly the FOP defends them when [[if) it happens? Just another gang, I guess.
    First of all it is EXTREMELY rare that a Black officer shoots and kills a White suspect. It is extremely rare that the NYPD harms a dog, an animal when attempting to capture it. It appears from evidence that the only individuals that are caused great bodily harm from the police are Black and Latino men. This occurs even when they are simply stopped and frisked. In the summer of 2012, I was walking up Broadway right after a meeting and I came upon a scene where the cops had this young black man handcuffed around a pole right in front of a crowd of people. It looked like something out of a movie or history book on slavery. I could not believe what I was seeing. The patent response from the NYPD brass and Policemen's Benevolent Society is ........ "Don't Rush to Judgement". Translation = give us enough to time to make a story!

  11. #11
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    MSNBC had a former police officer/former ATF or something else say they should not have arrested him for what they said he was doing. It crossed my mind had they given him a summons every time and he paid the fees they be making money with little effort. But no, they had to have, I'm guessing six cops, to immobilize one man. I saw an incident once when a one armed man had a gran mal seizure and four officer tried to restrain him. One had nothing to hold onto which made it necessary for three officer to restrain him. Which they did. To repeat, making this even more ridiculous was the four EMTs who did nothing.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    No, nothing has changed even from when those cops shot Amadou Diallo 46 times back in 1999.
    Marv2, I believe they fired 42 rounds but hit him significantly less than 42 times.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    How are they going to cover it up? It's all on video.

    The last I heard was that the NYPD is going after the guy who shot the video. Apparently, it is against the law to record police officers in NY, and other states. Any state that has this law is suspect.
    Soulster, if true, a foolish tact. I've heard of many instances were officers have been vindicated by recordings of what happened. There was one police department that was against the recordings until they saw how it could protect them from false charges.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    Marv2, I believe they fired 42 rounds but hit him significantly less than 42 times.
    You may be right, but I do know that once he had fallen, they continued to shoot his body. They found that he had been shot through the soles of his feet that traveled up his legs, breaking his femors[[sp?). One of the cops involved lived right up the road from me. They called it "contagious shooting"........... They couldn't stop themselves once they started.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    Soulster, if true, a foolish tact. I've heard of many instances were officers have been vindicated by recordings of what happened. There was one police department that was against the recordings until they saw how it could protect them from false charges.
    According to the Supreme Court it is not illegal for citizens to videotape policemen. The NYPD have been known to lie to the public and tell those recording them that they were breaking the law and to hand over their cameras or other recording devices!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    According to the Supreme Court it is not illegal for citizens to videotape policemen. The NYPD have been known to lie to the public and tell those recording them that they were breaking the law and to hand over their cameras or other recording devices!
    Not good. I can picture a scene where someone is near the scene, taking pictures facing the other way and the police, as you described, confiscate the recording device. That could be very bad if the recording the device is the persons phone, which in my case, is my only phone.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    You may be right, but I do know that once he had fallen, they continued to shoot his body. They found that he had been shot through the soles of his feet that traveled up his legs, breaking his femors[[sp?). One of the cops involved lived right up the road from me. They called it "contagious shooting"........... They couldn't stop themselves once they started.
    No excuse for that.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    No, nothing has changed even from when those cops shot Amadou Diallo 46 times back in 1999.
    Don't forget about Sean Bell, who was shot 50 times on his wedding day in a case of mistaken identity. Cops that went on trial were acquitted there, too.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    Don't forget about Sean Bell, who was shot 50 times on his wedding day in a case of mistaken identity. Cops that went on trial were acquitted there, too.
    I was just leaving NYC for the holidays when that happened. My father and I could not make sense of that case at all. That was a crime......... not a tragedy!

    When cops murder innocent people in NY, they and their sympathizers shout "It's a tragedy, not a crime!"

  20. #20
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    I'm having a problem with how the EMT personnel did nothing to help this man. Does anyone else have a problem with that?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I'm having a problem with how the EMT personnel did nothing to help this man. Does anyone else have a problem with that?
    Absolutely. I mentioned it twice. At the very least, they should be fired. No pension. Out the door. Don't come back.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    Absolutely. I mentioned it twice. At the very least, they should be fired. No pension. Out the door. Don't come back.
    What is also appalling and very disturbing to me is that near the end of the video you can see Daniel Pantaleo, the officer that choked and killed Mr. Garner smiling and waving at the camera. Disgusting!

  23. #23
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    I'm pretty sure the cops are also trained in CPR and first aid, yet they did around confused rather than employing emergency aid. I guess I'll have to sell loose cigarettes in Jersey since its a capital crime in New York.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    I'm pretty sure the cops are also trained in CPR and first aid, yet they did around confused rather than employing emergency aid. I guess I'll have to sell loose cigarettes in Jersey since its a capital crime in New York.
    It was never a capital crime in New York, well at least not until last Thursday.

  25. #25
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    Truth time: They were cops, and a big Black man breaking the law was challenging them. One hot-headed cop didn't like that challenge to his authority and put the choke-hold on him.

    The cold truth is that White people in 2014 are still threatened by Black people. Black people are seen as violent. They didn't attempt to resuscitate him because they probably thought he was faking it. They stopped looking at the man as a human and saw him as an animal. Just another n***er thug off the streets is the way they thought. He was a different color person who committed a crime, so neither the cops, nor the EMT workers, could relate to him. They couldn't think that he may be a father and a husband. His life wasn't worth anything to them.

    The same thing goes for the woman in L.L. who was beaten down by a cop on the side of the road, Trayvon Martin, the woman who was shot on the porch, and thousands of others down the line.

    There! I just said what everyone's thinking and what no one else wants to say or admit.
    Last edited by soulster; 07-25-2014 at 11:12 PM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Truth time: They were cops, and a big Black man breaking the law was challenging them. One hot-headed cop didn't like that challenge to his authority and put the choke-hold on him.

    The cold truth is that White people in 2014 are still threatened by Black people. Black people are seen as violent. They didn't attempt to resuscitate him because they probably thought he was faking it. They stopped looking at the man as a human and saw him as an animal. Just another n***er thug off the streets is the way they thought. He was a different color person who committed a crime, so neither the cops, nor the EMT workers, could relate to him. They couldn't think that he may be a father and a husband. His life wasn't worth anything to them.

    The same thing goes for the woman in L.L. who was beaten down by a cop on the side of the road, Trayvon Martin, the woman who was shot on the porch, and thousands of others down the line.

    There! I just said what everyone's thinking and what no one else wants to say or admit.
    Unpleasant truths.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Truth time: They were cops, and a big Black man breaking the law was challenging them. One hot-headed cop didn't like that challenge to his authority and put the choke-hold on him.

    The cold truth is that White people in 2014 are still threatened by Black people. Black people are seen as violent. They didn't attempt to resuscitate him because they probably thought he was faking it. They stopped looking at the man as a human and saw him as an animal. Just another n***er thug off the streets is the way they thought. He was a different color person who committed a crime, so neither the cops, nor the EMT workers, could relate to him. They couldn't think that he may be a father and a husband. His life wasn't worth anything to them.

    The same thing goes for the woman in L.L. who was beaten down by a cop on the side of the road, Trayvon Martin, the woman who was shot on the porch, and thousands of others down the line.

    There! I just said what everyone's thinking and what no one else wants to say or admit.
    and you really told it!

  28. #28
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    Bratton said race does not play a part here. Ari Melber asked on interesting question of on the Last Word. If the incident had involved a well dressed wall street type, would it have played out this way. I think not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    Bratton said race does not play a part here. Ari Melber asked on interesting question of on the Last Word. If the incident had involved a well dressed wall street type, would it have played out this way. I think not.
    Of course not! Unwarranted violence and brutality by the police against anyone is wrong, but until I do see a case where they've done that to say a well dressed wall street type white guy, I am going to believe the way the treated Eric Garner and others had a lot to do with race!

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    The other unpleasant truth here is that this happens much more than we want to realize. In this case, as with Rodney King, it just happened to occur while somebody was recording it. These are not isolated incidents where the cops just go nuts and forget their training. These are indicative of an accepted systemic failure because the cops receive acquittals in the very few cases that go to trial. So, what do they have to lose?

    I have contended for a long time that there are no police officers with clean hands. If they haven't broken the law and their oath, then they all know someone who did. And if they decide to do the right thing? Well, Google the case of Christopher Dorner and see what set him off. When he tried to watch the watchmen, he was ostracized within the LAPD and treated as if he was the problem. Not to excuse his horrible response to being set up and terminated, but the reason that you won't see a movie about him is because nobody will know who the bad guy is in the movie.

    If it didn't happen often, then those cops wouldn't have tried to subdue someone for selling loose cigarettes. They are the police and instead of being held to a higher standard of ethical performance, they have no low standard to maintain. Nobody's going to cross that thin blue line to accuse a brother of being dirty for fear of being treated the way that Dorner was treated.

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    Even Grandpa ain't having it!!!

  32. #32
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    I heard a report where someone said the cops in that precinct do what they want when they want.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    I heard a report where someone said the cops in that precinct do what they want when they want.
    Yeah, that was on Chris Matthews' show on MSNBC last night.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Yeah, that was on Chris Matthews' show on MSNBC last night.
    That is true. I learned that cops from that same Staten Island precint murdered another man recently, His name was Irving Mizell:


  35. #35
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    I guess we can add New York to Los Angeles and the whole state of Florida to the list for Black people to avoid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    That is true. I learned that cops from that same Staten Island precint murdered another man recently, His name was Irving Mizell:

    The fact that the law department hasn't reviewed the case in 16 months tells you that there will be no positive result from that incident. And the three cops are still out doing what they do worst. SMH.

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    It's partly up to the mayor to take some action. If he doesn't, all the votes for him were wasted. What if his bi-racial kids were ever hassled by the cops. What then?

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    And then there's Philadelphia PA: http://www.philly.com/philly/news/br...ion_probe.html

    This one is more them, the cops, against us, not cops.
    Last edited by MotownSteve; 07-31-2014 at 09:56 PM.

  39. #39
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    I got a notice today from NBC News that Eric Gsrner's death has been ruled a homicide.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    I got a notice today from NBC News that Eric Gsrner's death has been ruled a homicide.
    Yes! I am just reading the findings in the NY Daily News. As if we didn't already know......it was murder!


  41. #41
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    Officer Daniel Pantaleo should be arrested immediately! Everyone from the NYPD and the EMT services that were on the scene should be fired immediately!

  42. #42
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    He won't be convicted. All he did was kill a Black man for selling loose cigarettes. We all know that the standard for convicting a cop in this country is for him to walk on stage at a live broadcast of a Victoria's Secret fashion show and take ten minutes to beat, stab, choke, and shoot one of the young white models in front of millions of viewers. And even then, it'll only be manslaughter.
    Last edited by Jerry Oz; 08-01-2014 at 10:06 PM.

  43. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Oz View Post
    He won't be convicted. All he did was kill a Black man for selling loose cigarettes. We all know that the standard for convicting a cop in this country is for him to walk on stage at a live broadcast of a Victoria's Secret fashion show and take ten minutes to beat, stab, come, and shoot one of the young white models in front of millions of viewers. And even then, it'll only be manslaughter.
    Oh, don't forget the offer at Fox news to be an expert commentator.

  44. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulster View Post
    Oh, don't forget the offer at Fox news to be an expert commentator.
    Now that would not surprise me! Hey, I just found out this week that former NYPD cop, Francis Livoti has a Youtube channel where he spends most of his time commenting on how unfair things are for Police Officers when they are forced to kill someone, yeah right! Livoti is the cop that strangled Anthony Baez on the street in front of his home back in 1994. He was initially acquitted in the murder, but was indicted a year later and sentenced to 7 years in prision.

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    I'm still stuck at the beginning in this. Why were they going to arrest him. It should have been a summons to appear in court. He would have taken it and walked away alive. Instead the police over reacted. As a result, we have the situation as described by marv2 above. I'm not sure about firing all the cops at the scene. For some I think arrest would be a more appropriate measure. The EMTs, clearly fire them. Open and shut failure to do their job.
    Last edited by MotownSteve; 08-02-2014 at 11:36 AM.

  46. #46
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    and the "hits" just keep on comin'...........


  47. #47
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    Surprise! [[or is it really?), the NYPD has now arrested the young man, Ramsey Orta that videotaped the murder of Eric Garner.........


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    They say he was arrested for possession of an unloaded gun. Still, it makes me wonder how this came about. Details were rather scarce in the article.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MotownSteve View Post
    They say he was arrested for possession of an unloaded gun. Still, it makes me wonder how this came about. Details were rather scarce in the article.
    They have been known to plant guns and drugs on those they are out to get~!

  50. #50
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    They have been known to plant guns and drugs on those that they are out to get.


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