Randy, you are getting this all balled up. Cher sang background on the DDRR. Phil may be a murderer but that doesn't make him a liar and he's the one that's final authority on the DDRR. Dee Dee's memory is fading also. I read quite a bit information from her published story on an on-line magazine. Phil never came back to New York to do background on the DDRR. I choose to believe La La over Dee Dee. The Christmas album was done in separate sessions and The Crystals and Darlene didn't meet each other. You have to remember that Darlene Love LIED for 30 years about her [[Darlene) being the original singer of the DDRR. My research, and I'm not ashamed to take credit for it, is what caused Darlene Love to finally tell the truth. So I think my track record speaks for itself. The other thing that people forget about or don't think about - where do you think La La Brooks was at all these times? On the moon? Who, besides Phil, should know more about her own record? She was there personally at these events. I have always found her to be 100% truthful. Research has always backed her up.


Go to the 2:16 mark to hear Darlene admit the truth.