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    DIANA ROSS-post 9/11 "God Bless America"

    9/11... celebs and big shots went into hiding after it happened... sports events ,concerts, etc were canceled everywhere out of fear..and then, I recall the first 'star' to 'come out', in a very big way, in a very big, potential target of a place.. I remember it very well...

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    9/11... celebs and big shots went into hiding after it happened... sports events ,concerts, etc were canceled everywhere out of fear..and then, I recall the first 'star' to 'come out', in a very big way, in a very big, potential target of a place.. I remember it very well...

    I don't know about celebs and big shots going into hiding, but I truly appreciate this post; how timely.

    I found another video of the same performance; this one not as crisp, but without all of the feedback.

    I can't say that I remember seeing this at the time but I've watched this non-stop since your posting and Diana Ross is absolutely BRILLIANT.

    This is easily one of Diana's best performances EVER.

    Thank you for sharing.

  3. #3
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    this baseball game, and the Ross performance were the first stage of NY coming out of hiding, I remember it very well,high profile people thought the attacks weren't over yet, and this served as a national major morale booster,and shortly thereafter ,a celebrity studded tv concert to raise funds..look it up
    Last edited by Jimi LaLumia; 09-11-2013 at 05:40 PM.

  4. #4
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    This was a milestone in NYC history. It was a historic night and very emotional. If I'm not mistaken, they even made a documentary about this.

  5. #5
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    This is a Billboard Ad from the 1970's, a big one, saying "NEW YORK LOVES DIANA!"

  6. #6
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    Liza performed later in the game [[during the 7th inning stretch); naturally it was her signature "New York, New York".

    You thought the crowd went crazy for Diana? They went NUTS for Liza. Good thing Diana went on first.

  7. #7
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    Lizard what? Liza WHO??? ...[[you mean ,she did the FRANK SINATRA associated hit?) what trailer park is she playing at these days? national tour much? didn't think so.. she played[[stumbled around) last year on Fire Island to a room full of 90 year old denture wearers .. a real BIG STAR!!!... ha HA!..

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    Lizard what? Liza WHO??? ...[[you mean ,she did the FRANK SINATRA associated hit?) what trailer park is she playing at these days? national tour much? didn't think so.. she played[[stumbled around) last year on Fire Island to a room full of 90 year old denture wearers .. a real BIG STAR!!!... ha HA!..
    She's performing here at Caesar's in Atlantic City on September 28th. I was going to go since I never saw her perform live. But I didn't know that Caesar's was a trailer park. Seats are $ 250. That's too much for a trailer park. I guess I'll skip it.

    She's also booked for the LA Philharmonic too. I thought that was something like our prestigious Fisher Hall in NYC, but that may be a trailer park too.

    It is sad when yesterday's stars fizzle out and fade away.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    Lizard what? Liza WHO??? ...[[you mean ,she did the FRANK SINATRA associated hit?) what trailer park is she playing at these days? national tour much? didn't think so.. she played[[stumbled around) last year on Fire Island to a room full of 90 year old denture wearers .. a real BIG STAR!!!... ha HA!..
    Thats not nice and real unfair Jimi. Lizas a living legend and can still fill concert halls. Show the lady some respect.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    Thats not nice and real unfair Jimi. Lizas a living legend and can still fill concert halls. Show the lady some respect.

    Oh, Roberta
    , he's just pissed because he wanted to make it out like Diana was SO BRAVE and the ONLY ONE to sing in a public place in NY after 9/11, and so his omission of Liza singing at the same game [[And someone else pointing it out) took the wind out of his sails. Liza is a legend, and she does not deserve that kind of bad mouthing. It seems like he thinks ANY celebrity that isn't Diana Ross is fair game for him, not just Mary Wilson, or Martha.

  11. #11
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    well, Ross came out first, at the opening, when people were STILL AWAKE...
    and the not so friendly section I reacted to was this..
    "They went NUTS for Liza. Good thing Diana went on first. "...
    which is nonsense either way, but I will say that one should never start a hair pulling contest[[an attempt to demean Ross' participation in this historic event), if the hair puller isn't prepared to get their own hair pulled in response....is alll...girls!!!

  12. #12
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    On the anniversary of 9/11 Jim simply posted a video of Diana singing "God bless America" at the first major event in NYC after the attack. This wasn't about Liza- who isn't soulful, and isn't from Detroit. There was no need to mention her in order to post the video of Diana. As always, a thread about Diana had to be derailed. With that said, Jim, I must say that you didn't have to go there about Liza.
    Last edited by skooldem1; 09-12-2013 at 06:32 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    On the anniversary of 9/11 the Jim simply posted a video of Diana singing "God bless America" at the first major event in NYC after the attack. This wasn't about Liza- who isn't soulful, and isn't from Detroit. There was no need to mention her in order to post the video of Diana. As always, a thread about Diana had to be derailed. With that said, Jim, I must say that you didn't have to go there about Liza.
    Most topics are turned into conversations. Mary Brewster did not go off topic. The topic was about post 9/11 and how we were all trying to get back to a normal life. Diana and Liza both did their part that night to try to bring us back to normal. MB said the crowd went crazy for Diana and nuts for Liza. MB showed no disrespect for Diana. In fact MB just attended Diana's concert and spoke glowingly about it. MB also thanked Jim for starting this thread and said that Diana's performance of God Bless America was brilliant. There was no Diana bashing from MB.
    And there was no need to say disrespectful things about Liza.

    MB is not a Diana basher. We only have one terrible Diana basher here and he has been oddly quiet this week, possibly because it is his birthday week and that is his present to us. But he will be bashing Diana soon. Don't put Mary Brewster in that category.

  14. #14
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    I didn't say Marybrewster bashed anyone.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    I didn't say Marybrewster bashed anyone.
    No, you didn't. But Jim's response to MB was similar to the one's he deservedly gives to our number one Diana basher.

    But back to 9/11. I don't remember the Liza performance but I do remember Diana's and it was quite moving. I also remember how deftly David Letterman handled the situation on the first day of regular broadcasting. It was extrememly difficult to transition to comedy after broadcasting three days of the tragedy

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    9/11... celebs and big shots went into hiding after it happened... sports events ,concerts, etc were canceled everywhere out of fear..and then, I recall the first 'star' to 'come out', in a very big way, in a very big, potential target of a place.. I remember it very well...

    Sorry, Jimi La-loonia... but the FIRST one to perform that night was this man:

    And You make it sound like Ross is so brave to perform at this game, in your words, a "Big, target of a place".... But where does she go after her performance? Home to the safety of her suburban compound in Connecticut. While Liza goes home to her penthouse in Manhattan, walking distance from ground zero. And here is Liza's peformance from that night. Notice how the entire stadium erupts in thunderous applause even BEFORE she finishes the song. Did they do that for Ross? Uh.. NO.
    Last edited by jillfoster; 09-12-2013 at 10:13 PM.

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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    this baseball game, and the Ross performance were the first stage of NY coming out of hiding, I remember it very well,high profile people thought the attacks weren't over yet, and this served as a national major morale booster,and shortly thereafter ,a celebrity studded tv concert to raise funds..look it up

    First of all, we were never in hiding! There was a lot of sadness, shock and yep some anger, but never a great amount of fear. Also, I don't think you could find 3 people in New York City Metro that can remember Diana Ross singing during that time.

  19. #19
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    At 4:45...the announcer said of Liza "And she LIFTED this crowd, which at times, has been rather subdued." Yep..AND let's also notice that although Diana's performance was perfectly fine, Liza IS New York, and truly CONNECTED with the audience, she performed with fire and passion. Liza hugged the cops and the players. Diana Ross touched NOBODY. It's like she didn't want to mess uo her extnesions or something, she couldn't even shake the hand of any person coming to or from the plate. Notice how the policeman put his hat on Liza's head, and she LOVED it, and used that hat with STYLE, that's because she's REAL, she's APPROACHABLE, nobody would have even considered doing that to Ross, they'd be afraid she's kick the poor guy in the nuts.
    Last edited by jillfoster; 09-12-2013 at 11:06 PM.

  20. #20
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    Liza was a big fat pill head that night, propped up by cops on each side so she wouldn't fall down!..and singing a song about New York that was a hit for Frank Sinatra, of course people are going to cheer at a Mets game.. as to NYC not being fearful so soon after the attacks, well Marv, you may be self appointed spokesperson for Dee Troit and where ever, but you know nothing and have nothing to say about NY.. Diana Ross has held the deed to the tri state area since 1964!..Lizard has held a handful of expired prescriptions from her mother's medicine cabinet!... your turn, kids!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    9/11... celebs and big shots went into hiding after it happened... sports events ,concerts, etc were canceled everywhere out of fear..and then, I recall the first 'star' to 'come out', in a very big way, in a very big, potential target of a place.. I remember it very well...

    I remember this performance it was on tv the night of the game.
    I t was an emotional performance "God Bless America" triumphs imo over
    New York , New York any day. Liza performance was upbeat Diana's performance was emotional, and very well felt it, esp with it being so fresh, the wounds were not healed and the song touched all, Diana didn't have to mingle with the audience she did her job, and that was all that was needed, she waved to the guys on the field and the manager of the mets cheered her on.

  22. #22
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    Another thread about Diana Ross where it has to turn into a Diana vs. [[fill in the blank).

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by skooldem1 View Post
    Another thread about Diana Ross where it has to turn into a Diana vs. [[fill in the blank).
    Your'e having an orgasm right now and you know it.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    Liza hugged the cops and the players. Diana Ross touched NOBODY. It's like she didn't want to mess uo her extnesions or something, she couldn't even shake the hand of any person coming to or from the plate.
    During rehearsals Diana did "touch" people. Here are some memories that people shared of this night.

    In the late afternoon I had to get out of my office so I went up to my box from which I would watch the game. I was sad and wanted to be alone. I looked down on the field and there was a gospel group getting set up to rehearse with Diana Ross. They were to sing "God Bless America" during the seventh-inning stretch. I sat there as they prepared wondering what the night would bring. I didn't know whether the stadium would be a target for the terrorists so soon after the 9/11 attacks. I wondered how many people would show up for the game. I wondered if life would feel this scary forever.

    Then they started to sing. Diana Ross and these kids started to sing "God Bless America." I watched as Ms. Ross sang with passion and truth. She went from person to person and touched each singer's face with a gentle touch, letting them know they were safe. She looked in each of their eyes and made it clear that they were all going to be OK.


    There was a moment that took place on the field before our first game back after 9/11 that will always stay with me. Diana Ross was rehearsing before the game with the gospel group she was performing "God Bless America" with that night. While singing, she went from person to person in the gospel group touching their faces as they were signing. It was an emotional time and that, to me, was such an emotional moment. Then the game that night was capped off by the dramatic home run by Piazza to win it. It felt like a win, not only for the Mets but for the whole of New York City.

    Last edited by skooldem1; 09-12-2013 at 11:27 PM.

  25. #25
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    it is not diana vs. it is Diana and a brilliant performance until someone made a comparison of another singer.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    Liza was a big fat pill head that night, propped up by cops on each side so she wouldn't fall down!..and singing a song about New York that was a hit for Frank Sinatra, of course people are going to cheer at a Mets game.. as to NYC not being fearful so soon after the attacks, well Marv, you may be self appointed spokesperson for Dee Troit and where ever, but you know nothing and have nothing to say about NY.. Diana Ross has held the deed to the tri state area since 1964!..Lizard has held a handful of expired prescriptions from her mother's medicine cabinet!... your turn, kids!
    You do know that Diane was a roaring drunk during this period? Of course, nobody SEES her drinking, she must keep up appearances, so she most likely uses Vodka enemas so she doens't bloat up with all those extra calories. A diva has to keep her figure, after all, especially when she doens't have the personality to compensate.
    Last edited by jillfoster; 09-12-2013 at 11:52 PM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jillfoster View Post
    You do know that Diane was a roaring drunk during this period? Of course, nobody SEES her drinking, she must keep up appearances, so she most likely uses Vodka enemas so she doens't bloat up with all those extra calories. A diva has to keep her figure, after all, especially when she doens't have the personality to compensate.
    She was drunk all the time before, during and after RTL. She ended up in rehab twice [[that we know of.....).

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    Liza was a big fat pill head that night, propped up by cops on each side so she wouldn't fall down!..and singing a song about New York that was a hit for Frank Sinatra, of course people are going to cheer at a Mets game.. as to NYC not being fearful so soon after the attacks, well Marv, you may be self appointed spokesperson for Dee Troit and where ever, but you know nothing and have nothing to say about NY.. Diana Ross has held the deed to the tri state area since 1964!..Lizard has held a handful of expired prescriptions from her mother's medicine cabinet!... your turn, kids!
    I am more of a New Yorker than you'll ever be, Mr "Longuyland"! You don't even go into the city. She is not even popular enough to sell tickets at Jones Beach anymore which is why her RTL show was cancelled on L.I.! So dont' even try it!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by marv2 View Post
    I am more of a New Yorker than you'll ever be, Mr "Longuyland"! You don't even go into the city. She is not even popular enough to sell tickets at Jones Beach anymore which is why her RTL show was cancelled on L.I.! So dont' even try it!
    You are jealous obsessed and unhappy. Go back to your retirement trailer in Florida and find some love

  30. #30
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    yes, Marv -olous..I suppose that's why Diana Ross's RTL show SOLD OUT Madison Square Garden during that tour, cos NY doesn't like her..she WAS very generous that evening, I understand that she allowed Mary Wilson to set up a hot dog stand in the alley behind MSG!..oooo hoo hoo!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    yes, Marv -olous..I suppose that's why Diana Ross's RTL show SOLD OUT Madison Square Garden during that tour, cos NY doesn't like her..she WAS very generous that evening, I understand that she allowed Mary Wilson to set up a hot dog stand in the alley behind MSG!..oooo hoo hoo!!!
    MSG did not sell out and that's been confirmed. Now had it been Mary Wilson, Diana Ross and Cindy Birdsong it would have sold out everyday for a week at a minimum. New York remembers how she tried to back out of paying for that small kids park in Central
    Park until Mayor Koch put her on blast and she had to cough up the money she owed the city!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    You are jealous obsessed and unhappy. Go back to your retirement trailer in Florida and find some love
    and you are just plain ridiculous.......

  33. #33
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    actually, I agree, I was hoping for the Ross/Wilson/Birdsong version, I was bashing Ross when this happened too.. then I took a closer look at Mary Wilson's unfortunate stance on what could have been a lucrative enterprise for her, and how anger and willfulness got in the way,and how it always will, she seems addicted to it..and I stopped bashing Ross, and went back to LUVING her..

  34. #34
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    Again this is another example of a thread ruined by a group of Mary Wilson Diane Ross fans acting like catty schoolgirls. Grown bitchy men who should know better. Pitiful........real real pitiful.

    You ought to hang your heads in shame.


  35. #35
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    I hope you're not talking about me!..lol..I ran a 9/11 remembrance in regard to a Motown artist's involvement, no snark attached..the snark showed up on it's own..and when it does, I AM very good at responding to it!

  36. #36
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    This has turned into another thread of a few people hijacking this forum. Shame on you guys for always taking this stuff way south.
    I wonder why I don't post to this site very much anymore or waste my time on it, when I read this thread the answer is very clear.

  37. #37
    smark21 Guest
    This thread is one meanspirited trainwreck of a thread with posts from a number of people that are ultimately disrespectful of the events following 9/11 that were aimed to start healing and restore spirits. The event at Shea Stadium on 9/17 was just one of many events in NYC and across the nation to help the nation deal with what happened and resume normal activities such as Major League Baseball. Below is a link to mlb.com listing events across the Major Leagues in the aftermath of 9/11. All of them played a role in helping people and they should be respected as such.


    The performances by Diana Ross, Marc Anthony, and Liza Minnelli should all be respected for what they were aiming to do. But not everyone in NYC was paying attention to the events at Shea that night. Some were still at Ground Zero leading recovery and clean up efforts. Others were in mourning. Others were still holding out hope that a loved one would show up. Others were dealing the trauma of the day. And far less poignantly, others were Yankees fans [[there are two MLB teams in NYC) who don’t pay much mind to the Mets, or not sports fans at all.

    I lived in NYC in 2001 and I vaguely recall this event along with many others. But to claim as Jimi and Skooldem that Diana Ross singing God Bless America was a significant turning point in the history of NYC in the aftermath of 9/11 is really over the top and evidence of deranged fandom, as are the attacks by Marv and Jill Foster on Diana Ross and the attacks on Liza Minnelli and Mary Wilson and the overall silly diva fan infighting on this thread. I highly suspect that many of the baseball fans in attendance that night were at most casual fans of Ross, Minnelli and/or Anthony, but appreciated the talents they brought to bear on the patriotic or NYC boosterism songs they performed.

    IMO, the post 9/11 concert/musical performance that most resonated in NYC in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 was the concert for Firefighters and First Responders that was held at Madison Square Garden. It was called The Concert for New York City and it was held on October 20, 2001. It was mostly classic rock acts, but those acts and their music really resonated for the firefighters and first responders in attendance. They did more than just patriotic [[for USA or NYC) songs like God Bless America and New York, New York, but played songs that touched a wide range of emotional experiences. Here’s the wiki article on the event:


  38. #38
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    All I simply said was this:

    This was a milestone in NYC history. It was a historic night and very emotional. If I'm not mistaken, they even made a documentary about this.

    I was referring to that night. Not Diana Ross specifically. You are so quick to be judgmental that you obviously didn't comprehend what I said.

    Resuming the play of sports was big for the morale of New Yorkers. Nothing I said was deranged fandom. Like I said, there was a documentary made of the night. It was not about Diana Ross or Liza Minnelli. It was about New Yorkers. They were simply there to lend their voices.
    Last edited by skooldem1; 09-13-2013 at 04:34 PM.

  39. #39
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    and famous figures WERE lying low after the attacks, Broadway, pop/rock concerts, 'live' entertainment programs all went dark as the "War On Terror' was being sold around the clock, convinicing people that there was more to come.. if someone can point me to an outdoor event of this nature that happened after 9/11 and before the Shea event, I'd love to be reminded of it.. and yes, people did think that it was brave and possibly dangerous to decide that 'the show must go on' when this did, a major 'back to business' morale builder..

  40. #40
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    And there was an ad placed in Billboard saying New York Loves Diana when she broke the Palace Theatre gross record.

  41. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    And there was an ad placed in Billboard saying New York Loves Diana when she broke the Palace Theatre gross record.

    That had to have been something like 37-38 years ago pre-
    "Dreamgirl, My Life As A Supreme".........

  42. #42
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    OK....I was at the game. I had a cousin injured in 9/11 and we drove out that day to be with his wife. They had just moved from Woodford to the big city and she was alone and petrified. MUCH of NYC was shut down. MANY people were, in fact, "in hiding." Enough people were not venturing out that delivery services of all kinds were beyond capacity for quite a while. "Nothing fazes New Yorkers" no longer applied as thosands suffered PTSD. Many were still in shock a week later. Anyone who suggests otherwise is either lying or totally misinformed. There was much trepidation as to when it would be safe to resume public events. With assurances from The White House that it was safe, The Mets game was scheduled with Michael Jackson as the #1 pick to sing God Bless America. That plan quickly fizzled and Ross, second choice, despite still being extremely affected by 911, agreed. I think everyone there was nervous to some degree. It was impossible to get to sound check - I tried everything. Security was layers thick which added to the unease. When Diana appeared, she was warmly received and admired for her bravery. If a diva of her legend was appearing in public as a possible target, they felt safer. A global icon with multigenerational appeal was needed, and it was the first home run of the night. While there are varying reports of how Liza became involved, I believe Diana helped with it as they had been friends for 30 years and, short of cash more than usual, Liza was paid if sh showed. She definitely energized the crowd more than Ross, but some of that was due to the fact that, by then, two hours had passed and the crowd was much more comfortable. Neither was in top form but Diana clearly was not at ease. Lastly, I'm very disappointed at anyone doing Diana vs_______ on this topic. As terrible as it was watching 9/11 on TV in Bloomington, BEING there 36 hours later was a slap in the face I'll never forget. My heart still goes out to everyone affected by 9/11, and my admiration for New Yorkers couldn't be higher.

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    thank you..you couldn't have been more spot on as to the reality..
    some here acted like it was just another night out for NY'ers and they were judging which performer they liked better... NY'ers were still soiling their pants this close to 9/11, waiting for another shoe to drop., and were warmed by the notion of 'famous' people coming out of hiding, cos they were.. the big concert, which was in a controlled television studio, happened a bit after this 'turning point' event, perhaps because of the 'green light' provided by this event..

  44. #44
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    New York has always been a huge market for Diana and this was another landmark, stand up, hit the spot moment for her and New York. There was no reason other than the usual obsession to start trying to minimize it away or belittle it. We, especially Roberta, would have loved it if it were Martha. Marv would have whizzed himself if it were Mary and we all would have been pleased. The same respect should be accorded the lady who popularized Motown.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jobeterob View Post
    New York has always been a huge market for Diana and this was another landmark, stand up, hit the spot moment for her and New York. There was no reason other than the usual obsession to start trying to minimize it away or belittle it. We, especially Roberta, would have loved it if it were Martha. Marv would have whizzed himself if it were Mary and we all would have been pleased. The same respect should be accorded the lady who popularized Motown.
    The difference being jobeterob I would have praised Martha Reeves without trashing Liza Minneli, Diane Ross or Mary Wilson and I would have kept the thread respectful in honor of those who die on 9/11. To trash Miss Minelli and call her a pill adict and to trash Miss Ross and call her a drunk who has vodka enemas is beyond disgusting and to turn a 9/11 healing performances by Liza and Diane into another RTL rehash is pitiful and shameful and disgusting and some on this thread ought to hang they heads in shame and ask God to forgoive them. Ralph out to ban Jimi, Marv and jillfoster for they vile comments.

    3000 people died on Sptember 11 and all you care about is elevating and tearing down the performers who sang in the mindset of healing. smh in disgust.

    Last edited by Roberta75; 09-14-2013 at 01:35 PM.

  46. #46
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    excuse me, robert, I started the thread in regard to 9/11 and a Motown performer..the caustic Liza comments were in response to an attempt to downplay my thread, even insinuating that people weren't hiding/fearful , just to make some convoluted Ross bashing point.. so don't lump me into thread bashing alongside those who showed up to bash the thread that I started in the first place..

  47. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimi LaLumia View Post
    excuse me, robert, I started the thread in regard to 9/11 and a Motown performer..the caustic Liza comments were in response to an attempt to downplay my thread, even insinuating that people weren't hiding/fearful , just to make some convoluted Ross bashing point.. so don't lump me into thread bashing alongside those who showed up to bash the thread that I started in the first place..
    My name is Roberta and with all due respects you could and should have taken the high road with this tasteless comment

    "Jimi LaLumia Lizard what? Liza WHO??? ...[[you mean ,she did the FRANK SINATRA associated hit?) what trailer park is she playing at these days? national tour much? didn't think so.. she played[[stumbled around) last year on Fire Island to a room full of 90 year old denture wearers .. a real BIG STAR!!!... ha HA!"

    Your comment encouraged jillfoster and marvs disgusting comments and then you continue to trash Miss Minneli on a thread related to 9/11 a day where 3000 souls were innocently slaughter.

    You could and should have taken the high road Jimi but you didnt. May God forgive you.


  48. #48
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    actually, I suppose marybrewster steered the wheel in that direction with this..
    "Liza performed later in the game [[during the 7th inning stretch); naturally it was her signature "New York, New York".

    You thought the crowd went crazy for Diana? They went NUTS for Liza. Good thing Diana went on first. "
    ..which brought this into who's better than who ville, and I was outraged that a 9/11 thread would take that turn, and knowing what was sure to follow, I did a pre emptive strike..
    Liza Minnelli was singing along with a track anyway, anyone could hear it, and she was wobbling around, hardly respectful of that day's event... and she was paid to show up..so there ya go..
    Last edited by Jimi LaLumia; 09-14-2013 at 05:24 PM.

  49. #49
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    Feb 2011
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    marybrewster didnt take the thread south Jimi and I never once said the crown went crazy for Diane. I respect Miss Minneli and Miss Ross and thank them for they patriotism that day but this was a somber and real sad occasion not a contest as to whos better or who the crowd loved more. No it was you and marv and jillfoster that took this thread to a disgustting low and on the anniversary of 9/11 shows you all showed no class and no dignity and no respect to the memory of those who perish on 9/11.

    Thats all im going to say because I am still smh over you all's behavior.


  50. #50
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    Aug 2010
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roberta75 View Post
    marybrewster didnt take the thread south Jimi and I never once said the crown went crazy for Diane. I respect Miss Minneli and Miss Ross and thank them for they patriotism that day but this was a somber and real sad occasion not a contest as to whos better or who the crowd loved more. No it was you and marv and jillfoster that took this thread to a disgustting low and on the anniversary of 9/11 shows you all showed no class and no dignity and no respect to the memory of those who perish on 9/11.

    Thats all im going to say because I am still smh over you all's behavior.

    Look, I had three people I knew personally die in that tragedy. Keep your opinions to yourself when it comes to talking bout me. You don't know me at all. Use your sorry instigating skills on someone else!


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