This is really an odd question and will take some real old-timers to even remember or have an answer, but I thought I would take a stab at it. In the very late 60s or early 70s, the inner sleeves for many Motown albums were very colorful affairs and one of the things they promoted was an opportunity to join the "fan club" for one of your favorite Motown artists.

I am sure it was quite inexpensive or maybe even free and I distinctly remember that you were supposed to designate one artist that you wanted to join as opposed to the entire label. You were supposed to receive a photo of your favorite, a membership card I am sure, and two or three other items.

Being a teenager at the time who was just getting into Motown, this sounded like the best thing I had ever heard of, so of course I sent in the entry blank, choosing The Marvelettes as I recall as my preferred artist. But I never received anything back.

Does anyone else remember this and if so, did anyone ever actually receive their membership goodies?